I’ve told him to go ahead and rip me to shreds
Well Janna, here goes.
First, Jantics I guess the title is a combination of Janna and antics or is it lunatics. ;-)
I am a fan of clean and minimal blog templates and this happens to be one of them. The first thing that caught my eye was the beautiful banner. It's lovely. Maybe I am biased because I used to be a forester. I also like the "25 Things About Me"
The blog has a lot of short and interesting posts. But as I said in my last post, interesting and longer posts do get more linkbacks and comments. It's also nice to see a blog without any ads on the sidebar for a change. Some pics to accompany the posts would be nice.
Nothing much to criticize about apart from one small thing - I am not sure what that "www.yoursite.com" is doing up there.
Now for The Jannaverse - from Janna + Universe? It's a PR 4 blog - Impressive for a young blog. It took me more than 4 years to get my PR 4.
Again a clean, tidy layout. Some really interesting expressions:
It's not a pretty sight, me, rolling naked on the floor while foaming at the mouth and ripping my hair out, screaming curses at the dead ancestors of my ISP provider.
FYI, this blog is not an adult site. Read "What on earth do they think I WRITE???"
Yes! She's a great writer. I am only concerned that some old people with poor eyesight may find the text size a bit hard to read.
Both blogs seems to quite similar - general without any particular theme - much like my own blog here. I feel that Janna should choose a particular theme or segment for 'Janatics' while keeping 'The Jannaverse<' for personal rants and thoughts. Just a suggestion.