27 August 2009

BMW's new marketing direction

BMW TV is today launching it's expanded IPTV offering online globally following the successful two-year beta-phase at http://bmw-web.tv/. According to a report I received, their German webpage and its international site registered a total of more than 70 million video views.

They plan to roll out thirteen other local-language websites shortly.

In case you were not aware, they also have an official BMW YouTube Channel. This is all part of their move to attract online consumers.

Check out this "teaser" clip of their new concept car featuring what they call BMW EfficientDynamics technology. I put teaser inside quotes because it's kind of funny. You only get to see the tail lights for a few seconds.

18 August 2009

Ikea the supermarket

Last week I was leaving the office when I met a friend. He was so surprised when I told him that I was going to the Ikea Coventry store to have lunch with my wife and son. "Are you sure?" he asked.

He is looking forward to visiting the restaurant on his first ever trip soon.

My son fell asleep in the shopping trolley during a recent trip to the Coventry store.

Anyway, most people still see Ikea as a furniture store but strangely we rarely buy furniture though we are regulars at the store. Most of the time, we usually go to eat there but we do end up buying something or the other - a picture frame, candles, rugs or even plants. This may be de to the fact that we don't change furniture that often.

They have also started selling luggage, books, electrical equipment and even soap. In the future we may actually see Ikea transformed into something like Marks and Spencer (another favourite store of ours) selling everything from food and clothes to furniture and electrical equipment.

First Commentator:

05 August 2009

Visit to the Falkirk Wheel

More pictures from our trip to Edinburgh some time back.

One of our friends recommended that we visit the Falkirk wheel near Edinburgh. Driving, it took us nearly 50 minutes to get there from Edinburgh. It is a great engineering feat connecting the Forth and Clyde Canal with the Union Canal and is named after the nearby town.

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View of the wheel

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We got into the boat which was then moved to the docking-pit. We were then slowly lifted to the union canal on the top.

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Celtic inspired design

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Inside the boat

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The wheel was built by Butterly engineering which have now sadly gone out of business like so many companies in the UK.

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It was a short ride on the canal and back down again to the basin and my daughter thought it was boring. She was more excited playing at the small playground near the wheel.

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03 August 2009

In the auto car wash for the first time

We were getting a bit bored stuck at home and decided to go out for lunch at the city centre today. After a heavy meal at Nando's we were on our way back when my wife noticed that our son was dozing off and asked me to drive around a bit so that he could go to sleep as he usually does. However, after several minutes he was still awake and we decided to get our car washed.

It's been ages since I had it washed and it was filthy looking. We drove to the Tesco car wash at the Arena park. Their cheapest rate is only £1.99 but I decided to go for the £6 package with wax and stuff.

After we got into the wash, we were pleasantly surprised when the car was sprayed with blue and pink foam.


See the look on my son's face.

Both anxious and excited at the same time. Not surprising after all it was his first time in a car wash.


To be honest, it was my first time as well. My wife was shocked when I told her that I have never gone into a car wash. I have personally avoided car washes all this time because I have heard so many horror stories of machines scratching the cars.

In the end, realised that I was scared for nothing and the car is now sparking clean. It's faster and more importantly, much cheaper than my usual car wash.

Will definitely be going back again.

29 July 2009

Blogger and I

Recently found out that Blogger turns 10 next month. It made me think about my blogging experiences and how it has changed my life. I had actually forgotten but after checking out my first post, I discovered that I am also going to celebrate six long years of blogging very soon as well.

I had been following various blogs and commenting on them for quite sometime when one fine day in the September of 2003, I started my own blog with Blogger and wrote my very first post . And as they say, the rest is history.

In the beginning it was more of a hobby and I used to post anonymously. I just used my nick name and a profile picture of me snorkelling in Redang.

I made a lot of blogger friends from all around the World, some of whom are still blogging while others have simply disappeared without a trace. Many of my old blogging pals have since then moved onto Wordpress and their own domains, while I stuck with good old Blogger. I have seen a lot of positive changes since Google took over blogger and I guess my decision to stick with Blogger has been the right choice.

Later on, I gradually lost my anonymity and started posting up pictures of myself, friends and family. It also became a place for friends and family to find out what I had been doing all the time.

The year 2006 was a landmark year in my life. I took the very huge decision to quit my comfy lecturing job at a public university in Malaysia and moved to the UK. I was a stay-at-home dad for a year -changing diapers, cooking and hoovering among others while my wife was away at the university. As I was looking after the kids, I couldn't go and get a job outside the house. Was really frustrating, depending on the meagre allowance that my wife received. One of the lowest points in my life.

As they say, necessity is the mother of invention, I noticed that other people were making money from their blogs (at least that was what they were saying), I decided to give it a go.

Becoming a full time blogger changed my life entirely - I started several other blogs with focussed themes including my car blog - Auto Lah, Freebies - on free stuff on the net and my technology and gadget blog - Adamok.net. I was also blogging more frequently, sometimes making as many as 7 posts in a day on various blogs.

Being able to contribute to the household expenditure did a great deal for my self-confidence. In the process, I started dabbling with CSS, web site design and search engine optimisation. This later helped me secure a part time job as a web developer in one of the centres in the University of Warwick. Web advertising projects followed. Since then I have worked with various companies including 3 mobilebuzz and bmw-web.tv among others.

Blogging has been a wonderful experience and quite rewarding as well. However, more was yet to come. In 2008, my PhD proposal to the Warwick Business School to study the attitude of consumers towards blogs was accepted and I received a scholarship as well.

I am now about to start the 3rd year of my study and have discovered so many interesting aspects about this wonderful online interactive media. I still have some way to go before I complete my research. One thing is certain though - I will still be involved in this intellectual cyberspace which we call the blogosphere in one way or the other.

First Commentator

25 July 2009

MCS BBQ 2009

The Malaysian Coventry Society (MCS) recently held their annual barbecue party at Cryfield Pavillion, University of Warwick on the 4th of July. The weather was great and though the clouds looked threatening at times, it didn't pour down until much later in the evening.

There were games for the whole family and of course loads of great food.

Here are some pics:





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The BBQ party was a great success.

24 July 2009

What the hell is Twitter?

It comes as no surprise that so many people are curious about Twitter. After all, it's constantly in the news but I have had so many queries about it, I realised that most people have actually no idea what Twitter is all about.

For those who didn't know, Twitter is a social networking/ micro-blogging service. It's called micro-blogging because you are allowed only to post up to 140 characters which is displayed on your twitter profile and also sent out to your subscribers who are known as "followers".

If you have already set up your Twitter profile but don't seem to have many followers you might want to read "Why people don't follow you on Twitter".

This new phenomena has resulted in whole new set of words, which I guess will soon be included in the Oxford dictionary. These include among others:
  • Tweet: A post/ update on Twitter
  • Tweeting: To post a tweet on Twitter
  • Twitterer: Someone who tweets.
  • Tweeps: Friends on Twitter, which I guess is derived from "Peeps".
The reason why it is tweet not twit and tweeting not twitting on Twitter is quite obvious.

One warning though - it's really addictive and sometime back I was tweeting like crazy everyday. In fact, I was the top twitterer in Coventry for quite sometime but I slowed down a bit now and have fallen to the 4th rank according to Twittergrader.

Anyway, follow me on Twitter @admutum


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