05 June 2007

Making money by carrying news

Learned that the highly awaited Apple's new iPhone will be launched on June 29.

I just got this news from an online news site, that provides access to hundreds of thousands of fully licensed quality news from major content providers such as Associated Press (AP), Reuters and lots more.

You might be amazed to learn that the news can be published, or 'mashed' by embedding them on your site totally FREE OF CHARGE. Best of all, you earn money at the same time. YES! That's right. You can make money via advertising share, the CPM start at $1. For those who were not aware, CPM is the measure of the Cost Per Impression in online advertising. TheNewsRoom has an innovative, viral payment model. I learned that their CRM is one of the highest in the industry.

Choosing the news of your choice (and relevant to your blog) and embedding it on my blog was so easy. Take a look at the "mash" below:

All I had to do after signing up, was to click the "mash button", accept the terms and conditions, choose the layout and finally copy and paste the code into my blog. It's amazing. I get great quality content and I get paid for carrying it on my blog. Almost forgot to mention that, I also earn money when someone mashes content from my site and it is viewed on their site/ blog.

And there's more. They also have a loyalty program in place whereby, new registrants can earn prizes such as digital cameras and even a new car. So what are you waiting for?

NOTE: The website is no longer active and I have removed the links. 

Alleycats' Loga passes away

While going through the Star Online, learnt that Loganathan Arumugam passed away the Mount Miriam Hospital, Penang at 10.50am today at the age 54. He had been suffering from cancer. Read it here.

He is survived by his wife, a son (23) and a daughter (20).

Loga was a member of the Alleycats, one of the longest lasting bands in Malaysia (maybe in the world). The band was formed in 1969 and have been entertaining us since then. They have have 29 albums in their name. besides their love songs, he and his elder brother David, were also famous for their Afro hairstyles, which they retained.

The last time I saw them live was at Uncle Chilli's Fun Pub and Restaurant, PJ Hilton, Petaling Jaya. The group will not be the same without him.

Here are the lyrics:


Jika Kau bercinta lagi
cintalah sepenuhnya
jika kau bercinta lagi
jagalah kau hatinya

engkau yang memilihnya
tanpa memikirkan tentang diriku
kini ku hanya dapat berdoa
agar berbahagia kau disampingnya

Jika Kau bercinta lagi
cintalah sepenuhnya
jika kau bercinta lagi
jagalah kau hatinya

aku tak dapat menghalang
engkau punya kemahuan sendiri
biarku hidup hanya mengenang
peristiwa yang tak dapat ku lupa

kini aku hanya dapat berdoa
agar berbahagia kau disampingnya
selamat tinggal
aku mengundurkan diri

Rest in peace Loga.


04 June 2007

Visitor Statistics

I do check my site statistics from time to time. Right now, I have several site meters running on the blog - don't ask me why. However, I find that Google Analytics provides the most informative visitor statistical analysis. Of course, you have to do the deeper analysis yourself.

It was quite interesting to learn that the 5 most popular page on my blog are:

1. Melayu Boleh.
2. Freemasons in Malaysia
3. Tricked into holding a contest
4. Keys to Our Apartment &
5. FAQs

The top 5 keywords used to get to my blogs were:

1. melayu boleh
2. flora damansara
3. ok lah
4. lah &
5. domain cheap

The top keyword used to get here as well as the top post on my blog, may be a proof of the theory that a there are a lot of naughty guys around searching for adult content on the net using certain keywords and unfortunately, a seemingly innocent phrase 'melayu boleh' happens to be one of them.

Anyway, I found out that most of my visitors are still from Malaysia. Take a look at the graph below (this year till date):

They make up 40.27% of the total visitors. It used to be around 80% middle of last year. This represents a drastic change in visitor statistics. As expected, visitors from UK come in second making up 17.81% of the total, closely followed by visitors from the US (17.70%).

Visitors from India have also more than doubled. It was less than 1% last year. Might have something to do with the fact that I joined Orkut recently. Read my post 'Most popular social networking site in India'.

Have you checked your site stats recently?


03 June 2007

Money making advice

Lucia, a fellow PPP postie, recently started a blog called 'Big Bucks Blogger'. As the name suggests, this blog contains advice on making money from blogging.

I know! There has been a flood of blogs on the web, offering tips on how to make money from blogging. However, unlike other blogs which are composed of just copy and paste posts, this blog has really original and insightful posts. One that caught my interest was on how Sponsored Reviews were threatened by PPP Direct. Read my post 'PayPerPost launches PPP Direct' on my Freebies blog.

For those who are unaware, both services help bloggers link up with advertisers - bloggers get paid to review sites. The only differences are in the way advertisers select the blogs and the cut they take from the whole transaction. Read the article here.

01 June 2007

Don't go with strangers

Public safety message for your kids.

...he may be a Sith.

Gay teletubbies

First it was the popular cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants, which was accused of being "pro-homosexual". Read 'Will Spongebob make you gay?' FYI, I am referring to the contemporary usage of the adjective, "gay" here.

Now, Poland's conservative government is planning to probe if Teletubbies are gay.

Teletubbies, is BBC's popular children's television series and my kids love it.

Ewa Sowinska, the spokesperson for the government appointed children rights was quoted as saying:
I noticed (Tinky Winky) has a lady's purse, but I didn't realize he's a boy.

These people are crazy.


29 May 2007

Not all Bloggers are teenage girls

A few years ago, when I talked to a lot of non-bloggers, they were under the impression that blogs are the online journals of teenage girls. I strongly objected to that as 1) I am not a teenager and 2) I am not a girl and 3) my blog is more than just a journal. Of course there might be some truth in this. I had posed a question in one of my early blog posts. Namely, "Are most bloggers, Girls?"

Thankfully I can see that most people have now changed their perception of blogs. In fact now, a lot of people read blogs to get the latest update on tech news and in several countries, uncensored political news. People from all demographic groups are also becoming bloggers themselves. It's not just young people but the older generation as well.

I recently got to know another blogger who started her blog "Sunflower's Thoughts" in November last year. She's a mother of 3 boys from Effingham, Illinois, United States.

Her first post was really similar to mine. The only difference is that mine was only a single sentence. She says:
Well I might as well jump on the band wagon and get a blog started. I have seen so many people with blogs, so I thought I would try it.
Like a lot of newbies, she is blogging with Blogger and is also a fellow PPP postie.

Each blogger has a different style of writing. For example, you can see her posts are quite short. On the other hand, some people complain that my posts are too long. I would love to read more about life in Illinois and see some pictures too.

What about you? Are you a blogger too and how long have you been blogging?


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