22 March 2007

Technology posts

Lucia, one of my regular visitors, recently left a comment on my previous post: "Interesting personal blog" about my posts on technology. According to her,
"you started writing about technology, business and e-commerce was because they are sponsored posts."

First, I was thinking of just replying to the comment but then I thought the reply would make a nice post.

I have to disagree with Lucia. I have been writing about technology ever since I started this blog. Here are my few first technology related posts (All of them were written in Sept. 2003):
1. Are most bloggers, Girls?
2. Lot of great FREE stuff on the net
3. Spy in your computer?

One of my blog posts on "Top 5 Ecommerce Companies of Malaysia", also received a lot of interest from my visitors, which also resulted in some collaborative projects with academics.

But she's right. Of late I have been doing a lot of sponsored posts. It's my source of income now.

Anyway, I am visiting a lot of technology related blogs now to catch up with the latest tech developments. One of them is the "SQKIKI Simple Tech" blog. She has some great tips. Just learned about a new Internet advertising services and promotion website called Dclickads from her blog. I might sign up.



  1. Hi pal did you earn any money from ReviewMe ? Don't think it's easy since the price tag is so high ...

  2. Being a regular reader for I think maybe close to two years already, I have to disagree with her too.
    I read but rarely comment because I'm just technically-challenged;). Most of the time I don't know what you are talking about.
    But I'm glad that you are making money from home now.


  3. Edward: Yes I do.
    Actually $50 is quite low as compared to what other PR 4 sites are charging.

    Mama23beas: If you have a blog, you are way more technically savvy as compared to billions of other people.
