10 February 2007

Increasing adsense revenue

I had had Google ads (Adsense) on my blog for a long time. Sadly they did not bring me the numerous cheques, I thought would come flying through my door.

Found this great way to increase your adsense revenue from your blogs. This tool called urbanread, helps to display news and shares the ad space on your blog. You will get a share of the advertising profit. To join this service, you only need a blog and an adsense account.


Nut cracker video

My daughter found some almonds. These were still with the hard outer shell and cracking them open to get to the sweet kernel inside proved to be quite a challenge. I don't have a nut cracker so I had to make do with what I had - pliers.

Somehow it seems tastier than those which comes with the shell removed.

The trick lies in putting the right pressure. Too much force and you crush it into pieces.


Get paid to review my posts

Visitors to my blog will notice a special blue and green button with the words "Get paid to review my post" below my posts. This is a new affiliate program from Payperpost.com, that would help me promote my blog and pay me some money as well.

If you are getting confused, this is how it works:

It's very simple. Anybody who signs up with PPP by clicking that button will get an extra special, high priority, opp (short for opportunity) to review that particular post. In case you are among those guys who hasn't heard about payperpost.com, it is a company that pays bloggers to write about products and services.

Coming back to the button, "Yes! You will be paid to review my post", I keep saying that because lot of people simply can't believe that anybody gets paid to review a a blog post and think that it's some kind of scam.

As soon as the new blogger's first post is paid, I will also be paid $7.50.

I get paid, the renew blogger also gets paid and ppp get a new postie. A perfect case of a win-win situation, if I may say so.

So what are you waiting for? If you are not already a PPP postie, sign up by clicking that button and review my blog post on your blog.

09 February 2007

Firefox Snowman

We had snowfall again today with more predicted. Said to be heaviest in recent years.

We had fun making the Firefox snowman.
Notice the cap. Look closely at the symbol.
My daughter pointed out that the snowman doesn't have ears and a mouth. So she added them. And she also named the snowman "Pak Su Qasim", he hee..

Why Firefox?

Yeah! Malaysia Boleh.

"What are you making Rahil?" That looks like a ladle from the kitchen.

rahil n mum03
Cute pic of mum and daughter.


Ski equipment

If you're a skier, you probably know that generic type of skis simply won't do. There are different types of skiers ranging from beginners to experts and those who are carvers to freeriders. There are even different types of skies specially designed for women.

Al's Ski Barn is a family owned online ski outlet, which carried a number of low priced ski equipment. I was really surprised at the bargains on some of the branded names on the site as I know that ski equipment are not really cheap. One of the bargains is the latest 2007 Salomon 1080 Gun Skis. This replaces the old Pocket Rocket which was specially created by Salomon for their Freeride Team. Last year's Gun S Lab is now the new 1080 Gun. They were redesigned and they are not only wider but are more versatile as well.

The online stores sells other skiing equipment including boots. One of the hottest items is the 2007 Salomon Foil Park Ski Boots. With soft mono-material shell and cuff and a shock-absorbing custom sole, it is designed for freestyle tricks and jumps in the park and on-piste. I won't be in the Olympics though, that's for sure.

The site also has some ski themed e-cards/postcards.

08 February 2007

Linking chain

I got a lot of e-mails from people asking me to help improve their website Page rank ever since I won the SEO challenge. To be honest, I am not really that good as I only have a PR of 5. The only way to improve your page rank is to have people link back to your site from their sites.

Anonymous tagged me with this interesting way to help increase you blog's PR.


Write a post, and copy and paste my list from below into it. Make sure the links are active and correct. If your blog is on that list, remove it because your post isn’t about self-promotion. Don’t worry, because if your name is on mine, it’s on others and will spread. Add your favourite deserving blogs to the top of the list (not compulsory). Publish the post. People will notice the incoming links, and hopefully write their own z-list posts. The result will be that we all get more links pointing to our blogs, and more readers - got to be good!

Key Points
1) Create a new post on your blog.
2) Copy and Paste the entire list of blog links below
3) Add any blogs that you want to include near the top of the list. (Optional)
4) Include the blog where you first got the list from, on the list in your post.
5) Do not include your own blog links on the list in your post.
6) Make sure that all links are copied intact.
7) Publish the Post.

My Adds:

Ah Pek
Blank Canvas

Home Office Women
PabloPabla’s Whatever
Make$ Money$
Owen of Ugh
Jules is Utterly Geek
Internet. Serious Business
The Sabahan
Critical Thoughts
Carols Vault
Blog About Your Blog
Monetize Your Blog
Cosmin PTR
Make Money On The Net
Successful Online Money Making
Turn One Pound Into One Million$
Work at Home Blog
Blogging For Beginners
How to earn money online?
Dosh Dosh
Money Money Money
Money Making Quest
Connected Internet
Mike’s Money Making Mission
Time to Budget
Can I Make Big Money Online
Flee the Cube
Blogging Secret
Blogging to Fame
Million Dollar Experiment heads Down Under
Quest to make money on the internet
Kumiko’s Cash Quest
Calico Monkey
Internet Bazaar
Shotgun Marketing Blog
Customers Rock!
Being Peter Kim
Pow! Right Between The Eyes!
Billions With Zero Knowledge
Working at Home on the Internet
MapleLeaf 2.0
Two Hat Marketing
The Emerging Brand
The Branding Blog
Drew’s Marketing Minute
Golden Practices
Tell Ten Friends
Flooring the Consumer
Kinetic Ideas
Unconventional Thinking
The Copywriting Maven
Hee-Haw Marketing
Scott Burkett’s Pothole on the Infobahn
Multi-Cult Classics
Logic + Emotion
Branding & Marketing
Popcorn n Roses
On Influence & Automation
Servant of Chaos
Presentation Zen
Dmitry Linkov
John Wagner
Nick Rice
CKs Blog
Design Sojourn
Frozen Puck
The Sartorialist
Small Surfaces
Africa Unchained
Marketing Nirvana
Bob Sutton
¡Hola! Oi! Hi!
Shut Up and Drink the Kool-Aid!
Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together
Community Guy
Social Media on the fly

Creating awareness about sexual harassment

One of my lady friends was once telling me some stories about her old job. It seems that the guys there were very careless with their speech and used to tease the younger girls and even crack dirty jokes when the ladies were around. It was shocking when she told me that she didn't like it but she just smiled and got on with her work. Eventually she left the job to further her studies, eventually becoming a lecturer.

When I told her that the actions of her colleagues may constitute sexual harassment, she was quite surprised. She didn't realise that there is such a thing as a verbal harassment.

According to her, she was quite resigned. According to her, there was nothing she could have done. If any of you ladies are facing such a situation, I suggest you to see Sexual Harassment Lawyers who are specialised in such cases.

I guess, many victims prefer to remain silent because they are fear the bad consequences that might happen. I think it is wrong to tolerate such behaviour in the work place and leaving the job means that you are giving in.

Related Links:
- Code of practices by the Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia.
- Lawyerment


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