30 March 2006


Just a quick post before I leave for KL.

Light at the end of the stairway.

23rd photo entry for the the 30 Days of Photos Challenge.

29 March 2006

Coffee and Chocolate

I drink a lot of coffee at work and even though I don't really like the beverage (I prefer tea), I need it.

Don't think I would be able to get my work done without a hot cup of coffee nearby.

Anyway, someone at work recently gave me a present - a box of chocolates. Not ordinary chocolates but whole coffee beans coated with chocolate.

It is called Expresso Coffee Delight and is manufactured by Beryl's chocolate & confectionery sdn. bhd. (Never heard of the company before this). Their website layout goes haywire on my Firefox.

Anyway, I had put the box in my office cabinet and came across it today while searching for some documents.

Was curious to see how it tested and opened up the box.

Not bad! I guess I can only describe the taste as Bittersweet. Crunchy too. I chewed the whole thing and swallowed it.

This is my 22nd photo entry for the the 30 Days of Photos Challenge.


28 March 2006

Sky on Fire

Picture 1.

Picture 2.

The old saying goes “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning

I guess sailors should be delighted today. Learnt that there is some truth in this proverb from this website

It notes that Shakespeare wrote something similar in his play, Venus and Adonis.

Like a red morn that ever yet betokened, Wreck to the seaman, tempest to the field, Sorrow to the shepherds, woe unto the birds, Gusts and foul flaws to herdmen and to herds.

And that it is also mentioned in the Bible, (Matthew XVI: 2-3)

When in evening, ye say, it will be fair weather: For the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be foul weather today; for the sky is red and lowering.

Does anybody know of other similar sayings anywhere?

The second picture is my 21st photo entry for the 30 Days of Photos Challenge.


27 March 2006

Photographer's Block

I had heard of writer's block before but I guess there is such a thing as photographer's block. When you start taking picture of clouds, it means that you have reached the point of "No Creativity".

When I initially joined the 30 Days of Photos Challenge I was confident that I would be able to come up with great creative pictures everyday. However, as the days passed, I realized how difficult the task was. Some of the challenges:
- Forget to bring my camera along.
- Forgot the cable (can’t upload pictures to my computer)
- Too busy with my work,
- No access to the Internet & finally
- Photographer’s block (nothing interesting to shoot).

Some of my close friends commented that the older pictures (before I had joined the challenge) were more creative. What does that say about me working under pressure?

Well! I am not giving up and still trying to come up with interesting and creative pictures.

This is the #20 Photo entry. 10 more to go. Am I crazy or do you see a man with whiskers in the clouds.


26 March 2006

The Hypermarket Price Wars

In case you are not aware, there is an ad war going on in Malaysia.

I guess it was started by Carrefour when it brought out an ad in the papers comparing itself with another hypermarket (everyone knew it was Giant) and claiming that its prices were cheaper. Tesco was next - its ads claiming that it is cheaper than 2 other unnamed hypermarkets (Carrefour and Giant?).

Now Giant (under Hong Kong’s Dairy Farm) finally strikes back.

NOTE: Carrefour's Malaysian website is still under construction. Negative points for that.

BTW, this is #19 Photo entry for the 30 Days of Photos Challenge. Didin't have a chance to take any creative pictures today.


Flickr Upload Limit

Yesterday I signed in to Flickr and got the following message :
Whoa! You have used up 100% of your uploads for this month!

Anyway here is #18 Photo entry for the 30 Days of Photos Challenge. The Michelia champaca
tree is in front of my in-laws house. Took the picture at night - it was pitch dark.


21 March 2006

World Class Facilities But..

Went to Putrajaya AGAIN and finally settled everything (I hope) and they promised that they will have everything ready by next week. I will write a long post about that in the future or maybe not.

Putrajaya is amazing with magnificent buildings, clean roads, amazing architecture and modern facilities. A truly well planned and modern city.

Of late there has been a lot of talk about how dirty and poorly maintained public toilets were giving Malaysia a bad name and what the government was doing about it. I am sure you know where I am going, by now.

The Government doesn't have to look far. I had the opportunity to visit a few toilets in the 'Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia' (Immigration Dept.) yesterday and they were filthy. There was no soap, no tissue, broken fittings everywhere and the stench was horrible. Cigarette butts everywhere.

And I simply can't understand why people don't flush after they have done the job. What's so hard pushing a small knob? And why do people leave the water hose in the "shit hole" after they have done their job? Ughhhhhhhhhhh!

Someone commented that it might have something to do with the large number of "low class" people from a neighboring country in that particular building. This may be true but what are the people who are supposed to take care of the toilets doing? The authorities must realise what impression the facilities are making on visitors from other countries who come to renew their visa, to apply for an employment pass and so on.

Another visit to the "Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara" revealed similar conditions.

It was much better in the Ministry of Home Affairs HQ. Maybe because they don't have that many visitors. No, I am not a toilet inspector. It is just that I spent almost the whole day running from one office to another and I drank a lot of liquids. And when a guy has to go, he has to go.

The thought that always come to mind is what one leader said about "World class facilities but Third class mentality".

Anyway, this is the 13th entry for the 30 Days of Photos Challenge.

Magnificent buildings.

That's a bridge.



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