30 April 2007
Last car boot for the month of April
As I have mentioned before, the car boot at Furnance End is huge. I have never had the chance to go over the whole place. Because of the slope and rough paths, pushing a pushchair can be quite a challenge. One of the main reasons we bought a Quinny Speedi push chair over eBay.
Bought a lot of stuff this Sunday as compared to the last. Probably because my wife was there too and she always spots some nice stuff.
Here are the stuff we bought this time:
- 2 Ikea Smila lights: £1.50 One hasn't even been opened yet.
- 2 Jigsaw puzzles : £1 These are for my daughter.
- Table lamp:£1 Later found out that the bulb was not working.
- Tomato and Marrigold seedlings: £1
- 4 seed packets (carrots and courgettes): £1
- Toothpaste: 50p
- 3 Uplighters: 50p
- Paper shredder (manual): 50p
- Air bed (as new, single with foot pump): £2.50. A real bargain.
Total: £9.50. Not bad and we got some real good deals.
Related posts:
- Furnace End car boot
- Car booting March 18
- Rainy carboot day
- Car Booty in Coventry
- Cheapest books ever
Tags: Car boot sale CJ's Car Boot
Watching the clouds go by
The best were the islands off Terengganu on the east coast of Malaysia. It where you could get away from it all - with no mobile phone connections, no newspapers and usually only one TV set for the whole resort.
Just relaxing in a hammock between two palm trees on the beach with a favorite book or just watch the clouds go by. Sigh! Falling asleep was never this easy. That's real relaxation.
Talking about hammocks, visit HammocksRock.com to learn all about Hammocks. I was really amazed to realize that there were so many different types of hammocks that are available. I didn't even know that there was such a thing as a Hammock Chair. I also learnt that the best hammocks are cotton hammocks - those made from cotton.
You can also read about hammock stands because not every body has 2 coconut trees growing in their backyard.
Trips to the tip
Simply can't understand why people would throw bottles, cans and other rubbish into your backyard when there is an excellent Waste collection service that comes every Thursday.
Anyway, had two make two trips to the Public Waste Recycling and Disposal Facility (the Tip)off London Road yesterday. It was back breaking work but it was worth it.
Related post: Getting the gardening itch
28 April 2007
Free handphones with T-mobile and Wirefly
Of the two model mentioned above, I would definitely go for the Motorola PEBL. Though not the most high tech of phones available, I love it's curvaceous design and the unique external screen. Trying it out at the local store, I really liked the feel of this phone on my hands and the clamshell open mechanism is really smooth.
However, it's not on the top 10 list of T-mobiles phones listed on the site, given below:
#1: Samsung Stripe
#2: Dragon Tattoo RAZR
#3: BlackBerry Pearl
#4: Plum Samsung T509
#5: Motorola v3i D&G
#6: Samsung T619
#7: Samsung T519 Trace
#8: Samsung T719
#9: Nokia 6133
#10: Samsung T319
If you live in the US, you can check whether you are eligible for the the online offers by entering your zip code.
For your information, Wirefly.com is the online storefront of InPhonic Inc. It has received a number of Internet awards, including Forbes magazine's "Best of the Web" for 2004 and Keynote System's "Best In Overall Customer Experience" in 2005. Wirefly.com is also the Internet's #1 Store for Cell Phones and Plans.
University of Warwick students are the best
I don't know about you guys, but quiz shows can be really exciting. You feel really great when you know the answer but the contestants don't and followed by "the answer is xyz, stupid!"
It has been proven that the University of Warwick has the brightest students in the country. A team from the University recently won the TV show University Challenge 2007. This was out of a total of 28 teams from various Universities here in the UK, which entered this year's competition.
The winning team from Warwick was made up of Daisy Christodoulo ( the Captain), Harold Wyber, Rory Gill and Prakesh Patel. To reach the finals they beat Emmanuel College, Cambridge in the first round; University of East Anglia in the second round; Aberystwyth in the quarter finals and University College London in the semis. In the finals, they beat Manchester University, the previous year's champions (170 points to 140). The finals was aired on BBC 2 on 16th of this month.
Related links:
- The University of Warwick Wins University Challenge
- Warwick wins University Challenge
Educational science toys
As she grows up, I want to make sure that she doesn't grow up to dislike science. One way to show that science is fun is to buy her fun educational science toys.
Sciencekits.com is an online retailer of educational science kits and toys. I was quite impressed with the wide selection of scientific toys and kits to choose from. In fact I won't mind playing with them
One product category I was attracted to were the robot kits and one I really liked in particular was the Spider III. Not really suitable for my kids as yet, but it should appeal to a lot of older kids. This weird looking robot avoids obstacles in it's path using an infrared beam. It can even find its way out of a maze.
The Nitty-Gritty Soil Science would be quite useful too. There are a number of cool science experiments for fun activities and games. As I have started gardening, it would be interesting to find out how to perform pH, nitrate, phosphate and potassium soil tests.
Just realised that the toys would be cool for adults too.
Sat nav ready

Check out my new toy!
This seems to be the favourite phrase of bloggers whenever they show off a new gadget they have acquired. I too am guilty of the same and have done so a few times in the past.
Recently bid and won a gadget on e-bay. It's definitely not a toy though I was playing around with it a bit when we received it by mail today. After getting lost in Nottingham, we realised that we really needed one.
I am talking about my new TomTom ONE Sat Nav. It's not actually new but the previous owner really maintained it nicely as I can't see a single scratch on it.
Previously, I was thinking of getting a PDA with sat nav but the ones I wanted were way too costly and out of my budget. In the end I decided to go for the TomTom ONE.
The TomTom One has loads of features. This includes among others:
- Plug and Go: Works straight out of the box.
- High quality touchscreen. The screen is 3.5 inches diagonally, which is quite good enough for me.
- User-friendly menu with high resolution graphics.
- Fast GPS signal fix. Took about a minute when I first tried it out.
- Safety camera information. Very important here in the UK as the fine can be really heavy.
- Car speed linked volume.
- Searchable postcode digits.
- It also has dynamic routing. Say you miss a turning, it will automatically redirect you to a new route.
