12 July 2006

Miss my other half

WARNING: Emo post ahead

My wife just smsed me from Amsterdam airport. She's drinking latte at some cafe at the airport there waiting for her connecting flight to UK.

I only get to see her and the kids on weekends (people refer to us as weekend husbands here in my organisation). This weekend I will be alone with my two babies while my wife attends a conference in London.


She also plans to get the tenancy agreement for a house there - a UK visa requirement.

Miss you darling. Good luck with your presentation.


11 July 2006

I have an International Driving Permit

It's not often that we hear people praising Government departments but this is one such post.

Recently learnt that there is such a thing as an International Driving Permit (IDP) issued by the JPJ (Road Transport Department).

As we would be leaving for UK soon, I thought it would be a good idea to have one. Remembered that I have a friend (who can’t be named) at the JPJ office in Alor Star. Promptly called him up.

Learnt that he had been involved in some kind of accident during the recent Sukma games and was on leave. However, he mentioned that he would call up some of his colleagues there.

He called me back after a few minutes and told me that I needed to bring along afew things:
1. 2 copies of passport size photograph
2. Passport
3. Original driving license
4. RM150/

So I took half-day off from work today and drove to the JPJ office in Alor Star.

It was funny because on the way some officers of the JPJ stopped me at a roadblock. My license was expiring 3 days later and the officer asked me when I planned to have it renewed. “I am on my way to your office right now,” I Told him.

Dropped by a photo studio and had my pictures taken. Took a few minutes and I had 4 copies plus a CD of my photograph (RM11/). Thank God for technology.

I roughly knew where their office was but had to ask a few people before I finally got there. Once there, I called up my friend who directed me to go inside and meet up his colleague.

They were really efficient and friendly (unlike some Government offices I have been too). Took them nearly half and hour to renew my driving license for 2 years (RM60/) and prepare my IDP (valid for 1 year).

It is nice to have friends at the right places. Thanks a lot.

Something unrelated or maybe it is.

On the way back, I don’t know why, I had this strange warm happy feeling. Maybe due to the fact that I was cruising down a nearly empty North-South highway with green paddy fields on both sides with Dire Straits playing on my cassette player. A feeling that can’t be described.


10 July 2006

Original CDs dirt cheap

Always keep your eyes open because you can sometimes come across real bargains at unexpected places. Take my recent experience at Mega Mall, Kuala Lumpur.

Day before yesterday, was doing some last minute shopping at Carrefour before my wife leaves for a conference in UK.

After we finished paying for the stuff, I suddenly noticed a sign at a music shop right in front of the cashiers, advertising original CDs on sale for only RM9.90 (approx. UD$2.70). That's literally dirt cheap.

I was amazed at the choices on display. Some were real collector's items. My wife who shares my taste in music was also excited. Some teenagers did browse around but they left without buying anything and I realise why - most of the CDs were classic rock including heavy metal groups, Iron Maiden, Megadeath, etc. The kids now-a-days simply do not appreciate rock music.

I was a bit sceptical about the quality of the CDs even though they had the Goverment authorised "original" hologram stickers. However, after testing them at the shop, found that the quality was OK.

In the end we grabbed 5 CDs - Eagles, Deep Purple, Europe, Santana and Bob Marley. I can't recall the titles right now.

It was amazing to listen to a totally different version (live concert recording) of Hotel California by the Eagles.

Rock music lovers, grab them while stock still lasts. (I don't think it will run out that soon.)


05 July 2006

Linda Onn and his excellency

Have you watched the Power Root Perl cafe TV ad featuring Linda Onn?

In case you haven't, click here. In it she says "I need lasting energy for excellency, blah blah blah".

Do you notice something wrong with the sentence here?

A lot of people might not have but it didn't escape the ears of my friend Shahmir. Whoever wrote the script needs a lesson in English.

In case you didn't know, Power root Sdn Bhd is one of Malaysia's fastest growing companies selling energy drinks fortified with traditional Malay medicinal herbs, namely, Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack) and Kacip Fatima (Labisia Pumila).

Mawi of AF3 fame and radio announcer Linda Onn are among the celebrities are among their various celebrity brand ambassadors (I guess that sounds better than spokesperson).


Tony Fernandes Interview

I would like to share this interview with Tony Fernandes, CEO of AirAisa in the Wall Street Journal Asia. It was forwarded to me by a friend. Thanks Ziana.
Everyone talks about developing human capital, but we did it. - Tony Fernandes

I hope more CEOs in Malaysia start thinking like him.

