Usually that kind of video marketing was only reserved for big companies with huge marketing budgets. This is another indication of the fact that the internet has totally changed the way we do business as well as marketing products and services.
This service is now available to artists, home run businesses and even you. The video ad hosting makes video marketing widely accessible to the public. It also gives rise to a wide range of possibilities - virtual tours, video reviews and so on. In case you are not that tech savvy, don't worry, the site allows simple text ad listings too.
For your information, the site also has homepages that are focussed at several local markets so that local sellers can target their specific target segments.
There are two things I really like about this classifieds site. First of all it's totally free for both sellers and shoppers and secondly, there is no limit to how long an ad can run.
If you do want some extra attention, you can opt for the Featured Ad space for a nominal fee and get featured prominently in the center of their homepage. Another Adam ok recommended site.
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