01 November 2009

Two birthdays in London

My daughter turned 6 last week but we were busy with a training session and we decided to have it this weekend instead. She was joined by her mother - my amazing wife, who celebrates her birthday today.

Happy Birthday darling.

Here's looking forward to many, many, many more happy returns of this day, celebrating together. .

We had a small (only us) but fabulous party at our sis-in-law's place in London and we had two lovely cakes from Maison Blanc. They were really delicious (will put up the pics later).

15 October 2009

Climate change: 10 things you can do

Today is Blog Action Day and this year's theme is Climate change - an issue that impacts us all.

Here is a list of 10 things ALL of us can do to help.
  1. Recycle as much as you can,
  2. Grow your own vegetables,
  3. Switch to energy saving devices - for example, low power bulbs,
  4. Take public transport whenever possible or walk or cycle,
  5. Adopt renewable energy sources- solar, wind, wind-up,
  6. Bring you own bag to the market (Thanks Lara),
  7. Switch off lights and electrical equipment when not in use,
  8. Donate to environment protection groups,
  9. Write to the politicians,
  10. Blog and Tweet about it - like I am doing now.

14 October 2009

Post-it note love story

I was thinking, "sweet but what a waste of paper".

Hari Raya 2009

A long overdue post.

This was our 4th Raya here in the UK. It was more fun as we had family around - my sis-in-law and her family.

Eid 2009: Coventry

Eid 2009, Coventry

What is raya without the food?

Cooked by the Mrs and her sister.

Visiting people:
Eid 2009: Coventry

First house
Eid 2009, Coventry

Another house
Eid 2009

Eid 2009

Yet another house
Eid 2009

Finally the obligatory family photo:

12 October 2009

Crossed 2K followers on Twitter

Last night was a landmark for me. The number of my followers on Twitter crossed the 2000 mark. I know some of you guys reading this are laughing. 2K followers is nothing. However, for me it is astounding that a little more than 2000 people find my tweets interesting.

BTW, I am also the 6th top Twitter user or Twitterer or Tweep in Coventry according to Twittergrader. If you think that's impressive, you will be surprised to learn that up until a few months ago I was #1.

If you are one of those guys going, "What the hell is Twitter?", I am afraid this means that you are definitely out of the loop.

Unfortunately the Mrs is not impressed. "If you worked as hard on your research, you would probably have completed it by now", she says.  Of course, I have no comments or I won't be eating dinner at night.

Anyway, follow me on Twitter @admutum

05 October 2009

Garden Update and Creepy Crawlies

My roses - the pride of my garden, even though I only have three bushes.

IMG_0366 IMG_0361

My tomato is getting bigger and bigger but I am afraid that it shows no sign of ripening. Worried that it might be too late as the weather is getting colder and the leaves are showing signs of wither.

And as Halloween is nearby, here are pics of some creepy crawlies in my garden:



And not so creepy: A ladybird - sign of a healthy environment:

This is my
Join Green Thumb Sunday

Do visit As the Garden Grows for more information.

First commentator

30 September 2009

Malaysia Boleh

A funny mail that was forwarded to me today:


After having dug to a depth of 1000 meters last year, Swedish scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 1000 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 1000 years ago.

Not to be outdone by the Swedes, in the weeks that followed, English scientists dug to a depth of 2000 meters and shortly after headlines in the UK newspapers read; English archaeologists have found traces of 2000 year old fibber-optic cable and have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech digital communications network a thousand years earlier than the Swedes.

One week later, Malaysian newspapers reported the following:
"After digging as deep as 5000 meters in paddy fields in Kedah, Malaysian scientists have found absolutely nothing. They, therefore, have concluded that 5000 years ago, Malaysian's inhabitants were already using wireless technology."



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