- Includes points of interest. Great if you are on holiday and looking for banks, rest areas or museums.
- The user interface now includes 22 languages, including Bahasa Malaysia (called Ella). However, I prefer Jane (UK English).
I also like the fact that it is quite lightweight and can fit easily inside my trousers pocket. There have been a spate of sat nav thefts in the West Midlands and I am definitely not going to risk losing it by leaving it in the car for all to see.
Checked various online retailers and the cheapest is in Amazon.com
Related posts:
- High Tea at Nottingham
- PDA with sat nav
Tags: Sat Nav TomTom ONE Satellite Navigation
Fast implementation of CRM
One major advantage of the AIMpromote system over other CRM software is that it doesn't have the unnecessary and confusing options. These are completely eliminated so that your marketing staff won't have to spend unnecessary time on it and get on with the marketing job.
A properly configured AIMpromote account will require that only key administrators have full access, and other users will use only specific pieces of the software. This of course can be changes at any time. In other words, your sales force in a position to focus more on making sales, and less on learning software.
In fact AIMpromote is setting new standards in online sales management software and is changing the way that businesses are managing their sales teams.
You can try it out (full featured version) for 14 days, if you sign up now.
27 April 2007
Giant WiFi hotspot in London
The city wide network currently comprises of 127 nodes and has been built onto existing street features such as lamp posts and street signs. The supported service providers include O2, BT Openzone, iPass, Truphone and Skype.
Internet access will be Free during this launch month only. They say "provided in association with Nokia" meaning Nokia sponsored it.
More cities in the UK are are expected to follow suit.
Tags: Cloud London Square Mile WiFi
Auctions with a twist
Yes! You can bid just 1 cent on a cool product and win if you are the only one who bid 1 cent for that product. Talking about cool products - people were bidding on amazing products like a Scion XB car, Samsung 50" Plasma TV, an Apple iPhone and lots more.
Joining in is quite easy. Once you have registered on the site you can start bidding. Just follow the steps:
STEP 1: Select your the item you are interest in by clicking it's image.
STEP 2: Enter your cellphone number and your bid amounts in cents.
After the auction ends, check to see if your bid was the lowest unique one. If yes! You won the prize.
26 April 2007
Monkeys and their bananas
Put five monkeys in a cage. Put a ladder in the cage with a bunch of bananas at the top. As soon as one monkey starts to climb the ladder, spray cold water on all the monkeys. When another tries to climb, spray cold water on all the monkeys again. Soon, no monkey will attempt to climb the ladder.
Now, remove one monkey and put a new monkey in the cage. The new monkey will see the bananas and try to climb the ladder. Not wanting to be sprayed with cold water again, the other monkeys will quickly pull him down.
Remove a second monkey and put a new monkey in the cage. Again, the new monkey will see the bananas and try to climb the ladder. Not wanting to be sprayed with cold water, the other monkeys will quickly pull him down.
Repeat this process until all five original monkeys are gone, and five new monkeys are in the cage. None will try to climb the ladder, and none will understand why.
Now, remove all five monkeys and put a brand new monkey in the cage. The monkey will quickly climb the ladder and eat the bananas. Don't spray any cold water.
Put the five original monkeys back in the cage with the one brand new monkey who has tasted the delicious bananas. Replenish the bananas.
The brand new monkey will again climb up the ladder. Despite the efforts of the older monkeys to hold him down, the brand new monkey has tasted the bananas, he will strive again until he succeeds.
When he succeeds, the other five monkeys will realize that bananas are worth the climb, and worth the risk of some cold water. They, too, will climb the ladder and enjoy the delicious bananas.
Moral of the story ?
- Fresh perspective is important to continue growth and success.
- A little cold water can destroy a lot of motivation.
- New staff tend to take on the behavioral characteristics of your existing team members. Therefore, be sure your new hires are coached and mentored by the best of your existing team.
- Trying something new can yield delicious rewards.
If you are the boss of an organisation, it's something worth thinking about.
(Source : Up Your Service ! by Ron Kaufman)
Eclipse broadband services
You have a choice from three Business Broadband options, namely:
Option 1: small office,
Option 2: wireless office and
Option 3: large wireless office
The last 2 options come with free wireless router. All options come with unlimited downloads for a fixed price and FREE telephone calls.
Google acquires Tonic Systems
Google already has online Documents and Spreadsheets. I really find it convenient to open attached documents from my Gmail account and most of all the fact that I can share and collaborate with others online. The ability to make and collaborate on presentation slides would be a welcome addition. It is expected to come out this summer. Yet another addition to the Google family.
Read the whole news on the official Google blog here.
Tags: Google Presentations Tonic Systems
Detecting wireless interference sources
More important is the fact that interference can affect your Wifi LAN security. With wifi networking becoming so common, there is a need to understand sources of of wireless interference. I would like to point out that the Farpoint Group, a leading wireless advisory firm, has validated industry research on the effects of interference, pointing out the importance of finding out sources of interference.
In case you are in charge of Wireless Networking in your organisation, take a look at the Cognio products that can detect rogue access points and network jammers. Their spectrum analysis tool classifies and identifies sources of wireless interference.
The expat meme
Name five things you love in your new country:
1. The excellent public transport facilities
2. The beautiful parks
3. Car boot sales
4. Courteous drivers
5. Fast internet access (at least as compared to Malaysia)
Name four things that you miss from your native country. (I’ll take Malaysia)
1. My family and friends(similar to Lilian)
2. Cheap food
3. Malls that open way late (sometimes past midnight)
4. Being able to go out at midnight to have a cup of teh tarik (pulled tea) and eat a late supper at a 24 hours open mamak stall.
Name three things that annoy you a bit (or much) in your new country:
1. The NHS doctors who are not very friendly (except for one lady doctor)
2. High tax on almost everything (including TV)
3. Racist yobs.
Name two things that surprise you (or surprised you in the beginning) in your new country:
1. The fact that most of the houses up for rental were owned by British of Pakistani origin (at least in Coventry and Birmingham).
