02 August 2010

my son the photographer

My son loves taking pictures but with my supervision all the time because I was quite scared that he would damage the camera or something. However, I realised that I was telling him what to shoot and thought that it would be a good idea to let him take pictures of whatever he fancied. So I just gave him my digital camera and let him go.

I forgot all about it until I discovered the camera on the floor where he had discarded it - after he lost interest. It was in great shape and the lens was not even smudged.

I looked at the pictures that he had taken all around the house. Most of the pics were of himself - probably enjoying the flash. Some were of his mum and rest of things I would have never thought interesting topics - like coats hanging, behind the radiator, table legs and so on.

Here are some of the pics that came out clearly:





Next project: the garden at the back of our house.

01 July 2010

Strawberries with cream

Enjoying the fresh organic strawberries from my garden. I am harvesting like a small bowl a day and wondering how long this will keep up.


My favourite recipe is to cut them into two pieces (after washing them of course). Sprinkle a little bit of brown sugar and pour a bit of cream in.

Tuck in.

21 June 2010

Go for a customised t-shirt this summer

Now that summer's truly here, it's T-shirt time again. I am one of those guys who hoard stuff and I have some t-shirts which are more than 10 years old. I sill have a Stonehenge t-shirt that my then wife-to-be had brought back from the UK. Another one of my favourites is the old Firefox t-shirt which always seems to attract a lot of attention.

However, I guess it's time to get some new t-shirts and I have decided that this time there will be no famous brand t-shirts for me. I would like to go for something unique, something that's not available in the stores, a t-shirt that stand out and says that "I am unique".

What can be more unique than to have your own picture or design on your t-shirt. Now there are a number of sites online where you can have them printed out on a t-shirt. And if you are the entrepreneurial type, you can even set up a store. Just take a look at some of the customized tshirts on Cafepress. As a long time user, I am quite satisfied with their services. You do not have to worry about payment or delivery. All you have to do is upload your designs and select the apparel you want your designs on.

I just came across a page that lists all the fan created Eclipse apparel and I am thinking of getting her a t-shirt before the movie comes out. As a Twilight fan who's eagerly looking forward to the movie, I am sure she will appreciate it. One of the designs I found quite interesting are the Edward/ Jacob loves Bella t-shirts. You can personalise the design by cutting out Bella's name and putting up your own name.

You can also check out the fabulous designs on the T-Critic blog as well. Some of the designs are really amazing - would be like wearing a work of art. I won't be seen wearing some of the others but I am sure you will find one you like.

18 June 2010

Read 'The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner' for free online

Looks like Stephanie Meyer's latest book in the Twilight series "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" is going to be another best seller. She's literally milking the cow while she can.

Anyway, as a gift to her fans, you can read the story for free online till midnight EST on July 5th. Thanks Stephanie.

I told my wife but she plans to buy the novella anyway.

Buy "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" on Amazon.com $7.54

15 June 2010

Speak up for the oppressed people

You might have read one version of this poem by Pastor Martin Niemoller. Various versions that exist around the world have added or substituted one oppressed group of people or the other. I really like this poem because it reminds us to speak up against oppression, even when you are not the target.

While discussing about recent developments in Europe, a friend who sees a rise in anti-Islamic rhetoric everywhere, commented that we should probably have one version with "Muslims" as well.

"First they came for the Jews.
But I didn't speak up because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the communists.
But I didn't speak up because I was not a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists.
But I didn't speak up because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics.
But I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me.
And by that time no one was left to speak up."

27 May 2010

Free books

Quite recently I received an unexpected gift, or should I say gifts - four great books for free. These were books we had reviewed as part of the initial judging panels of the Inaugural 2009 Warwick Prize for Writing. Of the four, three were actually in the long list, namely, Glister (fiction) by John Burnside, Planet of Slums by Mike Davies and Brasyl (Sci-fi/ fiction) by Ian McDonald. I particularly liked Brasyl.

The one that didn't make it is 'Dry Store Room No. 1: The Secret Life of the Natural History Museum' by Richard Fortey which is kind of interesting in a way.

Naomi Klein ultimately took the prize for her book 'The Shock Doctrine' (I have her signed book as well).

These books should keep me occupied for a while.  Looking forward to the books they have short-listed for next year's prize.

26 May 2010

Get professionals to review your CV for free

Right now I am in the process of writing up my PhD thesis and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have also started applying for jobs at different Universities. I have no idea why but ads for most academic jobs in the UK come out around this time with successful candidates starting work around the end of September- early October. You miss the boat this year and you have to wait for the next round next year.

So far, I haven't had even one interview, meaning that I had not been able to get through the first round of screenings. I had been expecting it as I still haven't got my PhD and due to the fact that I am from outside the EU. Getting a job here in the UK for non-EU people has become really hard, almost impossible.

Recently I attended this seminar for those interested in an academic career and I showed my CV to one of the experts. The lady who had a look at it made some suggestion but overall she was quite impressed with it. If it had not I would have been very disappointed.

Even though my English language skills are quite good, if I may say so myself, I feel that I need professionals who have experience in evaluating CVs to have a look at mine. This is because often, it is the CV that decides whether you get to the interview sessions.

I actually paid to get my CV and reference letter checked at this site called the CV Centre. They really did a good job and when I was not entirely happy with the first draft, they actually incorporated my comments and sent the revised version to me the same day itself.

Right now they are currently offering completely free CV reviews to potential new customers. Do take advantage of this offer as it is for a limited time only.


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