Q1. What does "Ah OK Lah" mean?
ANS: Refer to this post
Q2. Why and when was this blog started?
ANS: My first blog, which was posted on Monday, September 08, 2003, explains why I started this blog.
Q3. Are you ‘orang Kelate’ (from Kelantan)?
ANS: No, My dad works there.
Q4. Are you ‘oghang Kedah’ (from Kedah)?
ANS: No! I
Q5. Why don’t you post pictures of yourself ?
ANS: The same reason I don’t identify my organisation by name. I prefer to remain anonymous to the general public. There are some parts of our lives, which we don’t want to share with everyone.
Going public also means that I have to be really careful with what I blog about. For example, I won’t be able to bitch about work anymore. However, it’s not that difficult to find out where I am from or where I am working. That is, if you really want to know.
Q6. Who's Rahil?
ANS: She's the light of my life, my darling daughter and yeah, I post a lot of pictures of her. Read the post I made after she was born here and the meaning of her name here.
Q7.Do you make any money from your blog?
Q8. What do you blog about?
ANS: Almost anything. The ahoklah blog does not have a theme.
I do have another blog which is more topical, about the auto industry - Auto Lah!.
Q9.What does 'Tidak apa" mean?
ANS: It means 'never mind' or 'doesn’t matter' in Bahasa Malaysia. However, tidak apa attitude has a negative connotation. People are usually referring to the non-committal attitude or lack of seriousness of some Malaysians.
Q11. Is there an easy way to get back to your blog considering that the url is so hard to remember?
i) Bookmark my blog;
ii) Link to the blog or
iii) just type "ah ok lah" in Google and click the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button
Q10. How do I get on your blogroll?
ANS: i) Add a link to ah ok lah in your blog. You can use the html code given below:
ii) Inform me (e-mail) when you have put up the link.
ii) I will then add you to my blogroll asap.
1. The link must be on your Home page or a page linked to the home page
2. Zero tolerance for Pornography and Hate sites.
Q11. Is that you on your profile picture?
ANS: Of course. Why would I add a cartoon or someone else's picture? Only inscure guys do that.
Q12. What's that on your profile picture?
ANS: that's me snorkeling off Pulau Kapas in Malaysia. I am wearing a T-shirt because I had a bad experience of severe sun burn while snorkeling in the past. Now always snorkel with a t-shirt on.
Yeah! I made some of the FAQ up myself. if you got a problem with that, learn to deal with it.
Are you sure ppl really ask so many question one. About the word 'lah' also they can ask question?
Why not do an environmentalists' FAQ :)
Thanks for your comments guys.
MrKiasu: Yes! I m often asked about the name of my blog.
Jack: Thanks for visiting my blog.
Jinny: You can start off by asking me some questions ;-)
Munkit: Thanks.
wah! good FAQ! :)
Hi Adam
valid points there ;) , i know what you mean about keeping ya blog id some what private .When i blogged a mblog i had one guy that so annoyed me,i felt like i was being cyber stalked hehe.
cheerz wish u a nice wkend tcz
you are not orang kelate, you are not orang kedah, then what orang are you?
hey, you gave me an idea. maybe one day i'll blog on something similiar to this but call it 'interviewing myself'. :)
nice one, adam.:)
yeah, since you're neither from kelate nor kedah, where are you from? KL?:)
I guess I will leave people guessing for a while. ;-)
Hi Adam! Dropping by your blog after months of busy life... wow, nice design you have! Love it. Btw, want to let you know that I have moved my blog to http://notsoprivate.wordpress.com. Do update your blogroll. ;) Hey, thanks for dropping by my blog once in a while.
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