16 July 2009

Not a bed of roses all the time


A lot of people reading my blog seems to think we are having a lot of fun here in the UK. In fact, several people back in Malaysia seem to think that doing a PhD in the UK is a big long vacation and we are all having fun here.

I guess it's kind of easy to get that impression looking at the big second hand Mercedes Benz car the students bring back, all the happy photographs posted on Facebook and blogs - of going to Paris, Rome and La Rochelle.

Despite the fact that I blog and twitter constantly, I am actually quite private. I prefer to keep some things to myself. Apart from my wife, I guess no body will ever know the problems we went through and the tears we cried.

Doing a PhD is not easy. We knew that but we still decided to go ahead and enroll for the PhD programmes here at the University of Warwick - both of us, with small kids. My son was just 3 months old when we moved here to the UK. Furthermore I took a huge gamble, resigned from my comfy job and decided to pay for my studies on my own. I didn't know how but we just went ahead. As they say, when there's a will, there is a way.


With God's blessings I received a scholarship for my first year at the Warwick Business School. That was the honeymoon period and the first year passed without any problems. Then the second year came and we found out that I would have to pay for the 2nd year of my studies on my own. Right now the fees is £10,900 for overseas full time students. That does not include other living expenses - food, petrol, insurance, etc.

That was hard - I had to take up several jobs. At one time I was actually working at 4 different places and doing different things including developing web sites and teaching at the University of Warwick. We even had to dig into the little savings we had back in Malaysia. And I had to study, do research and write papers at the same time. That was really hard.

Recently I was informed that I got the studentships for the next year. Praise be to God. I realise that most of our problems were related to money. However, there are other things as well that money can't solve.

I am sure we are not the only ones with a problem. Probably, many others doing a PhD here have it worse. I know of several PhD students whose relationships broke down, spouses passing away, having miscarriages and even mental breakdowns. I sometimes wonder how some of the Malaysian doctoral students managed to get on.

We are nearing the end now but still have a long way to go. We have survived and we will continue to fight as I am sure others have. We are really happy when our older colleagues finally pass out and we learn that they passed their viva without any or minor corrections. Gives some kind of hope to us still trying to find our way through the literature and various theories.

When we were totally stressed out, we took time out, going on family vacations - to rejuvenate our batteries. I guess that kept up sane. We also supported each other and pushed each other when we had to. All the time trying to be optimistic and smile. Having religion does help and though I have always been spiritual, I am more so now. I don't want to get into arguments with Atheists but I know God exists even though I can't explain how.

I am going off on a tangent here and I don't want to put people off from doing a PhD. Just want to say that it's definitely not a bed of roses but it's not something impossible.

First Commentator

29 June 2009


My strawberries are really doing well. 100% organic. It initially started out with 2 plants about two years ago and now I have a whole patch.


This is my
Join Green Thumb Sunday

Do visit As the Garden Grows for more information.

28 June 2009

Visit to Edinburgh castle

Warning: Loads of pictures. May take ages to load on slow connections.

Some pics of Edinburgh castle from our last trip. A visit to Edinburgh will not be complete without a visit to the castle. It's at the Western end of the Royal Mile.

A bit overcast when we visited it. The sun came out later.

100_0399 100_0400
There are two statues at the castle gates. The one on the left is that of Robert the Bruce. Have you heard the story about him and the spider and "Try, try, try again". Look it up on Google. Not sure who the other statue is of.


The Argyle Battery

The Scottish Monument from the rear

Brother and sister

My son

Mons Meg 100_0427
Mons Meg, a huge cannon
Mons Meg 100_0430
Just look at the size of the cannon balls

Mons Meg 100_0429
Looking down the turret

Stained glass in St. Margaret's Chapel, the oldest building in Edinburgh castle.

Edinburgh 00034 Edinburgh 00033

Edinburgh 00029
The well

Edinburgh 00028
The cannon

Coat of arms

Scottish War Memorial

Gargoyle looking down

Another battery

Edinburgh 00040 Edinburgh 00038
Outside the castle

view from Edinburgh castle
Panoramic view from top

27 June 2009

Michael Jackson - The King of Pop

I was sending my kids to school today and I was listening to local radio station Mercia. I wasn't paying much attention and I thought I might have misheard when I heard Andy Goulding saying that Michael had passed away.

After dropping off the kids, listening to the radio I learnt that the King of Pop has really passed away. He was just 50 years old.

I used to joke to my students that when we were kids, Michael Jackson was still black. It was true, we grew up listening to ABC, Ben and I'll be there from the Jackson 5 days. I remember break dancing during my school days to the tunes of Billie Jean, Beat it, Thriller and Bad (Yes! I am from that era). It won't be wrong to say that he was a big influence and brought happiness to a lot of people all around the World.

Rest in Peace Michael.

24 June 2009

Dr. Mahathir's blog down

Just noticed that Tun Dr. Mahathir's blog - Che Det is no longer up. For those who didn't know Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad was the fourth and longest serving Prime Minister of Malaysia. He held the post for 22 years from 1981 to 2003.

AS someone who likes to keep up to date with the latest development in almost everything, Tun Dr. Mahathir started his blog in 2008 and it became hugely popular soon. He raised some really controversial issues in the blog.

I am not sure why the blog went down. Does anybody have any information?
The website mentions that www.chedet.co.cc is available.

Don't tell me he forgot to renew the domain.

First Commentator

21 June 2009

Introducing Raja Rahawani and Precious Times

A few Malaysians have settled down here in Coventry and now call it their home. One of them is Raja Rahawani. She has been here in Coventry for nearly 14 years now.

Affectionately known by the younger Malaysians here as Kak Raja, she is a really really talented lady. A fully qualified professional practitioner in holistic therapies, she offers reflexology, aromatherapy, Indian head massage, thermo auricular therapy and holistic living lifestyle.

She also works as a Mobile Therapist and offers 'Home Visits' especially for ' Post Natal clients and vulnerable clients who needed treatment in the comfort & convenience of their own home and familiar surrounding (e.g especially referral cases such as post rehabilitation MS client, post rehab stroke/ bypassed, etc). However, it's for Lady Clients Only .

In 2008, Kak Raja offered Remedial Massage, Reiki & Reflexology to Multiple Sceloris (MS) patients at the Neurology Unit (L:4), University Hospital in Walsgrave, Coventry for more than seven months. It was specially funded by a charitable organisation based in London called 'Life For 4 Living'.

If you are interested you might want to try out the taster sessions / workshops in health and beauty as well as pampering and relaxation sessions. I also learnt recently that she is a qualified perfumer and makes her own perfumes. That's so amazing.

She recently launched her website, Precious Times and I wanted to help create some buzz about her business. The premises are located at 146, Walsgrave Road, Coventry CV2 4AX.

Now for the best part. Kak Raja has agreed to give reader of my blog an Exclusive Offer (June, July and August 2009). You can choose from:
  • Up to 5% discount on initial treatments or
  • a mini holistic facial or
  • a taster back massage or
  • a hand massage.
All you have to do is mention my blog to Kak Raja.

Please refer to the Precious Times website for more information.

18 June 2009

UUM website hacked

Just went to the Universiti Utara Malaysia (Northern University of Malaysia) website to check some contact details and was shocked to see that it had been hacked, apparently by some hackers from Indonesia. They left some political messages on the screen.

This is not the first time the UUM website has been hacked and it's surprising that don't seem to have learnt the lesson. The University was one of the most innovative in Malaysia and they were quite proud of their IT services. The hype may have actually attracted hackers to target them.

Anyway, hope they get the site up and running soon.

First Commentator


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