Some of my AirAsia posts:

- Top 5 Ecommerce Companies
- I Flew on the Lat Plane
- Price Wars


27 June 2006

I love you or satanic salute

According to this website a lot of well known people are satanists. The author bases this on the fact that these famous guys are showing a particular hand sign.

Popular with a lot of heavy metal fans, the authors refers to it as the "El Diablo" hand sign.

Bunch of loonies.

Spiderman showing off the Satanic salute?

Rahil doing it too.

FYI, it is the deaf hand signal for the phrase, "I love you."

What do you think?

NEW UPDATES: Send me (ahoklah@gmail.com) your satanic salutes/ ILU signs and I will post up on my blog post here.

Alan Tam n Hacken Lee

Alan Tam & Hacken Lee New year countdown concert in Malaysia 2003.

RELATED LINKS: Mano cornuta (Thanks Lynne).


26 June 2006

Celcom scam

Some unique messages on my handphone recently:
TAHNIAH-Anda telah t'pilih utk menerima bonus p'gilan percuma sbnyk RM50 drpd CELCOM. Utk m'aktifkan RM50 ke akaun anda, silataip 08 & hantar ke 10133934236.TQ

TAHNIAH...Anda telah menerima kredit panggilan percuma RM50, sempena ulang tahun CELCOM ke 29. Untuk mengaktifkannya sila taip 7 dan hantarkan ke 10199927191.TQ

Roughly translated into English, both messages mean:
You have won RM50 from CELCOM blah blah, please type (amount) and send to (phone number).

CELCOM's Airtime Share service (ASS) is quite useful especially in times of emergency when the prepaid airtime credit has run out. The person could then send a request to a friend or family member (celcome prepaid user) for airtime credit.

However, scammers are abusing this system, asking credit from strangers using tricks like those given above.

The Sedania Media Group (SMG), which is the provider of the Airtime Transfer Solution, is offering a reward of up to RM2,000 for any information leading to the successful arrest and conviction of these perpetrators.

Prepaid mobile phone users who receive such suspicious messages can report them through SMS (33009) or e-mail (info@idot.tv).

Related news link: Mobile Phone Airtime Share Abusers Can Be Penalised


Just received this e-mail:

Bsmillahir Rahmaanir Raheem,

Assalam Alaikum,

Wasalaam to you,and how are you doing?. My intention of contacting you is to solicit your assistance for a project, which will be mutually beneficial. Though I know my decision to contact you is to a large extent unconventional, the prevailing circumstances necessitated my action. I am Muayed Abdul Faisal. I am son to Late Mallam Mustafa Abdul Faisal of blessed memory was an oil explorer in Libya and Kuwait for twelveyears before hedied in the year 2000. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Before his death we were both devoted Muslims. Since his death I too have been battling with both Cancer and fibroid problems.When my late Father was alive he made a huge deposit in millions of US dollars with a Deposit Company in oversea. (I will tell you the amount as we proceed).

Recently, my doctor told me that I have only few months to live due to cancer problem. Though what disturbs me most is my stroke sickness.

Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to either a Muslim organization or devoted Muslim individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein. My parents died at a tender age and i was brought up in the orphanage through the help of a devouted muslim. I want this Muslim organization or individual to use this money in all sincerity to fund mosques, orphanages, widows, and also propagating the word of ALLAH and to ensure that the society upholds the views and belief of the Holy Quran.

The Holy Quran emphasizes so much on ALLAH'S benevolence and this has encouraged me to take the bold step. I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money and my relatives are into some radical Organizations and I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an Unholy manner. Hence the reasons for this bold decision, I know that after death I will be with ALLAH the most beneficent and the most merciful. I don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health, because of the presence of my relatives around me always. I don't want them to know about this development. With ALLAH all things are possible.

As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact information of the Deposit Company in oversea where the money was deposited. I will also issue a letter of authority to the Deposit Company authorizing them that the said fund have being willed to you and a copy of such authorization will be forwarded to you. I want you and the Muslim community where you reside to always pray for me. My happiness is that I lived a true devoted Muslims worthy of emulation, Whoever that wants to serve ALLAH must serve him in truth and in fairness. I will not stipulate any precise amount to reward you, as it will have to be on pre-negotiated terms, based on your level of involvement.

Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your reply will give room in sourcing for a Muslim organization or a devoted Muslim for this same purpose. Until I hear from you by email, my dreams will rest squarely on your Shoulders. May the Almighty ALLAH continue to guide and protect you.


Muayed Abdul Faisal



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