2. Finding out that a lot of things are way better in Malaysia. This includes the level of service provided by some companies which leaves a lot to be desired.
Name one thing that you would miss terribly in your new country, if you had to leave it:
1. Nothing much actually. I guess I am still new here to miss anything.
I pass this meme on to anyone who would like to do it.
25 April 2007
All in one web messenger
Koolim is a new Web Messenger that allows you to access MSN, Yahoo, AIM, Google Talk and ICQ. You don't need to install anything on your computer - no extra software or Java plug-ins into your computer. All you need is a a computer with a browser and internet access.
Also a great option to get in touch with family and friends through your favourite messenger when it is blocked on your organisation's firewall. However, make sure that your boss doesn't find out.
Kryptonite discovered in Siberia
The chemical composition of Kyrptonite is supposed to be "sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide with fluorine." (from the 2006 movie "Superman Returns").
Well they have discovered a new mineral with the exact chemical composition in Siberia. However, it is white in colour, not radioactive and does not contain fluorine. They have named it Jadarite and not Kyrptonite. I am not joking.
Read the article on the Discovery site here.
Why you need breakdown cover 2
I rushed back and picked up Naz. Learned that the AA people had come and left. The mechanic had refused to wait and told Aznil that it was out of his hands. Really felt bad for Aznil. He had just arrived from Malaysia and jet lagged. And there he was, freezing by the motorway.
When we reached him, another tow truck had just arrived. The tow truck was to take the car to the nearest service area - being Tamworth. It was about 5 minutes drive and for that he took £115. He also informed us that the car had been left on the highway for way too long and a police fine might be coming in the mail soon. I hope not.
I was relieved that we were at least out of the motorway. Aznil called up the AA as soon as we reached the rest area. They informed that they would be sending someone 90 minutes later.
We went over and had drinks and some snacks. I suddenly realised that I haven't had lunch. Felt sightly better after that.
The AA guy finally arrived right on the dot. He put in a temporary hose and recharged the battery. Our spirits lifted when the engine started but went down again when it died. The mechanic's diagnosis was the the engine had been damaged and it wouldn't take them either to Nottingham or to Coventry.
At that moment in time, it was like a blur and I couldn't think of anything. Can just imagine how Aznil and Naz were feeling.
Finally there was some good news, the mechanic was able to get in touch with a mechanic who would be able to tow them back to Nottingham but they would have to pay around £50. Of course, they readily agreed.
I returned to our house in Coventry to fetch the kids (around 22 miles). It was around 10 pm when I reached the Tamworth service area. The tow truck was not there yet but was on the way. So with nothing more to do, I went back home. Had gone back and forth between my house and their car 8 times yesterday. Not sure how many miles I had driven. You go do the maths.
It was a tiring day but I learnt a lot of lessons with #1 being:
"Don't procrastinate! Go get a breakdown cover ASAP."
Ladies headgear
I was amazed at the range of hats on various sites. There are all kinds of hats for almost every occasion, from a day at the beach to weddings or to a day at the Royal Ascot (which is coming up) or any other special event. Some look really crazy and I wonder who would ever wear those but I guess someone eventually will. Other hair accessories includes tiaras, combs, clamps, and headbands among others. Just that extra personal touch to make you look special. I am sure you fashion conscious ladies know what I mean.
I am lucky I am a guy and do not have to worry about a headgear.
24 April 2007
Google is #1 brand
The ranking called 2007 brandz, Top 100 most powerful brands, was carried out by market researcher Millward Brown Optimor.
Is it that surprising?
Related link: Google beats Microsoft, Coke in brand stakes
Zipping files - the new generation
SecureZIP (www.securezip.com) is an amazing solution for protecting email messages and attachments, as well as data stored on hard-drives, laptops and portable storage media. As is clear from the name, this application provides compression but at the same time also provides strong file level security.
It can be integrated with Microsoft Outlook® in order to secure email messages and attachments. Thus it will automatically protect email messages and attachments. You do this by automatically encrypting, digitally signing and zipping email messages and attachments.
Best of all, this great application can be deployed with minimal changes to current processes and existing security infrastructures.
You can now download the full version (not trial software) for a limited time only. All you need to do is get a full individual user license by providing your full e-mail address.
Why you need breakdown cover 1
I was just back home after a few hours at the Furnace End car boot, where I had gone with my daughter. My wife informed me that her friend Naz, was stranded on the M42 motorway. Naz was with her 3 kids and cousin and were on the way to Birmingham airport to pick up here husband who was arriving Malaysia. The car had broken down and unfortunately they were not a member of either the RAC or the AA. They called us because we were the nearest.
This is where I made the first mistake. I rushed off without asking anyone for any advise on what to do. Was under the impression that the car had overheated or was a simple battery problem.
It took nearly 35 minutes to get there via the M6. They had pulled up against the hard shoulder of the motorway. I checked the engine oil - Was ok but I topped it up. Checked the battery - water level was ok and the car even started. It was then that I noticed the big crack on the hose connecting the radiator to the engine. Didn't have any duct tape or anything that I could use to do a temporary fix - to at least get off the motorway. Called a few people but they were not much help and so we decided to go over to our house and contact a nearby workshop from there. This is when I miss Malaysia and all the tow trucks that roam the highways.
Got all of them into my car and Naz requested that I drop here at Birmingham airport as her husband had already landed. This was my second mistake. I didn't know that we couldn't leave our car on the side of the highway for more than an hour.
I dropped her off at the airport- she would be coming to Coventry by train along with Azmil.
It took another half an hour before we got home. Soon received a call - they had already reached Coventry station.
Brought them to my house after picking them up. We made the decision to call up the AA and see whether they could fix the car or tow it even though they were not members.
"Yes!" Our spirits went up when we learnt that they could, but of course Aznil would have to fork out a little more than £100. They said Ok and joined up,
The person from AA said that a tow truck was on the way and so we set off for the car. Halfway there, Aznil suddenly realised that the car keys were still with his wife. Oh No!
This is where I made another mistake. As we were nearly there and the AA petrol was on the way, I decided to leave him there by the car and go back for the keys.
Part 2 tomorrow.
