01 January 2010

Moving house in London

New Year's eve. Helping my sis-in-law move to her new house in Greenwich.

Packed and ready to go

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Bye Elgin Mews




Toothy smil.e The kids like the new place,

11 December 2009

A day as an invigilator

Yesterday morning I was invigilating an exam at the Rootes building in the University of Warwick. It was a 3 hours long exam and yes, it was really boring. So I tried to pass time by observing the people.

I never did think about it but looking at the guys, I realise how much I hate exams.

Anyway, students were not allowed to hang their jackets on their chairs for health and safety reasons and coat hangers were provided. However, there was this one lady who refused saying that "this is a cardigan not a jacket". Actually it was a fleece jacket and she looked like a feisty lady - one of those stubborn ones who stuck by their guns and I left her alone.

I couldn't believe it but some people had actually forgotten to bring their University identification cards - one lady told me that she had lost hers. Fortunately they had some kind of alternative ID.

During exams people do all kinds of things to remember the stuff they had crammed - one guy was scratching his head on the right side using his left hand. Another guy was staring at the lights for a long time. One lady with big hair do was moving her head back and forth and waving her hands around in front and many more.

The air conditioning suddenly came on around 11am with a loud swoosh and a few guys actually jumped in their seats. We never realise how loud these things are.

When it finally ended and after all the answer sheets for accounted for, we noticed that 6 people had left their mobile phones behind. They had been asked to hand it in when they started the exams. It's not surprising. Every exam, something always gets left behind and some people will never come back for them.

21 November 2009

Look at yourself before finding fault with others

Another great forwarded mail. It's really thought provoking..

A man feared his wife wasn’t hearing well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called his family doctor to discuss the problem. The doctor told him there is a simple, informal test; which he could perform and give them a better idea about her hearing loss.

“Here’s what you do,” said the doctor, “stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone, see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response.”

That evening, when his wife was in the kitchen, cooking dinner, he was in the drawing room, standing about 40 feet away from her.

“Honey, what’s for dinner?”, he asked in a normal tone. No response! So he moved closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeated “Honey, what’s for dinner?” Still there was no response.

Next, he moved into the dining room where he was placed about 20 feet from his wife and asked the same question. Still further, he didn’t get his awaited response. He now walked up to the kitchen door which was another 10 feet away and asked “Honey, what’s for dinner?” Again no response! So he walks up and whispers behind her “Honey, what’s for dinner?”

“Steve, for the fifth time I’ve said, “Chicken”. “Do you have some hearing problem?”

Sometimes, the problem may not be with the other person as we always think; it could be within us. Let’s look within ourselves before we find fault with others.

17 November 2009

Dilip is my name

I have always wondered about the meaning of my name. I knew that Dilip was an ancestor of Rama, the Hindu God. I also knew that my grandfather had named me after the Indian movie star Dilip Kumar. I guess he was a fan. However, I just found out that it means "Protector", which sounds quite good.

Adam was the name I choose for myself. He was the very first guy, according to Jews, Christians and Muslims.

Mutum is my family name and I am sure it has some meaning though I have no idea.

Do you know the meaning of your name?

02 November 2009

Savings with discount vouchers

Yesterday morning we went grocery shopping to Tesco at the Arena park near our house here in Coventry. I had recently received my Tesco clubcard vouchers as well as other discount vouchers as well and thought that it might be a good idea to use them before they expired.

Anyway, we ended up with a car boot full of groceries, all organic, as well as other household stuff. My wife was pleasantly surprised when it all came to less than £50. Normally our weekend grocery shopping would cost us around £100.

All the discounts do add up in the end and in these gloomy economic times, we need all the help we can get.

Anyway, I have entered into a partnership with Voucher Alerts - a leading online UK discount code directory, to give my readers the best deals on buying gifts and gadgets online. This includes voucher codes for over 2500 leading online stores including Amazon, HMV, Play.com, Tesco, GAME, Currys, Debenhams and many more. With Christmas around the corner, I am sure you could do with discounts on your online Christmas shopping.

If you are like me and looking to buy electronics online, they have exclusive discount vouchers for the top electrical stores including Currys, Dixons, Pixmania, PC World, Dell, Comet and Play.com. Go through the full list of gift and gadget voucher codes for all your favourite stores here.

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