28 March 2007

Guy with the big smile

Are you watching American Idol? 

Every week I keep expecting one person to be voted off but he's still there smiling his sweet smile. In case you are wondering who I haven't guess who I am talking about, it' Sanjaya. 

I was reading a post "Sweet Sanjaya..how could you?" on Jerri's journal, and totally agree with her. He's good but not that good. I keep wondering "who's voting for him?" 

 BTW, Jerri a mother of 2 and she blogs at "A crack n' life". She has written a book titled "Sleep is Sacred: Sleep Begets Sleep". E-mail her (jareason@gmail.com) to get a copy.


Unknown said...

lol this is the second blog I have come across today that has mentioned Sanjaya. The other had a hilarious video posted from SNL


Good stuff, thought i'd share it with ya!

*lynne* said...

heyya Adam! has it been *that* long since I last visited, or have I just not been paying attention before? I realise you have a 3-column template which is kinda what I was experimenting with... hope you won't mind, I will be taking a look at your source code and see if I can't teach myself anything more about how I wanna tweak what I already have... thanx!

btw - for someone who doesn't American Idol, I unfortunately know who you are talking about, can you believe they actually featured this "Sanjaya issue" on the news a few days ago?! omg but "real" news is nonexistent, ainnit? :p


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