21 April 2007
Social networks and my psychographic profile
Suddenly realized that I am now a member of almost every social network out there on the net. This includes MySpace, Friendster, MyBlogLog, SpicyPage, among others. Not sure whether they can be called a social network, but I am also member of Flickr, YouTube, Textamerica and Yahoogroups.
My wife who's specialized in Marketing, tells me that I fall into the "Innovator" or "Thrill seeker" segment of the market. This refers to my Psychographic profile. The first ones to try out anything new.
So are you like me?
Learning PHP from the experts
I was really keen to learn this programming language, which was used for designing dynamic web pages. Unfortunately the college didn't include PHP in the course.
I just learnt about OTG's PHP training services. They provide high quality and flexible training at quite affordable prices. The courses were built using a combination of industry recognized materials and their own course guides.
Classes are held at their state-of-the-art facility by Zend Certified PHP MySQL training instructors with over a decade of experience. They are also available for on-site training. Visit the site for more details.
Chicken pox information
He is really a tough boy and despite the rashes all over his body with painful blisters, including one on his eye lid and one at his nostril, he could still smile. His waking up at night was the only sign that he was in some short of discomfort.
We consulted a number of websites and my father who's a doctor. So wanted to share some useful tips for you parents out there.
You should be aware that Chickenpox is a highly contagious illness and also infectious even before the rashes come out. Fortunately our daughter was vaccinated in Malaysia when she was 13 months old. It seems that vaccination for chicken pox is not common in the UK.
In order to ease the itchiness, we gave him a bath twice in lukewarm water with a little sodium bicarbonate powder added. After that we applied Calamine lotion to the affected areas apart from the face. He developed a mild fever and we gave him Paracetamol.
Warning: If you haven't had Chicken pox, you can catch it from your kids. Hope this info helps.
Some related links:
- Wikipedia
- NHS Direct
20 April 2007
Record bowls

These bowls are made from old vinyl records and are available with either smooth or stepped sides. Priced at $25.97, these bowls are shipped anywhere in the US or Canada for free. Unfortunately they do not ship to other countries.
These bowls would definitely make a unique and interesting gift.
Am I the hottest daddy blogger
It is perfectly clear that I won't be able to break into the top 10 (unless there's some miracle). However, was quite pleased to find that till date I have received 16 votes (when I last checked) and in the top 20.
What most people don't know is that my blog is also self nominated for the "Best Marketing Blog" as well as for the "Best Blog About Blogging"
If you like my blog, please vote for me.
Tags: Blogger's choice awards hottest daddy blogger
Another great bookmarking service
I had blogged about BookmarkAll.com sometime back and the advantages bookmarking online as opposed to bookmarking on a browser.
Well, this online bookmarking service has added some great new features. I wanted to inform you guys about their "RSS Topic" feature. For those who are not aware "Really Simple Syndication" or RSS refers to the way blogs or web sites to share their current posts, news or headlines via a frequently updated xml file.
Now users who are registered with Bookmarkall.com can bookmark RSS feeds, according to groups you frequently visit (e.g., news, web design, etc.). just like other regular bookmarks. A user can have unlimited topics.
If I am not mistaken, this is the first online bookmark manager to provide an RSS bookmark service. This presents greater convenience - you can access your favourite RSS feeds from anywhere in the World with an internet access. Besides, there are several security advantages of using their service for online bookmarking. For example, your nosy boss won't be able to see your bookmarks.
By installing BookmarkAll’s toolbar in your browser(Internet Explorer or Firefox), you will be able to bookmark your favorite links and access them online quickly.
You can also discover new sites from other user’s social bookmark topics that they have made public. Saves definitely save time Googling for it. This is one major advantage that BookmarkAll has over Yahoo! or Google.
Last but not the least, this great convenient service is totally Free so sign up now.
The Virginia Tech shootings
Going through various blogs which posted about the tragedy, everybody seems to be asking "what drove the gunmen, Cho Seung-hui do it?"
Of course some are also asking why these shootings at educational institutions are so common in the US? It does not happen in any other country.
A lot of people are pointing their fingers at the lax gun control laws in the US and it's various states.
I am sure a lot of Americans who believe in the right to bear arms will disagree and say that " It's not guns that kill; its people who kill". This blog says that, "Once guns are banned, crime will explode". I totally disagree. You just need to look at the violent crime rate in countries that control guns and ones that don't. Just guess, which ones have lower rates.
The fact is that the US has the most heavily armed people and also the highest gun related deaths in the World. According to a Reuter's report, "there's an estimated 250 million privately owned guns in the United States, which has a population of about 300 million". In fact someone was telling me that a lot of Americans have automatic assault rifles in their homes. If that's for self-defense, that's really crazy.
To me, guns should be restricted to the armed forces, security forces and for certain purposes, namely hunting or for sports.
My sincere condolences to those who lost their lives in the tragedy.
Tags: Cho Seung-hui Guns Gun control Virginia Tech
19 April 2007
Trip to Cambridge cancelled
A few days back we noticed some red rashes on our son. The next day, water filled blisters developed on the skin. Checking on the Internet led us to a distinct possibility - chicken pox. However, the sites mentioned that the kids would suffer from fever but Imaan was normal. We decided to take him to our GP and she confirmed it as chicken pox.
I guess we have to take that trip to Cambridge some other time. Anyway, it's just one and a half hours away from here.
Hosting company goes green
For your information, Webcity is one of Australia's leading discount domain name registration and web hosting providers. In operation since 1997, the group services over 100,000 customers in Australia and neighbouring regions. It has it's headquarters in Sydney.
My sister who resides down under, was asking me about a reputable host. I think I am going to recommend this company.
17 April 2007
The technorati experiment
If you want to join in too, read the directions given below:
***Start Copying Here:***
Here are the rules:
1) Fave all the blogs on this list.
2) Write a short introduction paragraph about how you found the list and include a link to the blog that referred you to the list.
3) COPY the Rules and ENTIRE List below and post it to your blog. To avoid duplicate content and increase the amount of keywords your site can accessible for, go ahead and change the titles of your blog. Just don’t change the links of the blog.
