23 January 2007

Cheap flights to UK

We were really excited when it was announced that Malaysia'sAirAsia would be starting low cost flights to the UK and that we would be able to fly back to Malaysia for as low as £60 return. Of course, this would be a "no-frills flight" without inflight entertainment and you would have to book food and drink at an extra cost.

Tony the Director and Group Chief Executive Officer of AirAsia was expected to make an announcement soon and Britian's EasyJet and Virgin Group were rumoured to be potential partners.

Sadly this announcement never came and later both UK airlines denied reports that they were going to join forces with AirAsia.

Well it sounded too good to be true.

Crazy about the Nissan Skyline GTR

Do you have a Nissan Skyline GTR or dream of one day driving this awesome, iconic Japanese sports car? Well if you do, go and sign up at the Nissan Skyline Forums.

In case you didn't know, the Nissan Skyline GTR was called the "Godzilla" by reputed Australian car magazine "Wheels" when it was released down under in 1989.

This car ceased production in 2002 but is still sought after. One of the reason is because the Skyline GT-R's robust engine makes it very popular for modifications. If you are a Manga or anime fan, see if you can recognise the car in "Initial D", "Wangan Midnight" and "Over Rev!". If you know all of this and want to share your own knowledge about this car, head on down to the forum. It is still new but I can see that they have a lot of stuff including photo galleries coming up.

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I have been trying my level best to secure a job here but without any success. Thought that I would have better luck after getting my NI but that didn't happen... yet.

Was really excited yesterday because I received a job offer by e-mail yesterday. It was not great but anything is welcome. However, after sending them my CV, the guy told me that I was not suitable for the job. The reason - I am over qualified.

Have been given that same reason by a few other organisations I applied to. Hello! Well I can remove the qualifications from my CV if that's what you want. It's nice to know that I am overqualified but Hell! I need any job.... Now!

I am seriously considering removing my education and job experience details or at least tone them down a bit.

Something turned up today and keeping my fingers crossed. Will write about it if everything goes alright.


22 January 2007

Amazing marketing speaker

Found it hard to believe it when I first read about this marketing speaker, who convinced Halfway, Oregon to rename itself to Half.com, Oregon and resulted in the number of registered users jumping from zero to 8 million in less than three years.

But it's true. The guy responsible for this was Mark Hughes's, then VP of Marketing for eBay's Half.com.

Mr. Hughes holds an MBA from the Columbia Business School in Marketing & International Business. He is a contributing columnist for the magazine of international advertising, Admap. His is also author of the acclaimed business book, "Buzzmarketing", which has been named as one of "The Ten Best Business Reads of 2005" and one of "the Best Business Books of the Year".

So if you or your company is looking for a marketing speaker, Hughes is the guy.

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21 January 2007

Snow maybe

Was coming back along the A46 after another great CJ's car boot sale at Stoneleigh (they should probably give me a free pass for giving them free publicity), listening to the radio, when I heard that there might be snow on the way.


"Rubbish!" I thought.

We have been enjoying fine weather for 2 days now and it was bright and sunny today. However, after nearly 4 months here in the Uk, I know that their weather forecasts are usually correct. So, looking forward to some snow on the way.


Car parking portal

Finding a parking space in the city can be nightmare, especially on special holidays as I had experienced during my trip to the Bullring in Birmingham during Boxing day. It's not unusual to go round and round trying to find parking and wishing that there was some way we could have booked a space beforehand.

Well, there is finally a website, which allows us to do precisely that. Peasy.com (the name stands for Parking made easy) is an online portal for parking spaces in the UK.

How does this work?
Homeowners and existing commercial car parks can join for free and rent out their parking spaces. Customers can register for free and book available parking spaces online instantly. Peasy.com will take a small commission of the rental fee.

It's an easy way to earn money, for home owners with an unused driveway, garage or secure parking space. According to the site, driveways near to train and tube stations, town centres and sporting events are likely to be in the highest demand.

They estimate that in general driveways can be rented out for £10-£60 a week, potentially earning in excess of £3,000 pounds a year.

If you only want to rent your space out for only a few hours each day, no problem!
You can still do that.

Interesting concept.

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Freebies blog

Would like to introduce all my readers to Freebies my new blog.

Well! It's not exactly new. I started this blog way back but it had only one single post then, where I listed down all my favourite links. These were updated from time to time but was largely neglected.

Recently decided to have this new blog, with it's own domain name. It will focus on open source software. This blog will also cover freeware, useful widgits and any other useful stuff on the net available for FREE.

Would love to hear what you think.



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