29 August 2004

10 Months

Rahil is 10 months old today. Have put up some pics of her (our) Pangkor trip.

Rahil Swimming

She's swimming in a pool for the first time in her life.

18 August 2004

Pangkor and AF

Went to Pangkor last weekend. My wife was having her annual family day and it was all paid for by her organisation. How I wish my organisation was as generous and employee orientated like hers. I had to take leave for two days but it was well worth it as I was able to spend some quality time with my wife and baby without any worry in my head.

I think Rahil enjoyed it too even though she was a bit cranky in the car. I guess I would too if I was being tied down to a chair for a few hours. She won't remember it but this trip were landmark events in here life. She is now 9 months old and it was her irst trip to an island resort. She also had her first dip in the sea and in a swimming pool. She really loved swimming (with me holding on of course) and was literally trying to jump into the pool from her mother's arms while I was doing some laps. Both me and my wife love swimming and I guess the genes are there in Rahil too.

About the resort, well! We stayed at the Teluk Dalam resort. I would have loved it if our chalet was facing the sea but no such luck. It was not bad but the mosquitos were nasty. Poor Rahil bore the brunt and her face was covered with nasty looking pink bite marks in the morning. Fortunately we were able to obtain an electronic mosquito repelant the next day.

However, the scenery or the beach was the last thing on my wife's mind. The first thing she asked was whether there was an Astro channel. She was overjoyed at first when she learnt they had but the mood changed when she learnt that they only provided TV1, TV2, TV3 and HBO. Why? Because she had to miss the finals of Akademi Fantasia 2.

In the end, we did get to watch AF2 and that too on a Big projection screen in a special room with sofas provided by the resort. Unfortunately, there was no handphone signal and it was quite funny to see all these people with handphones in their hands hoping against hope to get a signal somehow, so that they would be able to vote for their favourites. In the end, as we all know by now, the crowd favourite Zahid won the competition. Actually I was rooting for Bob and I still feel that he had the best voice. I guess you need more than a good voice to have popular appeal. Nice trip. Now back to work.

11 August 2004

Tech Dependent

I have waited eagerly for the movie I Robot to hit our screens and yet, when it did, I didn't see it. In fact I haven't seen it as yet. Even though I am a big fan of Issac Asimov, even though I have read all the reviews and seen all the sneak previews but I still haven't seen the movie yet... maybe sometime soon.

A lot of guys told me that the movie is too far fetched - "there is no way a machine is going to become as advanced as that" and "a life-like robot is possible but one with emotions..... I don't think soooo".

Well! I had to remind them that at one time no one could imagine that we could fly round the Earth at speeds faster than that of sound, that man would be walking on the moon or that we would be walking around with small electronic devices which enable us talk to each other even though we may be on opposite sides of the Earth.

Many things which we consider normal was beyond our wildest dreams, and maybe we watched them in movies and read them in books but it was just a fantasy. It's actually amazing how technology has developed so fast. It seems only yesterday that only a few people could afford those early versions of the handphone, some as big as a suitcase. I kept putting off buying a hand phone but finally decided to get one. The first model I had was the Philips Twist, which was considered quite stylish when it reached Malaysian shores. Looking at it now, I can't imagine that I was carrying it around in my pocket. A 1 sen coin would stick on the speaker- thats how powerful the magnet was. I hope it didn't screw up my brains. Now, I can't do without my handphone at all. Just now, the battery went kaput and I was running around - desperately looking for a charger in the office wondering whether someone was trying to contact me. Fortunately, mine is a Nokia and it was quite easy easy to find someone with a charger. Sometimes I wonder how we survived without a handphone.

A few days ago, we had a power failure. Work in the entire building came to a stand still. No electricity meant that we could not use the computer, we had no access to the Internet and we could not blog or read other blogs. Worse, it was a hot day and no aircon. So we closed our office and went outside to have a teh tarik. This makes me wonder, "are we becoming too dependent on technology?"

03 August 2004


Just received this from a friend who always claims that he is soooooo busy with his work.

Once upon a time in the Kingdom of Heaven, God went missing for six days. Eventually, Michael the Archangel found him on the seventh day, resting. He inquired of God, "Where have you been?" God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds "Look Michael, look what I have made." Said God. Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, "What is it?" "It's a planet," replied God' "and I've put life on it, I'm going to call it earth and it's going to be a great place of balance."

"Balance?" inquired Michael, still confused. God explained, pointing to different parts of earth. "For example, North America will be a place of great opportunity and wealth, while South Americas going to be poor. The Middle East over there will be a hot spot and Russia will be a cold spot. Over there I've placed a continent of white people and over there is a continent of black people." God continued pointing to different countries. "This one will be extremely hot and this one extremely cold, and this one covered in ice."