4) Take all of the “My New Faves” from the blog that linked you and add them to the “Original Faves” list.
5) Add up to 5 more faves to your “My New Faves” List along with a link to fave them. (You can just copy and replace a url from the other ones so you have the link and don’t have to hunt down the blogs on Technorati.)
My New Faves
Bringing up an Aidan and handling Holland-Fave the Site
Brajeshwar-Fave the Site
Dad of four-Fave the Site
Lil' Honey collection-Fave the Site
Larry Hnetka goes Hmm-Fave the Site
My Thailand diary -Fave the Site
The Original Faves
Shadowscope-Fave the Site
theapp.net-Fave the Site
Miles Business Blog-Fave the Site
The Pond-Fave the Site
ah ok lah - blogosphere and life-Fave the Site
CoolAdzine for Marketers-Fave the Site
Digital Nomads-Fave the Site
Soho Quest-Fave the Site
The Sovereign Journey-Fave the Site
Internet Serious Business-Fave the Site
Stephen Fung - Fave the Site Add him to your favorites and he’ll donate to charity!
Ed Lau - Fave the Site
QMusings - Fave the Site
Gary Lee - Fave the Site
Dosh Dosh - Fave the Site
Nate Whitehill - Fave the Site
Ms. Danielle - Fave the Site
Jeff Kee - Fave the Site
Scribble on the Wall - Fave the Site
ChaCha - Fave the Site
Jon Lee - Fave the Site
Samanathon - Fave the Site
Eat Drink & Be Merry - Fave the Site
The Man of Silver - Fave the Site
Hannes Johnson - Fave the Site
My Dandelion Patch - Fave the Site
Nathan Drach - Fave the Site
SiteLogic - Fave the Site
Julies Journal - Fave the Site
***End Copying Here***
Revolutionary brain tumour treatment
Was really intrigued with this relatively new method of brain tumor treatment, which involves the gamma knife. This revolutionary medical equipment allows neurosurgeons to perform brain surgery without invasive surgery, that is, without having to cut into a patient skull. It involves using highly targeted radiation to destroy brain tumors.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that this is a relatively new technology, a lot of people including doctors as well as patients are not aware of this non-invasive surgery option.
Baldie dad

Yesterday, we were watching the TV and my wife was scratching my head. She suggested "Why don't you shave your head?"
"Do you want to shave my head?", I asked her.
"OK!" she replied.
So she took the electric hair clipper. We went outside and I lost all my hair.
And that is the short story of how I got my shining head. I can't actually remember the last time I was ever bald.
Flippies making a comeback
Their popularity died out with the advent of movies and later TV. However, they are making a come back as an effective and unique advertising tool.
Recently, this company called Flippies has re-engineered the novelty into a bona fide promotional advertising tool. Now, commercials, sports moments, product demos and even your own video clips can be transferred into print as a flippie. Check out the Flippies Custom Flip Books
Among all the advertising mediums available today, I am sure you will agree that this is certainly a unique yet simple way of promoting a product or service. Presents a range of marketing possibilities - from product launches to conference giveaway items
16 April 2007
Kids say the sweetest things
Yesterday I was busy bidding on ebay when I heard my daughter calling me from the living room. She was watching her favourite cartoon channel - Tiny Pop, and there was an ad on.
"I want that! I want that!", she said referring to the toy being advertised.
Me: I can't buy you that
Daughter: But why? I really like it.
Me: Because Baba doesn't have any money.
Daughter: But why?
Me: Because Baba is not working in an office anymore.
Daughter: "Oh!" With a resigned look.
Me: I will get you something at the car boot next time.
Daughter: OK! With a smile.
I went back to continue with my bidding. Suddenly she was at my side and looking at what I was bidding at (which I lost because it went way beyond my budget).
Daughter: What's that?
Me: That's a toy that Baba wants but cannot buy because I don't have any money.
She was silent for a while.
Daughter: When I am big tomorrow, I will earn a lot of money and buy Baba that toy.
That was the sweetest thing that anyone has said to me in a long time. I love my sweet daughter.
15 April 2007
Download Norton antivirus for free
The Norton Security Scan utility from Symantec, automatically detects and removes viruses, internet worms and Trojans from your computer. New virus definitions are updated automatically for free to protect your computer from the latest threats.
The software comes with an easy to use interface that helps you run and schedule scans. After performing a deep scan of the system and hard disc, the software will provide a results summary.
In case you are wondering, it is Windows XP and Vista compatible.
Related Links: Google pack beta
13 April 2007
Are you on Bebo
It has become the most popular social networking site in the UK, Ireland, and New Zealand and is growing fast in the United States, Australia and Canada.
Bebo was founded in January 2005 by Michael Birch and his wife, Xochi and since then it has grown by leaps and bounds.
So what makes it different from all the other social networks on the web?
One of their great strategies was their co-branding agreement with Skype, allowing Bebo users to call for free online. BeboTV is another great service that allows users to browse through a variety of 'TV Channels'. They also have this unique Whiteboard feature where you can go and draw anything you want.
So far, they have gathered a number of awards. It received the the ‘People’s Voice’ Award at the 10th Annual Webby Awards for the world’s ‘Best Social Networking Web Site of 2006’. They also recently won the 'Hottest Overseas Technology Prospect' award at the UK Technology Innovation and Growth Forum 2007.
So are you on Bebo?
Tags: bebo social networking
A shrimp poem
How do you like them?
Really not sure how to cook them
In the end we found this site
My wife has finally decided
Pad Thai it shall be.
I know it's a terrible poem. Anyway, check out great Shrimp Recipes on Eatshrimp.com
This tasty looking site has loads of shrimp recipes. Unlike other sites where you choose the recipe from a list, this site has a cool way of choosing one that's just right for you. You search their database by just ticking a few choices and hitting the "Find Shrimp Recipes" button.
Has Steve Jobs gone too far
Apple fans - don't hate me.
I can't help but wonder, it sounds suspiciously like Iraq.
