24 March 2007

Tip Tail blogs about anything

Tip Tail is the blog of Cynthia, a blogger from Salt Lake City, Utah. She blog about almost anything and a lot about her dogs. She has four dogs - Chase, Levi, Angel and Lucy. She also has 2 cats - Littles and Phoebe. It's hard to find people who love both cats and dogs.

I was reading here latest post "Working from Home Rocks" and it is about her trip to the dentist.

Like millions of people around the World, I hate going to the dentist (sorry! Uncle Megh but I prefer to visit you at home too). The last time I went to a dentist was to have my wisdom tooth extracted and it hurt like hell. Read my old post here.

Yeah! I agree with you Cynthia, working from home rocks. Actually I have no choice.

23 March 2007

Great lead management software

If you are in the market for a sales lead management software, I suggest that you take a look at the AIMpromote system.

In case you are wondering what I am on about, Lead Management is a term used to describe the methodologies and systems to manage customer prospects and inquiries, generally generated by a variety of marketing techniques (from Wikipedia). Some people refer to it as customer acquisition management. There is no point advertising or carrying out different marketing campaigns if it does not translate into new customers.

I noticed that there is a slight typo on the home page under the heading "Achieve Your Goals". Hope they correct it soon.

AIMpromote claims to have the most enterprise-level features in the industry. On the features and pricing page they have provide a comparison of the various features between AIMpromote and other leading competitors and I have to admit, it looks like AIMpromote wins hands down.

It might surprise you to learn that an average of 60% of all sales are wasted due to neglect. This increase to 80% due to lead neglect. One of the features in the software that will prevent this from happening is their innovative "Lead Attention Meter".

It was quite easy to understand how it works. All 'Open' leads have a Lead Attention Meter. They have different colour codings based on how much attention (or neglect) has been paid to the lead. The meter shows green for leads that have been recently addressed. Slight neglect is indicated by yellow. As more time goes, by the meter will turn to red. Neglected' leads will produce an alert. This is but one of the features of this software.

The software is quite flexible in the sense that it can be used in various industries, such as Mortgage and Automotive Lead Management, which are quite different.

Another thing I really liked is the fact that there are no setup fees and they will even integrate the system with your website, totally free of charge. This is the hidden price that other companies will add later in the final bill.

Right now the company is offering a 14 day free trial of the software. So why don't you sign up and give it a test run?

Kelantanese Crazy Frog

It was bound to happen sooner or later. There is now a Kelantanese version of the annoying Crazy Frog.

It is sung in the Kelantanese dialect in the Dikir Barat style.

For non-Malaysians, Kelantan is a state on the east coast of Malaysia. It happens to be the only Malaysian state ruled by the opposition Islamic party PAS. It is also famous in history for being the only state ever ruled by a Queen in the peninsula - Siti Wan Kembang.

Now for the clip:

I will try to get someone to translate the words to English. Anyone wants to volunteer?

Drug rehab centres

Have had a few members of my family fall prey into the jaws of drug addiction and alcoholism. And let me tell you, these are diseases as bad as cancer or other life threatening diseases, maybe worse because they can effect people around them in a very very bad way.

I have no research data to support it but I personally feel that people suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism who want to get better should go into a rehabilitation centre rather than getting treatment at home.

When we talk about drug rehabilitation centres in Malaysia, the first thing that comes to mind are jail like conditions where the patients are treated like prisoners.

I am not sure but that might not be the right way to treat any form of addiction. Forcing them to stop will only be a temporary situation. Once they get out, they will most likely get back into the habit again.

Instead of jailers, they should have qualified nursing and medical staff on premises includes members who have actually graduated from the very program. They would be able to relate and understand each and every person that joins their program.

Introducing Ghetto Barbie

I would like to introduce my readers to Danyel aka Ghetto Barbie. The first thing I noticed, when I visited her blog was the big graffiti style logo. Certainly eye catching.

She has 3 themes that you can choose from. The default is the Easter layout but I found that the easiest to read text was the "Erin Go Brah" theme, which incidentally looked like the colors from the Irish or Indian flags.

This 24 year old stays with her boyfriend Mark, baby son Tegan, Mark,s father and (you won't believe it) 25 pets. Go to her blog to find out. I was not sure what a bearded dragon was and had to look it up on Wikipedia.

You sure meet lot of interesting people on the net.

22 March 2007

Pingo pre paid cards

We call out a lot to friends and relatives all around the World but mostly to Malaysia. After receiving a shock with our first telephone bill, we decided to go for pre paid calling cards recommended by our friends here. Everybody seems to have their own favourite brand or company and we are trying out a couple.

Recently I heard about Pingo.com and intrigued when I heard that Pingo’s mobile users save 90% or more on their international calls and am thinking of signing up.

I am also thinking of recommending Pingo pre paid calling cards to the philippines to some of my Filipino friends in the US after I learned that the calls rates are as low as $0.138/ minute for a call.

Anybody who signs up with Pingo.com will receive 4 hours of free International calls. There is another great offer for readers who sign up for Pingo through my blog - they will receive US$5 in FREE Calls.

For your information, Pingo is a service offered by iBasis, a public company and one of the largest carriers of international phone calls in the world.

Technology posts

Lucia, one of my regular visitors, recently left a comment on my previous post: "Interesting personal blog" about my posts on technology. According to her,
"you started writing about technology, business and e-commerce was because they are sponsored posts."

First, I was thinking of just replying to the comment but then I thought the reply would make a nice post.

I have to disagree with Lucia. I have been writing about technology ever since I started this blog. Here are my few first technology related posts (All of them were written in Sept. 2003):
1. Are most bloggers, Girls?
2. Lot of great FREE stuff on the net
3. Spy in your computer?

One of my blog posts on "Top 5 Ecommerce Companies of Malaysia", also received a lot of interest from my visitors, which also resulted in some collaborative projects with academics.

But she's right. Of late I have been doing a lot of sponsored posts. It's my source of income now.

Anyway, I am visiting a lot of technology related blogs now to catch up with the latest tech developments. One of them is the "SQKIKI Simple Tech" blog. She has some great tips. Just learned about a new Internet advertising services and promotion website called Dclickads from her blog. I might sign up.



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