25 April 2007

All in one web messenger

Some people use only one type of web messenger but I have MSN (my oldest), Yahoo, Google Talk, ICQ as well as Skype. Opening up all of them on my old computer can cause a few problem, sometimes even hanging it. However, I found the perfect solution.

Koolim is a new Web Messenger that allows you to access MSN, Yahoo, AIM, Google Talk and ICQ. You don't need to install anything on your computer - no extra software or Java plug-ins into your computer. All you need is a a computer with a browser and internet access.

Also a great option to get in touch with family and friends through your favourite messenger when it is blocked on your organisation's firewall. However, make sure that your boss doesn't find out.

Kryptonite discovered in Siberia

Kryptonite is an fictional substance and is the remains of Krypton, Superman's native planet that blew up. It is glowing green in colour and is one of Superman's weakness - it robs him of his superhuman strength.

The chemical composition of Kyrptonite is supposed to be "sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide with fluorine." (from the 2006 movie "Superman Returns").

Well they have discovered a new mineral with the exact chemical composition in Siberia. However, it is white in colour, not radioactive and does not contain fluorine. They have named it Jadarite and not Kyrptonite. I am not joking.

Read the article on the Discovery site here.

Why you need breakdown cover 2

Continuing from where I left off in my last post.

I rushed back and picked up Naz. Learned that the AA people had come and left. The mechanic had refused to wait and told Aznil that it was out of his hands. Really felt bad for Aznil. He had just arrived from Malaysia and jet lagged. And there he was, freezing by the motorway.

When we reached him, another tow truck had just arrived. The tow truck was to take the car to the nearest service area - being Tamworth. It was about 5 minutes drive and for that he took £115. He also informed us that the car had been left on the highway for way too long and a police fine might be coming in the mail soon. I hope not.

I was relieved that we were at least out of the motorway. Aznil called up the AA as soon as we reached the rest area. They informed that they would be sending someone 90 minutes later.

We went over and had drinks and some snacks. I suddenly realised that I haven't had lunch. Felt sightly better after that.

The AA guy finally arrived right on the dot. He put in a temporary hose and recharged the battery. Our spirits lifted when the engine started but went down again when it died. The mechanic's diagnosis was the the engine had been damaged and it wouldn't take them either to Nottingham or to Coventry.

At that moment in time, it was like a blur and I couldn't think of anything. Can just imagine how Aznil and Naz were feeling.

Finally there was some good news, the mechanic was able to get in touch with a mechanic who would be able to tow them back to Nottingham but they would have to pay around £50. Of course, they readily agreed.

I returned to our house in Coventry to fetch the kids (around 22 miles). It was around 10 pm when I reached the Tamworth service area. The tow truck was not there yet but was on the way. So with nothing more to do, I went back home. Had gone back and forth between my house and their car 8 times yesterday. Not sure how many miles I had driven. You go do the maths.

It was a tiring day but I learnt a lot of lessons with #1 being:
"Don't procrastinate! Go get a breakdown cover ASAP."

Ladies headgear

If you go to a formal event here in the UK, you would most certainly need to wear something appropriate. For ladies, a head gear is absolutely essential. There are 2 main types you need to choose from - a hat or a fascinator.

I was amazed at the range of hats on various sites. There are all kinds of hats for almost every occasion, from a day at the beach to weddings or to a day at the Royal Ascot (which is coming up) or any other special event. Some look really crazy and I wonder who would ever wear those but I guess someone eventually will. Other hair accessories includes tiaras, combs, clamps, and headbands among others. Just that extra personal touch to make you look special. I am sure you fashion conscious ladies know what I mean.

I am lucky I am a guy and do not have to worry about a headgear.

24 April 2007

Google is #1 brand

Google has been named as the most powerful global brand of 2007 beating others such as Microsoft and Coca-Cola.

The ranking called 2007 brandz, Top 100 most powerful brands, was carried out by market researcher Millward Brown Optimor.

Is it that surprising?

Related link: Google beats Microsoft, Coke in brand stakes

Zipping files - the new generation

A lot of people worry about data security but don't do anything much about it because they assume that the cost of doing so will be high. There might be files in your computer that you don't want others to see or is meant for only a select group of people - for example, confidential company information, tax records, bank statements, medical records and other private information. In case you are looking for desktop data security, I recommend that you take a look at "SecureZIP - The next generation of ZIP".

SecureZIP (www.securezip.com) is an amazing solution for protecting email messages and attachments, as well as data stored on hard-drives, laptops and portable storage media. As is clear from the name, this application provides compression but at the same time also provides strong file level security.

It can be integrated with Microsoft Outlook® in order to secure email messages and attachments. Thus it will automatically protect email messages and attachments. You do this by automatically encrypting, digitally signing and zipping email messages and attachments.

Best of all, this great application can be deployed with minimal changes to current processes and existing security infrastructures.

You can now download the full version (not trial software) for a limited time only. All you need to do is get a full individual user license by providing your full e-mail address.

Why you need breakdown cover 1

Have you ever been stranded on the highway? I have never been but yesterday, I learned why we NEED a breakdown cover.

I was just back home after a few hours at the Furnace End car boot, where I had gone with my daughter. My wife informed me that her friend Naz, was stranded on the M42 motorway. Naz was with her 3 kids and cousin and were on the way to Birmingham airport to pick up here husband who was arriving Malaysia. The car had broken down and unfortunately they were not a member of either the RAC or the AA. They called us because we were the nearest.

This is where I made the first mistake. I rushed off without asking anyone for any advise on what to do. Was under the impression that the car had overheated or was a simple battery problem.

It took nearly 35 minutes to get there via the M6. They had pulled up against the hard shoulder of the motorway. I checked the engine oil - Was ok but I topped it up. Checked the battery - water level was ok and the car even started. It was then that I noticed the big crack on the hose connecting the radiator to the engine. Didn't have any duct tape or anything that I could use to do a temporary fix - to at least get off the motorway. Called a few people but they were not much help and so we decided to go over to our house and contact a nearby workshop from there. This is when I miss Malaysia and all the tow trucks that roam the highways.

Got all of them into my car and Naz requested that I drop here at Birmingham airport as her husband had already landed. This was my second mistake. I didn't know that we couldn't leave our car on the side of the highway for more than an hour.

I dropped her off at the airport- she would be coming to Coventry by train along with Azmil.

It took another half an hour before we got home. Soon received a call - they had already reached Coventry station.

Brought them to my house after picking them up. We made the decision to call up the AA and see whether they could fix the car or tow it even though they were not members.

"Yes!" Our spirits went up when we learnt that they could, but of course Aznil would have to fork out a little more than £100. They said Ok and joined up,

The person from AA said that a tow truck was on the way and so we set off for the car. Halfway there, Aznil suddenly realised that the car keys were still with his wife. Oh No!

This is where I made another mistake. As we were nearly there and the AA petrol was on the way, I decided to leave him there by the car and go back for the keys.

Part 2 tomorrow.


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