Finding the best online savings account
Compare online banking savings accounts and find a new savings account or checking account that earns more interest today with SavingsAccounts.com
This new site focuses on the direct to consumer online banking industry. They promise to help you find the perfect online savings account. Even though it is still in the early development stages, the site is a great place to learn how to earn better interest rates. They do this by comparing online banks and finding one offering the highest interest rates. This will be based on your specific account features that best suit your individual needs.
When I last checked, HSBC was the most attractive with interest rates for savings accounts as high as 6%.
12 April 2007
The four things meme
Four Jobs I’ve Had:
1) Research assistant
2) Sub-editor
3) Communications officer
4) Lecturer
Four Movies I Can Watch Over & Over:
1) Any Star Wars movie
2) Any Harry Potter movie
3) Any of the LOTR trilogy
4) Any of the Matrix trilogy
Four Places I’ve Lived:
1) London, UK
2) Imphal, India
3) Solan, India
4) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Four T.V. Shows I Love:
1) Friends (I am assuming that old ones count too. This is my all time fav)
2) MTV's Pimp my ride
3) Little Britain
4) Dr. Who
Four Highly Regarded Television Shows I’ve Never Watched A Single Minute Of:
1) Grey’s Anatomy
2) Prison Break
3) EastEnders
4) Sopranos
Four Sites I Visit Daily:
1) Google.com
2) Payperpost.com
3) ah ok lah blog
4) Freebies blog
Four Places I’d Rather Be Right Now:
1) Pulau Redang, Malaysia
2) Pulau Perhentian, Malaysia
3) Lakshadweep Islands, India
4) Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Four places I’ve vacationed
1) Melbourne, Australia
2) Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
3) Redang island, Malaysia
4) Phuket, Thailand
Four of my favorite dishes
1) Palak paneer (Indian dish of spinach with cheese)
2) Maggi goreng (fried Maggi noodles. Most popular Malaysian fast food)
3) Ooti asangba (a green coloured traditional vegetarian dish from Manipur)
4) Aloo Parathas (Indian flat bread stuffed with potatoes) with pickle/ butter.
Four People I’m Tagging To Do This Next (same like Leigh):
1) Anyone
2) Who
3) Feels
4) Like it
11 April 2007
Satellite view
Found this great site called Sightseeing with Google Satellite Maps. When I last checked it had links to 10833 destinations.
One thing I noticed was that many of the satellite images of Malaysia were really poor and there were only 15 entries. Anyway, enjoy the site.
SEO charges based on top rankings
Well, looking around the net, I came across this incredible offer from a search engine optimization company called eTrafficJams.com based in Tampa Bay Florida. They promise top 10 organic search engine placements on Google, Yahoo!, and/or MSN completely FREE of charge for a month. This means that you are not bound to a contract regardless of the results as is the case when you sign up with other search engine optimization companies.
I was thinking that might be a great way to instil confidence in your customers so that they can try you out. However, they are not cheap - their monthly fees are based on the number of top 10 rankings they get for their clients and start from $500/ month. I liked the fact that they had four different SEO packages to choose from, to suit your needs and your search engine marketing budget.
Quite impressed with what their clients have to say in their testimonials page. One of their clients, says that they received top 5 rankings on AOL, Google and Yahoo in just a few days. As I have always stressed, before you go for any SEO company, it is always advisable to look at their Google page rank. I checked and found that their home page has an impressive PR 6 and Alexa rankings of 143,059.
On the other hand if you are looking for an affordable option, I might be able to help you. Just search on Google for SEO Expert Coventry.
Natural wonders under threat
The natural wonders under threat include the Amazon, the Chihuahua Desert in Mexico and the US, wild salmon in the Bering Sea and melting glaciers in the Himalayas among others.
This report was released ahead of the International Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC’s) Second Working Group Report.
Read the article here.
10 April 2007
World Class Data Center in Raleigh
The Raleigh data center is a SAS 70 Type II compliant facility designed to meet the most demanding requirements. Regardless of whether you choose colocation, dedicated server, managed services or disaster recovery, their Raleigh Data Center prmoises to deliver the highest level of security, safety, redundancy, reliability, scalability and technology.
Even though the Hosted Solutions state-of-the-art facilities are targeted at local key markets, they are capable of handling server management applications for customers worldwide. They promise 100% uptime and 24x7 local technical support guarantees. They also promise to deliver uninterrupted managed services and availability. to all their customers, regardless of whether they are a Fortune 100 company or a small business.
The fact that a high number of companies have chosen Hosted Solutions for colocation, dedicated server, managed services and disaster recovery. I was particularly interested in the hosting services they have to offer. Most people are not really sure what type of hosting they need. I found out that they have a range of dedicated servers to meet the "needs of any architecture - small or large - centralized or distributed."
According to Joe Colopy, Founder and CEO of Bronto Software and one of their satisfied customers:
“As a rapidly growing software-as-a-service company, we sought a data center partner with the highest levels of reliability, proactive and friendly support, and the capacity to handle our growing needs. We found that partner in Hosted Solutions,”If you are interested, you can contact a sales representative from 8am to 6pm EST.
Malaysia as South East Asian oil hub

Malaysia is set to become the oil hub for the entire South-East Asian region with the setting up of a RM1.4 billion (approx. $405.6 million) storage facility in Pulau Tanjung Bin near Tanjung Pelepas, Johor (just off the Port of Tanjung Pelepas). The Malaysian Government has given the green signal for the project.
This is a significant development and the facility would be the World's largest Petroleum hub when it is completed. The 1.0 million cubic-meter storage terminal would be located on a 40 ha island and will be able to handle over 60 million tonnes of petroleum products annually.
The proposed project will be handled by KIC Group of Companies subsidiary, Asia Petroleum Hub Sdn Bhd, which is a joint venture between KIC Group of companies (90%) and Trek Perintis Sdn Bhd (10%).
According to Asia Petroleum Hub's executive chairman Abdul Rashid Mohd Isa, the hub would enable the government to reduce its subsidies for petroleum products through the elimination of double handling charges. (Source: The Edge).
The facility is expected to start operations by early 2008.
