04 September 2006

Car sold

This afternoon I finally handed over the keys of my Wira to the new owner - a lady colleague. As she walked away with the keys, I felt some sadness. Guess I am too sentimental sometimes.

It was raining heavily in Alor Star today morning as I drove to the bank and handed the lady in their hire-purchse department the signed JPJ documents and the car grant. I didn't bring along my umbrella and used the car shade for cover.

I am happy that I now have one less thing to think about. The car dealers were offering too less for the car and I was really happy when she agreed to buy the car for RM22,500, a profit of a few hundred ringitt.

However, it was sad to see someone driving away with the car that was mine for nearly four years. Maybe I am worried about who I am going to 'tumpang' (take a lift) tomorrow.


30 August 2006


Tonight, when the clock strikes 12 midnight, Malaysia will celebrate 49 years of independence. I will be on a bus back to KL.

For those who are not aware, Malaysia officially became independent from the British Empire on August 31, 1957.

The New Straits Times Press Resource Centre has put up a nice collection of old photographs published in The Straits Times in a website titled 1957: Road to Nationhood. Check it out.

Really feel lucky to be living here in Malaysia. Do you feel the same too?

Wishing all Malaysians a very happy Independence day.


29 August 2006

Being Charitable

I have seen that some people have no problems with friends and family borrowing their clothes. Not me, however. Simply hate people borrowing my clothes. I was really annoyed and severely scolded my sister once, for borrowing my pants and coat for a school play without my permission. I know each and every piece of clothing that I have and can tell when I have a shirt or pants missing.

And it’s not just clothes; realize that I am quite possessive about all my stuff. Though I do lend stuff to people, I make it a point to write it down – ‘who took what’ and on ‘what date’. Like the time a colleague borrowed RM50 from me (he has still not given it back yet). Not sure why, but I notice that a lot of people have a habit of borrowing stuff from people and not giving it back.

Marriage has changed me a lot. My wife keeps pinching my T-shirts and I have no option but let her wear them. She’s totally different from me and she’s not at all possessive about her stuff – apart from me I guess.

Anyway this post is not about possessiveness, rather the opposite. As most of my regular visitors know, I am leaving for UK soon. It was amazing how much stuff that I had accumulated over four years I had been here in Kedah. Have been able to sell off most of the items but I still have loads more including shelf full of books, both in my office and house.

A few days back I came to a very painful decision – to give away most of my books. It was hard and I went through them for the last time and found some great stuff that I had bought sometime back but had not even read. It took me some time but I finally separated them out into groups – ones close to my heart/ hard to get books and others. From the later, I gave some to my close friends and today I donated the rest (three boxes) to my nearest library. I have a habit of writing my name on the first page of my books but the guys down at the library said that it would not be a problem.

I have also separated all the clothes that I don’t want or can’t fit and put them into one old big suitcase. Tried one of my old jeans but it was too tight. Yeah, I must come to terms with the fact that I won’t go back to a 30 inches waist anytime soon (if at all). One of my friends said that he could pass them to some charitable organizations.

Thought I would be sad but I am not. Never realized that giving away stuff could feel so good.


28 August 2006

Sis back in town

A quick weekend round-up.

My sister is back in Malaysia with her husband. They arrived last Saturday from Melbourne and stayed a night over in the Concorde Inn Sepang, before proceeding to Kota Bahru.

Couldn't take them around KL as planned because of a series of unfortunate events. My wife suddenly came down with fever and our maid left for Indonesia. My in-laws weren't in because they had gone to attend a cousin's wedding reception. So I was alone at home taking care of my daughter Rahil and baby son as well as a sick wife. As Murphy's law states: "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong".

Anyway, it was nice to see both of them again after such a long time. Thanks for the gifts.

Somewhere on the highway, on the way to pick them up from their hotel a small stone hit the windscreen. I was praying: "please don't let the windscreen crack" but to no avail. A few minutes later a thin silver hairline crack appeared from the spot extending down.

Does anyone know of a good place where they can repair hairline windscreen cracks?

I checked on the Internet and found only one Malaysian site. Better than changing the whole windscreen, which would cost me a bomb.

By the second meeting, Rahil warmed up to my sister real quick. However, she was very shy with Fred (my sister’s husband). This was the first time she was up and close with a “Mat salleh” with blond hair.

We were joking that she would get quickly used to white people as there are quite a few of them around in UK too.

Enjoy youself in Redang, guys.

Related Links: Cracked windscreen repair


23 August 2006

Sponge Bob in Muar

SpongeBob caught napping in Muar, Johor (another forwarded e-mail).

In case you are not aware, SpongeBob SquarePants is the main character of the popular animated television series of the same name.

It is unique because it is the is the first "low budget" Nickelodeon cartoon, to become extremely popular, with both children and adults alike. In Malaysia, the show is aired over Nickelodeon (Astro), TV3 and TV9.

On an unrelated note, just noticed that Blogger has a new logo on the dashboard - of a puppy wearing a party hat. Any significance of that?


18 August 2006

Amicable Divorce

I don't like spreading rumours but this was too hot, NOT to repeat.

Anyway, Someone told me this rumour regarding a marriage which ended amicably recently.

(BTW, this post has nothing to do with Datuk K or Siti Nurhaliza.)

According to this rumour, the marriage ended because of a third party. The wife discovered that the husband was having an affair. However, the surprising part is the third party was not another women but a MAN.

Adding some more salt to the rumour, the theory is that the wife (now divorcee) was not that bitter or mad as she would have been had the third party been another lady.

Can you make any sense out of all of this?


15 August 2006

Starbucks drink discounts

Besides free Wifi access, there is now another reason for me to continue patronising Starbucks stores. Recently found out that I can get a 10% discount on my drinks by using my J card (loyalty card of Jusco stores) .

I guess that means that I am not supporting the recent call to boycott the company. Anyway, I feel that by boycotting Starbucks, we will ebe hurting ourselves. Afterall, Starbucks retail stores in Malaysia are exclusively operated by Berjaya Coffee Company (M) Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Berjaya Group Berhad, a Malaysian company.

You may also want to read their rumour response.



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