Yesterday I was busy bidding on ebay when I heard my daughter calling me from the living room. She was watching her favourite cartoon channel - Tiny Pop, and there was an ad on.
"I want that! I want that!", she said referring to the toy being advertised.
Me: I can't buy you that
Daughter: But why? I really like it.
Me: Because Baba doesn't have any money.
Daughter: But why?
Me: Because Baba is not working in an office anymore.
Daughter: "Oh!" With a resigned look.
Me: I will get you something at the car boot next time.
Daughter: OK! With a smile.
I went back to continue with my bidding. Suddenly she was at my side and looking at what I was bidding at (which I lost because it went way beyond my budget).
Daughter: What's that?
Me: That's a toy that Baba wants but cannot buy because I don't have any money.
She was silent for a while.
Daughter: When I am big tomorrow, I will earn a lot of money and buy Baba that toy.
That was the sweetest thing that anyone has said to me in a long time. I love my sweet daughter.