11 July 2007

Blog review update

When I made the offer to review blogs for free, I didn't realise that I would be deluged by requests. Slowly going through them one by one as I want to do a good job.

Given below is the list of blogs I still have to review:
  1. http://howtoencourage.blogspot.com/
  2. http://table4five.net/
  3. http://anylee-anylee.blogspot.com/
  4. http://www.asianwildrose.ca/
  5. http://beccagirlblogspot.blogspot.com/
  6. http://harrymcfryinvestigates.blogspot.com/
  7. http://chatbugkaren.com/myroad/
  8. http://ryansqueerbent.blogspot.com/
  9. http://www.mythailanddiary.com/
  10. http://www.mylittletribe.com/
  11. http://www.investorblogger.com/
  12. http://afrogtokiss.net/
  13. http://wireblissmei.blogspot.com/
  14. http://waitingforcoffee.blogspot.com/
  15. http://www.imbloggingthat.com/
  16. http://chickpealove.com/blog
  17. http://firetruckpony.blogspot.com/ (Can't review because it's only for invited viewers)
  18. http://www.preyanka.com/
  19. http://wolfsperspective2.blogspot.com/
  20. http://enjoydeals.blogspot.com
  21. http://www.realitytvfan.org/
  22. http://infinitelycrazy.blogspot.com/
  23. http://jokingblog.blogspot.com/
  24. http://growingasmallbusiness.blogspot.com/
  25. http://randomtopic.dakotablogs.com/
Please inform me if anyone is missing from the list.


10 July 2007

Just Jayme reviewed

I am going through the blog reviews one by one on a "first come, first serve" basis and I don't know how, but I somehow missed Jayme who blogs at Just Jayme. Sorry about that.

Her blog template is proof that a blogspot blog doesn't have to have the boring generic template. I would have liked it if her font was a little bigger. From my informal research I have found that small fonts might turn away a lot of people, especially those with bad eyesight. As I have mentioned earlier, all we have to do is hit the 'Ctrl and +' key but a lot of people are obviously not aware of that. She has a lot of nice pics on her Flickr page and she should put some of them up on her blog. As they say, a picture says a thousand words.

She's been blogging for almost the same time as me, since June 2003. It's a personal blog and she blogs about her husband of 7 years, her daughter and life in general. Much like mine. It's a nice blog and I am wondering why the PR is only 2. Jayme probably needs to do some social networking and marketing her blog. Getting her blog reviewed is a step in the right direction.

Would you like a Hardwood Floor

Most houses over here in the UK (at least those I have gone to) have carpeted rooms. I guess it is the floor covering of choice for the majority of people here. Not surprising considering the cold winter months. However I definitely prefer a Hardwood Floor. The link gives some great tips to consider before going for hardwood flooring.

I guess it's just a matter of preference. I like to see the polished grains on the polished wood floorings and the feel as I walk barefooted. They somehow convey feeling of warmth and sophistication. They are definitely easier to clean and do not trap dust like carpets do. I was watching this home renovation program on TV and thinking to myself "what a pity", when the owner decided to carpet over the great looking wooden floor.

Slightly Mordant reviewed

Next on the blog review list is Michael's blog - Slightly Mordant. As the title of the blog suggest, a lot of the posts are sarcastic and witty. Take the post 'Kids and guns have some sense!' - I totally agree with him when he says "Having children is a big responsibly as is owning firearms." However, not all the posts are negative - take the post 'I love my life I love my wife'. Am sure the wife was really please with that one.

The blog template is nothing to shout about - it's the generic Minima. However I think you will agree with me when I say that the Blog banner looks interesting. This is one the few non-commercial blogs, among all those that I have reviewed so far. Somehow feels refreshing to see no sponsored posts and no ads - not that I am going to revert back. Nice blog.

09 July 2007

Hitz FM's Morning crew parodies the Pussycat Dolls

JJ and Rudy parodies the Pussycat Dolls' song 'Don Cha'.

Is your boyfriend hot like me?

FYI, they make up the Morning Crew on Hitz FM, a Malaysian radio station.

Got this clip via 'At's Perspective'.

Shawn Knight pwn3d

If you are into putting your computer together and other computer hardware stuff, you will like Shawn's blog - Shawn-knight.net He also runs Ocia.net - a hardware review site.

The former blog, which was started in January this year, is more personal. There are a lot of things I like about the site. First of all, the constructive comments. Noticed something strange for "an up-and-coming, hopeful dot com mogul" (his own words) - ads are totally absent from the blog. Not even Google ads. Wonder how he plans to make money. I also felt that there's too much grey on the site. other than that the site is awesome.

First of all he has a great banner. I have considered copying it for one of my blogs. Of all the categories, even though I enjoy the tech related posts - especially the computer upgrades, I like the "daily ownage" posts the most. Some great stuff - will leave you grinning.

Go and check out his site.

08 July 2007

Life in the UK - an update

Today's 07-07-07. Nothing special but there's Live Earth going on as well as Wimbledon finals.

A few of my old friends back in Malaysia have been complaining that I have not been blogging about myself for quite sometime now. It's quite true but the fact is that I have nothing interesting happening in my life right now to blog about.

No! I still haven't started my PhD. I plan to do so this year when the next session starts at the University of Warwick. My wife has completed her upgrading and won't be attending any more classes. The only thing worrying me right now are the rumours that they are planning to increase the fees this year. The total fees alone are more than the cost of our apartment in Damansara, Malaysia.

No! Unlike what a lot of people seem to think, I am not sponsored by the Government of Malaysia. I resigned from my comfortable Government job last year to follow my wife here in the UK. That's why I get annoyed with a lot of Malaysian students who keep on complaining about the Malaysian Government at every chance they get, when they ARE SPONSORED BY the Malaysian Government. With all the work I am doing, trying to promote Malaysia here among the British and other foreigners, I sometimes feel that the Govt. should be sponsoring ME instead of all these ungrateful guys.

No! I haven't got a job as yet. I am either not qualified enough for the top positions and too qualified for the lower positions. The only options open to me now are working as a cleaner or in a factory doing hard manual labour. I have applied for jobs with a number of companies around here, including Ikea. In the meantime, I am blogging full time trying to 'cari duit' (searching for money). I am earning a bit but not enough to pay for my PhD fees. So right now we are surviving mostly on my wife's scholarship, which is just enough but we have to forgo the luxuries we were used to in Malaysia, including eating out and buying branded stuff.

Will blog more about myself when I have positive things to say.


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