13 September 2007

Myvesta Foundation Individual Voluntary Arrangement

Today Chancellor Alistair Darling has asked banks in the UK to be more selective in lending. Debt is an issue of concern here with consumer debt soaring to record levels (£1.35 trillion, according to a BBC report).

A lot of people in serious debt often see bankruptcy as the only way out. They think they have no choice. However, according to the Myvesta Foundation, a lot of these people would prefer to avoid bankruptcy if given an option. Entering into an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) with creditors to repay some of what they owe over a sensible time period is a rather attractive option. Often people would rush into commercial IVA organisations after watching their ad on TV. If you are considering bankruptcy or thinking of an IVA, call Myvesta at 0800 1116 885. You can even chat with them online for free.

Myvesta UK Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) were developed in conjunction with a firm of auditors and chartered accountants. Customers would be provided with a unique solution that best fits each person. FYI, the Myvesta Foundation was created to fill the need for qualified, compassionate debt assistance that worked for consumers. Their founder, Steve Rhode himself went through personal bankruptcy in 1990. he came up with this service to provide real help to people in trouble. Their website carries a number of free and helpful information about almost every topic related to debt issues.

The five things meme

Was tagged by Neomesuff, so here goes:

5 Things In My Bag
I don't carry a handbag so I am looking at my favourite backpack. It's currently empty at the moment. Normally, it would have:
1. Pen
2. Notebook
3. Calculator
4. Water bottle
5. a book

5 Things That Are In My Wallet
1. My driving license
2. Credit card
3. Bank debit card
4. Tesco clubcard
5. Photographs of my son, daughter and wife

4. 5 Favourite Things In My Bedroom
1. Bed
2. Duvet
3. Pillow
4. Book
5. My wife (My wife says that she's not a thing)

5 Things I Wish To Do (added this later)
1. Get a diving certificate
2. Travel around the World
3. Become a renowned expert in my field of research
4. See my Grandfather
5. Get my PhD

5 Things That I Am Doing Now
1. Writing this meme
2. Checking PayPerPost for opportunities
3. Improving my research proposal
3. Chatting with friend
4. Chatting with wife
(Who says guys can't multi-task)

5 People I Would Like To Tag
1. Ainee
2. Lilian
3. Nana
4. Reena
5. Zaza

Skin care products for pigmented skin

I thought I had oily skin but I have been having dry skin problems since I got here in the UK, especially in the winter. Have been helping myself with my wife's moisturizing creams. Talking about skin care, I learnt that it is important to find the right skin care products for your type of skin. aivng friends inthe cosmetic industry has helped me understand a bit about skin care products. However, I just learnt that it may not be enough to simply divide skin into four categories: dry, normal, combination and oily.

ORIKI Cosmeceuticals has a range of products specially formulated for people with born with pigmented skin. These products are meant specifically for those with Asian, Mediterranean and other Olive (AMO) skin types. AMO skin types apparently respond differently to UV and scarring as compared to white skin. Skin pigmentation problems also take longer to resolve and is more resistant to treatment than fair skin. ORIKI solves this by incorporating the pigmentation factor into the skincare line specially formulated for people with AMO skin.

The fact that their range of products are designed by an American Board Certified Dermatologist and Biochemist, is really reassuring.

I know that most guys don't like to talk about cosmetics because it's not exactly a "macho" topic. I guess it is the advent of the metrosexual male that has really changed the way men look at skin care products and personal hygiene. Some years back you won't have caught me talking about such products on my blog.

Coombe park again

We were supposed to go to Liverpool along with our friends Nana, Mozard and their kids last weekend but we cancelled our trip at the last moment because it turned out that the reason we wanted to go - the British musical fireworks championships were in October not this month.

So we decided to pay a visit to nearby Coombe Country Park instead. We had fun and unlike the last time we had visited, the flowers were blooming.


Rahil also rode on a donkey for the first time in her life. She looked cool but I could see her gripping the support on the saddle real tight.

rahil on donkey

forest path

Forest path


wild flowers Coombe
Wild flowers

We had a real scare when Nana's daughter Yana had an accident while playing at a special playground in the park. She slipped and hit herself. She was in real pain and couldn't even walk. All of us were really worried. We rushed to our cars and drove to the NHS walk-in centre in Coventry city centre as fast as we could. We left them there and later learnt that they had to go to the hospital at Walsgrave because the walk-in centre didn't have x-ray facilities.

Was really relieved when we learnt that it was not serious and she didn't break any bones.

12 September 2007

Advantages of incorporating your business

Stephen L. Nelson is the author of the bestsellers, Quicken for Dummies and QuickBooks for Dummies books. He is the author of more than 150 books, which have have sold more than 4,000,000 copies in English and have been translated into several other languages.

He has recently come out with self-published do-it-yourself Fast Easy Incorporation Kits and limited liability company formation kits. He actually makes more money from these kits than from his two bestsellers. The website Fasteasyincorporationkits.com, provides basic information about Subchapter S corporations.

According to Nelson, the two benefits of incorporating a business are namely Minimizing liability and Minimizing Income and Payroll Taxes. Go on to his site to find out more.

Dame Anita Roddick passes away

Was quite sad when I heard that one of my idols - Dame Anita Roddick, has passed away. She was 64 and died of brain hemorrhage. She is survived by her husband Gordon, and daughters Sam and Justine.

Anita was the founder of the ethical cosmetics firm Body Shop. Besides popularising cosmetics made from natural products, she was involved in so many causes. This included ending animal testing, stopping deforestation in the rain forest, helping indigenous farmers in poor nations, ending whale hunting and lots more.

She opened her first shop in Brighton, in 1976. and as they say, the rest is history. It was taken over by French cosmetics giant L’Oréal for about $1.14 billion last year. Quite ironic considering that they have done away with animal testing.

She was made a Dame of the British Empire in 2003.

Read related news on the BBC site: Dame Anita Roddick dies aged 64 and on the New York Times: Anita Roddick, Body Shop Founder, Dies at 64

11 September 2007

Make your blogs interactive and fun with quizzes

One of the ways to attract more visitors to your site is to make it more interactive and fun. Maybe you would like to find out what they like about your site or their opinion on a certain issues.

Quibblo allows you to create fun online quizzes, surveys and polls and then add them to your blog or sites. These are known as "Quibblets". There are some personality tests as well and those who take part can cut and paste the results of those test on their own blogs.

Go ahead and create your own Quibblet.


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