There are 3,100 car parking spaces at the Bullring (900 in Indoor Market car park, 1,000 in Bullring car park and 1,200 in Moor Street car park) but every single space was taken. Had to go round the place a couple of times before we finally got a parking at the Moor Street car park. The building looks like some kind of alien spaceship.
There were a lot of discounts on branded stuff and as expected, the place was packed with people. I had wanted to look for a new pair of jeans but it was so crowded, I gave up. We had coffee at Starbucks (first time since we arrived here in the UK) and watched people go by. Our friend Amrul was there too (all the way from Nottingham) with his friends.
After spending a few hours in the Bullring, we set on our journey back to Coventry. I would have loved to further explore the place but the crowds were getting to us and you had to remember we had kids.
I don't know why but after we got back home, I had a severe headache and a mild fever (probably caused by my sore throat). A paracetamol tablet and a few hours sleep and I am on my feet again ...... and blogging.
Tags: Birmingham Bullring Shopping
fifi brought me there earlier this year, and what a weird looking building! but i liked it! she introduced me to ann summers (hahahhaha!!) anyway... go try krispy kreme doughnuts! i believe they are at the food section, in selfridges! yummmyy..
We did try the Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Ez bought a dozen but I am not really fond of it - too sweet.
oh, we went there as well from Loughborough...queue up for 30mins just to make a payment...but not really big sales though...
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