31 May 2009

A day at the park

This was taken a while ago when my father-in-law visited us. It was really windy that day and even though it was sunny, it got a bit chilly.

It is at the Memorial Park on Kenilworth Rd, Coventry, CV3 6PT.


The eagle dance?



not easy jumping carrying a kid who weighs 16Kg.


The pictures came out quite well, especially the jump shots even though they were taken using my compact Kodak C913.

First Commentator
Yazid Idrus

27 May 2009

Moving next door maybe

After being left unoccupied for several months, the house next door was finally bought by one of our neighbours. Apparently he got a great deal as the previous owner was desperate to get rid of it. The new owner set to work almost immediately. With his team of builders and a skip in front of the house. The first few days was pure torture with the drilling, knocking and dust hanging in the air. We even had to complain to them to keep it down.

Fortunately they seem to be nearing the end of their renovation work. I was curious and went to see what they have done so far and I was amazed at the quality of work. Plus the fact that they achieved all of it in such a short time.

Even though it's the same size as our house, the rooms look bigger and really great. Not only that, they have removed the jungle of an eyesore which was their backyard with a new paved patio. They are also paving up the front of their house and created a driveway. This is bad news for us as this means loss of our extra parking space. I had wanted one for our house as well but our landlord had refused.

Our new neighbour want to put it up for rent and I was pleasantly surprised when he enquired whether we would be interested to move in. Of course I didn't promise anything but the prospect of bigger rooms, brand new fitted kitchen and nice bathrooms and of course a driveway in front is really, really attractive. I guess the deciding factor would be the question of monthly rentals. I am not sure how much they want for the house but if it's not a big jump from what we are paying now, we might actually move in next door.

First Commentator

14 May 2009

Angels and Demons Coventry

Nothing to do with the new movie starring Tom Hanks based on the novel by Dan Brown.

This is a sculpture on the walls of the Cathedral Church of St Michael’s at Coventry depicting the archangel Michael and Satan.

angels and demons 100_0584

angels and demons 100_0585
Close up

BTW, has anyone seen the movie?

First commentator:

12 May 2009

Edinburgh Trip 1

Of all the cities that we have visited here in the UK, I think that Edinburgh is the most beautiful. It is also the one with the most character.

We recently spent 4 days there and stayed in our favourite hotel chain - Travelodge. Our decision to stay at the Edinburgh Central at St. Mary's Street turned out to be right choice. It was right in the middle of the Royal Mile - between Edinburgh castle and Holyrood Palace. The hotel staff were really friendly and helpful and we didn't have any problems during our stay apart from the fact that the lift was out of order a couple of days. I got some exercise walking up and down the stairs.

You can see that we enjoyed the trip or otherwise I would have been ranting on about the broken down lift. I was great to get away from it all - from the stress of our research work and I didn't access the Internet even once for the whole four days. Though it did drizzle a bit now and then, over the weather was great all the while we were there.

Here are some pictures from the trip:

Trying to make sense of the map

Tattoos anyone



The Scottish Parliament


Gates to the palace

Arthur's seat

Balmoral Hotel

The Royal Mile

St. Giles and Statue of Adam Smith in the distance


St. Giles' Cathedral or the High Kirk of Edinburgh

03 May 2009

Top Entrecard Droppers for April

  1. How to Make Money on the Internet
  2. Life Reflections
  3. Life After Work
  4. A malaysian abroad
  5. Digital Polaroids
  6. Knowledge distribution center
  7. Emila's Illustrated Blog
  8. Blogger Rise
  9. Beyond Feron
  10. Turn-u-Off
Thanks guys and do drop by again.

Swine Flu and Winnie the Pooh

Another forwarded mail. Thought it was really funny.

On a more serious note, the Swine Flu is one in the long list of the diseases which have jumped to humans from animals - AIDs, Mad cow disease, Foot-and-mouth, Chicken flu and now Swine flu.

Apart from AIDs, apparently all the diseases are from domesticated animals reared as food. Maybe we should all go vegetarian.

First Commentator
Emila Yusof

19 April 2009

Azaleas brightening up my garden

The small garden in front of my house was looking a little dull and I found the perfect flower to brighten it up - dark pink Azaleas (Rhododendron sp.).

Bought these flowering shrubs at the green grocer near our house. I have no idea about the variety or the species of Azaleas. Don't they look lovely?


Join Green Thumb Sunday

Do visit As the Garden Grows for more information.

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