17 December 2006

See how an Internet business is set up

As an MBA student, we read about Internet start ups and how net entrepreneurs became overnight millionaires. That was during the hight of the Dot Com boom. Of course, we then read how most went bust when the bubble burst and we analysed what they did wrong. We would get fired up reading the case studies of the few successful internet companies and dream of one day setting up or working for such a company.

Students today are lucky as they can now watch as an Internet company is built up from nothing into a multi-billion dollar international powerhouse. This is reality tv unlike something you might have seen before. It follows the crazy antics of the people who make up the Payperpost.com team led by Edward “Ted” Murphy (the founder and CEO), as they move the company into a mutimillion dollar international business.

If you don't believe me just check out well known Malaysian blogs and you will be hard pressed to find one without the link button you see on my side bar on the right.

When I last checked, their website had 4 episodes. The last one is actually just a preview (titled VEGAS BABY!) of a forthcoming episode. Looks like some more crazy stuff. As far as I know, no TV channel in the UK are showing them as yet and the website mentions that..
We are currently shopping our show to television networks. All footage has been shot in HD. If you are interested drop us an email at ted (at) payperpost (dotcom).

Anyone interested?


I love my nuts

When I tell people that I am a vegetarian, people give me a pitiful look and given below are a sample of what people said when I told them that I am a vegetarian:

You poor boy.
Are you crazy?
You are missing out on all the great stuff.
Oh dear.
We have some salad for you.
How do you get the nutrients?

I found this web page which might answer the last question.

Actually I am not a "pure" vegetarian and take milk and eggs. I believe the proper terminology for people like me is Ovo-lacto-vegetarian.
BTW, here is a pic of one of my favorite foods. Kenny Sia loves his coconuts. I too love my nuts.

Did you know that Nuts are chocked full of healthy nutrients? I found the title quite funny:
It's Full of Fat and Helps You Lose Weight


16 December 2006

From blogging to webdesigning

Without even realising it, I have become a full time blogger and my wife yesterday pointed out that I am blogging a post daily, sometimes more. The good news is that I have been receiving a lot of some opportunities to earn money. This include invitations to contribute articles, to manage websites and even a few webdesign projects.

The funny thing is that I don't even a background in ICT. Yeah! I did obtain a piece of paper saying that I am a "Certified E-commerce Professional" after attending a course in Informatics, Petaling Jaya. However, I learnt most of the stuff myself - through trial and error and online tutorials.

While I was working in Kedah, I did receive several web designing projects but I would pass it on to other freelance web designers as I didn't have enough time. Now, I am not letting any project go as every penny counts.

In the past I used to host most of my websites with one very cheap host (only RM90 annually for 100MB space) in Malaysia. I stopped using him as most of the sites I designed later were for Government organisations, which had their own servers.

Anyway, some of the new projects I am working on are not the simple static websites I used to design. These people want Content Management Sysytems (CMS) and e-commerce facilties.

Searching for an affordable web hosting service that could fulfill the requirements have been causing me a bit of a headache. Searching on Google gave several links which were quite confusing. That was, until I came across the cheap ecommerce hosting directory. They have listed six companies (when I last checked) that can help create and manage an online store. Right now I haven't decided as yet but am comparing their services and of course the most important detail, the cost.

The website has given a list of the top 10 webhosting companies. I am not really sure how they came out with the list but they mention that they...
factor in numerous variables to arrive at the top 10 list. This is an honor reserved for those web hosting companies that go above and beyond in products, service, and quality.

Going though the list seems to confirm their claims. For example, the No 1 in the list, Ipower.com has been Top 5 Host 2005 Winner, Editor's Pick 2006, cnet Top 3 Most Popular and 2006 Gold Award Top Ten Reviews.

For those looking for cheap hosts, they also have the 'Budget Showcases' that lists
affordable hosting companies.

Besides those mentioned above, they also have listings under Unix Web Hosting, Windows/.NET/ASP hosting, VPS /Dedicated, Resell Hosting, Exchange Web Hosting.

If you consider yourself an expert on the in the hosting and domain name industry, you are in luck (Unfortunately I am not one). You may get paid to write what you know. Just click here for the details.

SO if you are looking for a web host, look no further. Just go to


14 December 2006

Firefox t-shirt plus a bonus

Today afternoon there was a loud knock on the door while I was feeding Imaan. It was the postman with a parcel.

I kind of guessed what was inside but was not sure. Maybe my wife had bid and won something on ebay. However, when I saw that it was addressed to me....

Opened it up and yes! As soon as I saw the Firefox logo, I knew it was the T-shirt. But what is that on the top. It was the surprise bonus that Marcia had mentioned in her e-mail - a Firefox cap.

In case you are wondering what this is all about, then it's clear that you are not a regular visitor to my blog.

A few days back I had written a post about the Firefox T-shirt that never arrived. Well it finally did today.

I couldn't believe it when I received an e-mail from Marcia a few days after I wrote the post, saying that they were sending a t-shirt to me. Asa had actually read my post.


I know. A lot of you probably think it's unfair. That I don't deserve it blah, blah, blah. But you are probably just jealous.

Just hope Asa doesn't get flooded with a wave of "Where is my T-shirt?" e-mails and posts from other Spread Firefox members.