Some more details about the project:
- Financial adviser and financier: CIMB Group
- Managed by: Kadriah Integrated Facilities Sdn Bhd
- Project management: QI-pmc Sdn Bhd
- Engineering and design consultant: Mott MacDonald Ltd, a British-based engineering firm
- Contractors: Muhibbah Engineering (M) Bhd and Nam Fatt Construction Sdn Bhd, with ZAQ Construction Sdn Bhd as the managing contractor.
Tags: Asia Petroleum Hub KIC Abdul Rashid Mohd Isa
Bristol classifieds site
If you are visiting and looking for a place to stay, you should check out their list of hotels.
09 April 2007
First time on a roller coaster
Well last weekend, we drove down to the Easter fun fair at Walsall.
My daughter went on a roller coaster for the first time in her life. My wife was there with here and I couldn't help myself but laugh when she later told me that Rahil was screaming "it's not fair! It's not fair!" when it started picking up speed. Not sure what she meant by that.
She was shaking a bit when they got down. I thought Rahil would be scared to go on another ride but No! She wanted to go on the flying pink elephant - this time with me.
Video marketing site
Usually that kind of video marketing was only reserved for big companies with huge marketing budgets. This is another indication of the fact that the internet has totally changed the way we do business as well as marketing products and services.
This service is now available to artists, home run businesses and even you. The video ad hosting makes video marketing widely accessible to the public. It also gives rise to a wide range of possibilities - virtual tours, video reviews and so on. In case you are not that tech savvy, don't worry, the site allows simple text ad listings too.
For your information, the site also has homepages that are focussed at several local markets so that local sellers can target their specific target segments.
There are two things I really like about this classifieds site. First of all it's totally free for both sellers and shoppers and secondly, there is no limit to how long an ad can run.
If you do want some extra attention, you can opt for the Featured Ad space for a nominal fee and get featured prominently in the center of their homepage. Another Adam ok recommended site.
07 April 2007
Let's Sea Hotel
A hotel at Hua Hin in Thailand. Not really sure, which part of Thailand it is in. I found the concept really creative.
Guests enjoy the privilege of having their own personal access to the canal-like swimming pool while staying in ‘Moon Deck Suite’.

Super cars database
Anyway, if you love fast cars too, check out the Fastest Car database. Lists all the super cars and exotic cars. At last count the database had total 175 cars listed with 888 pictures.
You can view the specifications and extra information of each car. At the same time, don't forget to vote and rate the cars from 1-10. When I last checked, the Lamborghini 2006 Murcielago LP640 was tied with the Shelby 1967 Cobra 427 Super Snake at 6.3 each.
Burnt fingers
Absentmindedly, I picked up the cup (containing the boiling hot oil), not by it's handle by by the sides.
The pain didn't come immediately but when it did, it was burning hot sensation. Dropped the cup on the floor. Fortunately, it missed my feet or I would have burnt my feet too.
Now I am suffering. Trying to relieve the pain by holding a cup filled with ice. It helps but I can't take my hand away.
Now typing this with my left hand.
Online marketing blog
Well! This blog is slightly different. A number of the posts are on Social Media Optimization and Social Media Marketing. Michael Brito does talk about Search Engine Optimization, Paid Search and Web Strategy topics too and I can see that unlike a few other self declared "SEO experts", I think Michael knows what he is talking about.
Even though he transferred his blog to this new domain only in September 2006, it already has a 4 Google page rank.
Among the several interesting posts, I found one of particular interest titled- "Can Social Media Kill a Brand?" I totally agree with him. Unfortunately a lot of companies continue to ignore social media at their own risk.
I definitely recommend this blog for those who are interested in online marketing.
Malaysian bloggers boleh
The results are quite impressive.
Here are the figures for each directory:
- Brunei - 30
- Indonesia - 251
- Malaysia - 855
- Philippines - 1560
- Singapore - 858
- Thailand - 53
- Brunei - 0
- Indonesia - 11
- Malaysia - 109
- Philippines - 140
- Singapore - 98
- Thailand - 27
- Brunei - 7
- Indonesia - 0
- Malaysia - 206
- Philippines - 128
- Singapore - 248
- Thailand - 15
- Brunei - 11
- Indonesia - 297
- Malaysia - 578
- Philippines - 588
- Singapore - 319
- Thailand - 117
- Brunei - 5
- Indonesia - 76
- Malaysia - 556
- Philippines - 598
- Singapore - 370
- Thailand - 26
That's an overall average ranking of 2.2. The Philippines comes out on top with an average rank of 1.4. Singapore has an overall average ranking of 2.4.
- The number of blogs are correct as of 6th April, 2007.
- This is not a measure of the quality of blogs.
Malaysian Bloggers Boleh.
Vonage forums
Vonage forums is an independent support site which offers information about VOIP, Vonage News, reviews and discussions. I learnt on the site that, as of March 28, they now have over 40,000 members on the forum.
Even if you are not a Vonage user, You might also want to check out their forum to see what other users have to say about their service and to discuss VOIP reviews.
06 April 2007
High Tea at Nottingham
My wife had printed out the directions from the RAC website. It was really rubbish. I personally prefer the AA Route planner, which is way more detailed.
Ultimately we got lost and we had to call for help. We really, really need a GPS sat nav. One of Amrul's housemates found us at the University of Nottingham's West gate and led us all the way to their house.
Amrul is a great cook. He was really kind to make some vegetarian dishes for me. Take a look at the Tiramisu he made.
Delicious. We still have some left overs we brought back in the fridge.
Fortunately the way back was faster. I relied on my memory and instinct alone.
05 April 2007
Back up your stuff online
The solution is back up, back up and back up. Most people usually buy a external hard disk for this purpose.
However, there has been a growth of online storage services recently for obvious reasons - it has a lot of advantages over storage in a external hard disk at home. The obvious advantage is of course the ability to access the data from anywhere place in the world with Internet access.
IBackup - Online Storage Drive is one of the newest in the market. The unique feature about this service is that, this online storage account as seen as a local drive on your computer allowing you to drag-n-drop, open, edit and so on.
If you are worried about security, they have a 128 bit SSL encryption.
