Sourced from LensaMalaysia.
This morning, we were about to have breakfast and I asked my wife what she wanted. 'Roti Chanai', she replied.
"I love roti chanai," my daughter added.
It used to be on my regular breakfast menu along with a nice glass of 'teh tarik'. Now I don't remember the last time I had one and just thinking about it makes my mouth water.
It seems like we are all having a craving for roti chanai on Christmas day.
Now, where can I get roti chanai in Coventry?
For those who don't know, check out the Wikipedia page.
Tags: Roti chanai
Adam...you can get Malaysian-ready-made (frozen) roti canai at Food City (Foleshill Rd). They name it "Paratha"...manufactured by Palm Foods. If not mistaken, it is less than GBP2 per packet (20 pieces).
Funny...i always thought the word 'canai' comes from the act of tossing the dough to form that thin stretch of dough. After all, that's what 'canai' means in malay. Anyways...yup, we tend to miss local food when abroad. One time in my student days, I missed capati so much that i tried to make my own. Unfortunately, it was nothing like the real thing...the thing was so hard and crispy, I had to soak it with lots of curry to soften it. I was close to tears and missed home terribly. I can laugh about it now, but back then, it was like the end of the world! :-)
Sorry...correction, it is GBP2.00 per packet...not GBP2 :-P
Adam...typo error...i mean GBP2.99.
i miss them too! but we have the frozen ones here. manufactured by a singapore company. not the same as the ones we have back home but jadilaaa.... and over here, one packet cost EURO1.50 for only 5 pieces!
Rosydi: Thanks for the info. We bought 2 packs from the Costcutter shop near hour our house- £1.49 for 6 pieces. Will be going to Food city later to get more.
N|i|N: Now that you mention it, miss chapati too, especially my mum's.
Zaza: Ya lah. We have to make do with what we can. And EZ said the roast chicken looks "gorjes".
I made my own roti canai 2 days ago and posted some photos on my blog...I followed the recipe from the Kuali website...
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