I only have one problem - my wife wants the t-shirt for herself. In fact, she's already trying it out. The only consolation is that at least I have the cap.

Thanks a million Asa, Marcia. I will treasure them.

BTW, check out 10 reasons why you should use the Firefox browser in the 'Why Firefox' page.


13 December 2006

I can finally work in the UK

This morning my wife picked up a letter lying in front of the door. "It's your NI number".

Yeah! I can now finally work in the UK.

Non European Economic Area (EEA) students like us, are allowed to work part-time during term time, but cannot work for more than 20 hours per week (unless the work is a necessary part of the studies) except during vacation. On the other hand, the spouse and children of a student are allowed to work full time (if the study period is more than 12 months).

However in order to work legally here, you need an NI number. NI is short for National Insurance and the NI number is allocated to a person for life. Of course you can find jobs where you don't have to give your NI number but I won't recommend it. Some employers will apply for you (if they really really want you) but most of the time, they won't employ you unless you have the number.

Like most people I knew I had to have an NI number but didn't know what to do to get one. So how did I get the number?

Step 1:
I turned to the www and did a check on Google. It led me to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs website here. It tells you almost everything you need to know about the NI number.

I then followed a link from there to the Department for Work and Pensions site here, which finally led me to the Jobcentre Plus site. I found the nearest local office in Coventry and took down the number.

Step 2:
I called up the number and fixed an appointment for an interview. Yes! Before they give you the NI number, you have attend an interview.

Next day, I received a letter from the office confirming my interview date, the location and a list of documents I have to bring along.

One thing I noted is that unlike in Malaysia, the Civil servants here are extremely efficient. I wish I could say the same thing about the service quality of some of the private sector companies here.

Step 3:
I went on the appointed date and was there quite early at the Jobcentreplus office:

Coventry Cofa Court Jobcentre Plus
Cofa Court, Cheylesmore
Tel: 024 7623 2200.

A Punjabi lady interviewed me. She asked me a few questions. I showed her the documents which I had brought along:
i) Passport
ii) International driving permit
iii) Proof of residence in the UK. I took along some letters addressed to my name as I didn't have any bills.
iv) Proof that I have been actively seeking a job. This is kind of funny - like a chicken and egg thing. We need an NI number to get a job but in order to get an NI number, you must have proof that you have applied for jobs. So I brought along a couple of rejection letters (past 2 months). That was good enough.
I filled up the forms and that was it.

The money I get from a part time job should be enough for us to live comfortably but not luxuriously. If I save every penny, I might be able to pay for my PhD but iI very much doubt it. For example, the University of Warwick tuition fees for this academic year is £9150 and is expected to increase. That is almost double what the students from UK and other EU countries pay (£4975). No wonder they want to attract more non-EU students to come and study here in the UK.


12 December 2006

Mongoloid Jews of India

Found this really interesting article on Wikipedia about the Bnei Menashe.
a group of more than 8,000 people from India's remote North-Eastern border states of Manipur and Mizoram who claim descent from one of the Lost Tribes of Israel.
Even though it sounds too fantastic to be true, Israel has recognized them as Jews and the Indians are automatically eligible to become Israeli citizens under their Law of Return.

Initially the Israeli Govt. refused to entertain such claims.
Israel does not consider this community [in Mizoram] as Jewish..."
- Ms Michal Buch, an Israeli embassy spokesperson in Delhi, told BBC News Online.

In 2005, Shlomo Amar, Chief Rabbi of the Sephardic Jews informed of his decision to recognise them as the lost descendants of ancient Israelites. However, before they could migrate, they had to convert to the Judaism and learn Hebrew. This gave rise to a crisis in Indian-Israeli relations. The Indian Govt. officials were not happy with the conversions and Israel put a stop to the conversions - at least for a while.

Since then, hundreds have migrated to the country and thousands are in the waiting list. Most of these people have been settled in the West Bank and other hot spots areas in Israel, which the Palestinians call the "Occupied Territories", finding themselves in the middle of one of the longest middleast conflicts. Some of them were also involved in the recent skirmish in Lebanon.

Is this what they had hoped for when they left India for the promised land? I wonder.

Related Posts: Lebanon - Scary scenario and some facts

Related Links:
- 49 Members of the Bnei Menashe Community Arrive in Israel
- Bneimenashe.com


I am really awesome

I was intrigued after reading Lilian's (better known as 5Xmom) post "5xmom is really awesome!" and followed the link given. It lead me to Awesomemillion.com.

This is a fun website and allows you to have your own page certifying that you are "Really Awesome" and one in a million. Fun aside, it is actually a good online marketing tool. By paying Only $5 you can upload a picture - it may be your photograph, logo or whatever. The image will immediately appear on the home page of awesomemillion.com and linked to your site (of course you have to provide a link).

I have no idea how far it's true but according to the site, it pushed the blog traffic of a member to the grand total of over 25000 impressions. That's pretty amazing. Don't you think so?

Here's my own certificate, which proves that I am TRULY AWESOME and one in a million.

My God! I really sound like an egoistic £$%^&*d.

As 5Xmom mentions in her post, you don't have to pay $5 to get listed. Go over to the site now to find out more. I got there through Creamaid (via 5Xmom). You can actually blog about the website and earn a royalty. Just click the blue button below.

Related Link: Adam is really awesome



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