They have various subscription plans to suit your budget and requirments. You can even start a free trial by sending them your e-mail.
Best game guns
Watch this YouTube video of the Top 10 all time best game guns.
A long time ago, used to spend hours playing Contra with my friends, and the Spread gun listed here at ~ 8, was my fav too.
I don't really like first-person shooter games anymore but at one time, was really into Doom.
What's your favourite?
Tags: doom contra video games guns
04 April 2007
PDA with sat nav
After discussing with a lot of my friends, I later changed my mind. It seems that it might be a better idea to buy a bluetooth enabled PDA + an add on GPS Navigation System.
I don't really need the latest PDA with GPS sat nav built in.
Any suggestions?
Article on Internet ads and SEO
There are numerous blogs and websites explaining all these things but I found some great short articles on the worldmarketsystems site. The site mentions that World Market Systems was founded in 2002 and currently hosts over 50,000 websites. I am not really sure as the site doesn't have any further information about the company.
Anyway, I found the articles "How to use Banner Advertising" and "How does Search Engine Optimization affect me?" quite interesting and am going to send the url of this site to my friends.
03 April 2007
Manipur, a forgotten hotspot
This article is part of a "Correspondent’s Diary", but I am not sure who the correspondent is.
Wracked by insurgency and a AIDS hot spot, Manipur certainly doesn't sound like it is the "Jewel of India".
Tags: Manipur Insurgency India
Using dogs to detect molds
Not many people realize the ill effects of mold on our health. Molds produce tiny spores to reproduce and exposure to it can result in allergic reactions, asthma, and other respiratory complaints. In our case, the mold was in the initial stages and probably caused by water leaking. The more serious mold problem are those where it is hidden inside walls and not visible to the eye.
While searching for more information on mold and Mold Removal, came across the site of this company in New Jersey.
It was quite interesting because this New Jersey Mold Company uses mold detection dogs to find hidden mold inside walls. Unique and quite cost effective it seems.
Fuelmyblog photo competiton
The first prize will be a Digital camera (not sure which brand or model).
Hurry up and send your entries as the competition ends on the 20th of April 2007.
Tags: fuelmyblog photo competition
1k dollars tuesday
1K of course stand for $1000 and ppp will be releasing at least one $1000 opportunity every Tuesday between 12 am and 12pm with no segmentation guaranteed. For non-posties and other people who are not aware, the company rolled out segmentation some time back. According to this new system, advertisers can choose the type of blogs that can carry their ads. The higher paying opportunities would usually be reserved for blogs with higher Google page ranks (pr) or lower Alexa ranking (the lower the better). The $1000 opportunities are usually reserved for blogs with Google page rank 7 and above. Those of us with lower Google PRs could only watch with envy as these blogs remained out of our reach.
So you can now understand why I am really really excited about this announcement. If I am lucky, I shall be richer by $1000 tomorrow and all I would have to do is write a post here on my blog.
This promotion start tomorrow and will run till the end of April.
Note: Posties refer to member of PayPerPost.com.
Furnace End car boot
When people talk about car boot, the first thing that come to mind are used unwanted items. However, half of the pitches are of traders - selling first hand stuff at way down prices.
Getting in is slightly costlier as compared to CJs at Stoneleigh. 40p for adults and 20p for kids above 7 years.
We didn't buy much and we covered only about half of the place in nearly 3 hours.
Here's the list of stuff we bought that day:
1. Matsui HiFi system - £2
2. Kitchen tissue holder - 20p
3. 2 Duvets (double) (new) - £10
4. 3 jigsaw puzzles - £1.25
5. New Junior Encyclopedia set (16 copies) - £2
6. 2 pillow covers (new) - £2
7. 2 Bed sheets (double) (new) - £6
Grand total: £23.45
Rahil had fun on the plane ride and even though she was scared at first, she wanted to go on it for a second time round afterwards.
Was a bit worried about the HiFi as it was too cheap, I mean it was good to be true. Only £2. The first thing I did when we got home was plug it in and put it on. I was surprised to find that there was already a CD in "Simply the Best - Love Songs." It worked perfectly OK. One of the best bargains ever.
Article on compund interest
We were wrong and even though we don't realize it, we use them everyday in or daily life. A good example is compound interest. I really found this article on compound interest and its implications in investments really interesting.
"The purpose of investing money is to earn interest on capital." Understanding how compound interest works could help us choose the best deals on loans as well as in making the right investment decisions.
01 April 2007
What chocolate moment do you have
Comfort Fantasies is the blog of a chocoholic (the blogger admits it) and the blogger has an interesting way of categorisings the various posts - as dark, white or milk chocolate day/ moment, depending on the mood.
I can make out that Dark chocolate = sad
White chocolate = happy
Milk chocolate = neither sad nor happy. In the blogger's own words: "Isn't dark, yet it isn't a happy moment in time either."
Interesting way of categorising the post, don't you agree.
Place I really want to go to
However, when I really thought about it, there is one place I really want to go - Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Not really for tourism but more for spiritual reasons. I have heard so many amazing stories from people who have already been there - either performing their hajj or umrah, that I want to feel it for my myself.

Just copy the lines below and post on your own blog.
**Start Copy**
Proposition : Where do you want to go Next, OUTSIDE OF YOUR COUNTRY, for tourism, work, study, whatever.
Requirements: Find some info about the place, itenary etc, pics if possible so you get MORE Traffic coming in, and maybe some people can find somewhere to go to. Excludes your NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR, i.e., a country that borders yours. You must register for MyBloglog so we can blogwalk ah…..get it?
Quantity : FIVE PEOPLE.
Tag Mode : Chain Link. 15 of them.
You leave 15 people and their DEEP LINK of their Blog Name and TAGGED POST and hit out for five more. So it will look like
Doris who wants to go to the the Carribean Islands, Azrin going Down Under, MaRLinda in Disneyland Paris, Athira Baby and her Balamory Antics and Msau to Japan
**Add in the blog you get the tags from and tagged post.**
I am going to tag the following people:
Ita, Zaza, Dad-of-four, Lucia and Eches