12 September 2008

Vistaprint business cards

Just realised that I have almost run out of my business cards. It's been slightly more than a year since I took Vistaprint's "250 free business cards" offer.

This was before I commenced my PhD studies and was a stay-at-home husband taking care of the kids. I was a full time blogger then and my blogs were my sole source of income. One day I happened to come across the above mentioned offer and I thought "why not". All I had to do was pay for the delivery cost.

Though initially I was wondering what I would do with the cards, they have proved really useful. Before this, people would give me their business cards and I would have to explain that I didn't have one - I was unemployed, blah, blah, blah. That doesn't happen any more.

Unlike some bloggers who prefer to put only the blog url, I put in my home address in as well. Great to give out to friends who always forget your house address. It's definitely better than writing it down on a loose pieces of paper which might get thrown away accidentally. Besides, it is a great way to create awareness about your blogs.

Anyway, I was thinking of ordering a new set of business cards from Vistaprint and was delighted to find out that you can still order 250 cards for free (you only pay for the delivery). The free option has 42 designs you can choose from. There are many more ways you can further customize your card such as by uploading your own designs and so on.

The great thing is that they have slashed prices for a number of options. For example, However, by paying a little bit more (£8.24 instead of £11.99) you can opt for the Premium quality cards. Do check out their range of products including cards letter heads, sticky notes, etc.

However, make sure you do read the fine print before you order and don't rush while going through the ordering process. Decide whether you really want to join the VistaPrint Rewards scheme or accept any of the offers or extras as the costs can add up.

11 September 2008

Five years blogging

Was reading Liew's post on how he has been blogging full-time for three years when I suddenly realised that my own blog is now five years old. My first post on this blog was on September 8, 2003 and as they say, the rest is history.

This is how my blog looked in 2003:

10 September 2008

The CERN rap

Everyone seems to be talking about the Big Bang experiment now taking place at the HQ of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) on the Swiss-French border. No! The World has not ended (yet). However, very few people actually understand what's happening there and how the Large Hadron Collider works.

23 years old Katherine McAlpine, has become famous for her "CERN Rap" video, which has had over 1,700,000 views on YouTube. Even my daughter understands the Large Hadron Collider now. Thanks AlpineKat.

09 September 2008

Visit to Warwick Castle 2

Last Saturday we visited Warwick Castle along with some friends. We got in free thanks to Saiful who gave us free entry vouchers. This was my second visit and it was definitely more crowded this time, probably due to the fact that it was a weekend. Unlike the last time we visited Warwick Castle, we didn't go inside the buildings. There were just too many people.

However, this time I got to see the "Flight of the Eagles", the Jousting tournament and the firing of the Trebuchet - which I had failed to see last time.

Here are the pictures.


The "Flight of the Eagle" show

Imaan enjoying himself

Watching the Jousting tournament from across the stream

Mozard, Nana, yana and Saiful's daughter

My son with mother feeding the ducks


the Trebuchet

Duck's butt

Castle walls

With the lady of the castle

Do check out Nana's post as well.

08 September 2008

First day at school

It was my daughter's first day at school. She starts reception - an important milestone. With uniforms and rules. I saw a lot of other kids crying their hearts out. I am so proud that my Princess didn't cry.




Vote for Adam Ok

My tech blog Adam OK Dot Net has been nominated as the bbest geek blog for the Blogger's Choice Awards. Please check it out and vote for me if you like the blog. The voting ends on October 1st.

My site was nominated for Best Geek Blog!


07 September 2008

Michael Moore to release new documentary on the web

Michael Moore, director of the controversial documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11", is set to release his latest film, "Slacker Uprising" on the web for free. It will be released on the 23rd of September.

This documentary is about Michael going round the country trying to convince young non-voters to vote. According to the Reuters' report, Moore was quoted as saying
"The only return any of us are hoping for is the largest turnout of young voters ever at the polls in November."

Sign up at Slackeruprising.comto download the movie for free when it is released.

This is his way of saying thanks to his fans.


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