13 May 2005

Project Pudu

Yesterday evening as I arrived in Kuala Lumpur by bus, I noticed that work on the Plaza Rakyat has resumed after several years. This project next to the Pudu Raya bus station, stalled during the Asian crisis and was left vacant since then.

This might change Jalan (Street) Pudu's reputation as the most ugliest road in KL. However, I am am a bit worried that a new shopping centre might not do anything to improve the terrible traffic jams so common along this road. In fact it might get worse.

Besides, the various buses coming to and fro, the traffic jam is caused by Taxis and private vehiles parking illegaly in the front of the bus station dropping up and picking up passengers. I guess I am guilty too as my wife would sometimes just park in front to drop me off. However, the taxis (most of them don't use the meter)are worse as they have made it their official pick up point. I often see poiceman there, some of them handing out tickets but it seems that it is not working.

Any suggestions?


Yoong Family said...

that road is a nightmare to traverse, even on sunday afternoon! actually i think plaza rakyat will make things worse for the traffic and everyone working there... i wonder what will they turn pudu into after the new station is ready.

9T9 said...

I have plan to setup one website and action group called "Save Merdeka Stadium, Stadium Negara and Pudu Jail - Develop Plaza Rakyat!!!" Anybody to join??

Anonymous said...

Do you live near putu? Has the construction really resume for Plaza Rakyat?


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