18 April 2008

Night in Nottingham

Spent a night yesterday at the Travelodge in Nottingham city centre. My wife is attending a course at the University of Nottingham and I decided to tag along with the kids. However, I had to come back today morning as I was presenting a paper at the Spring Doctoral Conference here at the University of Wariwck.

I had wanted to try out the 3 USB dongle over there but was so tired out when we finally got there, that I didn't get the chance to test it out. Just chatted with my wife over Skype and the sound quality was OK though the connection did drop once.

Will find out what she thinks about the 3 USB dongle when she comes back tomorrow.

A view of the street from the our room.

14 April 2008

Playing with bubbles

Recently bought a bubble machine. The mechanism is quite simple, you fill up the tank with the bubble mix and a fan at the back blows air through of bubble wands turning round. It produces hundreds of bubbles per minute and kids love it.





Definitely beats blowing bubbles yourself.

12 April 2008

Where a million dollars does not mean anything

I was reading about the really sad affairs in Zimbabwe in an article on the BBC site and I recall an old National Geographic magazine that I once read. That issue was full of optimism about the country that had just gained independence and had taken on the new name of Zimbabwe (1980) and it's great leader, Robert Mugabe.

Now the country seems to have gone down the drain like so many other African countries. It's amazing that a cup of tea and two glasses of water can cost 204 million Zimbabwe dollars.

One guy can do this to a country.

Read the article: Mugabe's stranglehold on Zimbabwe

10 April 2008

3 Dongle dangled

Take a look at what came via the post yesterday.

I am a satisfied 3 Skypephone user and had been thinking about signing up for their mobile broadband service after reading about it. Just imagine my delight when I was offered the opportunity to try it out for FREE for 3 months with absolutely no data restrictions.

The free gifts that came with the "dongle" was completely unexpected. I don't mind - I love free stuff.

Anyway, the dongle is actually a Huawei E169G USB Modem and looks like a bit like a normal USB flash drive.

Before using it, you have to take out the USIM card holder and insert the USIM card. Stick the dongle into one of your laptop's USB ports.

The modem software installs automatically. Once installed, all I have to do is click "Connect" on the pop-up screen and I am done - mobile broadband Internet access.

Over the next three months, I will be testing out the modem from various locations in the UK. Look out for more reviews and technical details on my tech blog Adamok dot net.

Thanks to Sam and the other guys at 3mobilebuzz for giving me the opportunity to try out the modem and of course, the other freebies.

06 April 2008

April snow in Coventry

Woke up this morning to find our backyard completely white. It had snowed during the night. It's crazy. It's supposed to be end of Spring by now but that's the UK - you can't predict the weather.

snow coventry april 002

snow coventry april 001

snow coventry april 005

02 April 2008

TalkTalk broadband not so bad after all

Just a few posts back I ranted about TalkTalk being the worst broadband provider in the UK. Well, I might be wrong after all.

Last Sunday, at our friend's house in Birmingham, the topic of broadband speeds suddenly came up. My friend is on Virgin broadband. On checking the speed, we found out that their speeds were slightly lower than ours. However, I should point out that their promised maximum speed was only "up to 4 Mb" unlike our "Up to 8 Meg download speeds".

Have any of you guys been able to get up to at least 50% or more of the download speeds promised by your broadband provider?

01 April 2008

Flying penguins

A BBC team has found a unique species of penguins.
unlike any penguin...

These penguins can fly and they migrate to warmer climes in winter.

Check out the Penguins video on the BBC site.

BTW, today is April 1st.


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