Archangel, impressed by God's work, then pointed to a small land mass and said, "What's that one?" "Ah…," said God. "That's Malaysia, the most glorious place on Earth. There are beautiful lakes, rivers, streams and hills. The people from Malaysia are going to be modest, intelligent and humorous and they're going to be found travelling the world. They'll be extremely sociable, hard-working and high achieving, and they will be known throughout the world as diplomats and carriers of peace." Michael gasped in wonder and admiration but then proclaimed, "What about balance, God? You said there would be BALANCE! So if Malaysians are going to be that great, you must've created some really corny people to balance them.

God replied wisely, “ Wait until you see the idiots I'm putting right next to them. They're called Singaporeans!!”

My sincere apologies to Singaporeans. Its just a joke.

02 August 2004


Now that the National Fatwa Council has ruled that SMS contests are haram (forbidden) to Muslims, does it mean that I will stop receiving those annoying SMS contest invitations from Celcom? Or do we have to register our religion whenever we buy a prepaid sim card or register a number?

While I am on the topic of Haram, one friend once joked on the reason why a huge number of drug addicts in Malaysia are Malays (or Muslims). They can't take Alcohol, which is haram while drugs are not. It's a racist joke and even though I laughed at first, I realised that a lot of people are ignorant about Islamic beliefs. As far as I know, anything harmful to your body is haram and drug misuse is a lot worse than alcoholism.

If some Muslims are indeed taking drugs (eg., heroin, cocaine, ganja, amphetamines, ecstasy etc., etc.) because Alcohol is considered Haram (and they think drugs are not), there is only one thing I can say to them..... MORON.

Are there really some people who think like that?

30 July 2004


No I am not referring to the work by Shannon Ahmad that was passed off as literature. I was once in a Taxi and the driver was so excited telling me that "PM" could have an ambiguous meaning and laughing "Ha! Ha! Ha!". I told him off and he tried to change the topic but he didn't talk much after that,

Anyway, here I am talking about the real thing . I was again on my way back to KL last Thursday and the bus stopped at Ipoh. I wanted to relieve myself so badly and rushed to the toilet at the bus stand. After paying 20 sens, I rushed to the only open cubicle and it was then that I laid my eyes on the biggest piece of shit I ever saw.

I Went out - waited a bit for the guy in the other cubicle to come out but he didn't so had no choice. When you got to go, you got to go.

Flushed once, didn't go. Peed looking up. Flushed again. SHIT! It was still there. I then gave a nice prolonged blast from the pipe. The water pressure was good as it usually is and it then finally went down with a nice "plop".

I was thinking of having a Roti Chaanai and a teh Tarik but changed my mind. Bought a pack of chips and went up to the bus. I thought what the hell and promptly finished up the pack.

27 July 2004


I was just talking with a colleague of mine about ghosts and jinns. I usually work quite late, sometimes going back at 8pm – after all, I am a weekend husband and don't have a wife to go home to on weekday. Plus the fact that nightlife is non-existent here in Kedah (unless of course, you cross the border for some other activities, which doesn't appeal much to me).

She was asking me whether I am not scared of “Hantu” reputed to be roaming around the office corridors. Oh! Just realised why the guards are not around at night. I just joked that I am more afraid of the crazy living guys lurking around than some hantu or Jinn. Of course in KL, a lot of people work late but it’s a different story altogether here in Kedah. By 6pm, I am the only one left in the entire building.

I do hear some strange noises sometimes, such as creaks, footsteps and doors closing but I just ignore the noises. I guess, as long as I don’t disturb them, they will leave me alone. Maybe they are some lovers making out, unaware that I am around or the guard making his rounds. I am not sure.

A friend once related a supernatural experience he had while he was studying in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). The campus is situated in the beautiful campus in Sintok, just a few KMs from the Thai border and is surrounded by thick forests and rubber plantations. At that time, the Campus had just come up and was still surrounded by thick forests and wild rubber plantations which had not been tapped for a long time(due to the fact that this was a Black area during the communist insurgency period.)

Anyway, coming back to the story, a few of them were driving back from Alor Star one late evening. A few Kilometers away from the Campus, while they were passing some rubber plantations, the driver noticed something black and hairy with big eyes sticking on the back of the car. Suddenly all of them went silent and the driver drove like mad. The “thing” just vanished as they turned the corner near the campus gates. He then asked his friends if they had noticed anything and they replied that even though they had not seen anything, they had felt that something or someone was sticking to the rear window. This incident happened some 4-5 years back.

Coming back to the present, I recently heard a similar story but this time quite recent and happened to an employee of UUM. This guy was riding his motorbike along the long lonely stretch of road in Sintok, on the way to his house near the campus when he suddenly felt that something heavy was on the back of his bike. Of course his first instinct was to stop and look but better sense prevailed and he kept on going. Don’t ask me why he did not stop. Would you?

Anyway, The bike suddenly came lighter as they came down the hill just around the same corner near the campus gates. Some of the guys who passed him on the highway later told him that they had seen a black hairy thing pillion riding on his bike. Well it seems that the fellow is still around.

I guess, what we have here is a harmless Hantu or Jinn or some creature, which likes to take joy rides. However, I won’t be very happy if he decides to take a ride on the back of my car one fine day.


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