14 November 2008

Critical thinking

Recently someone asked me my opinion about "critical thinking" as part of their research. More precisely, what is critical thinking according to me.

The first think that came to my mind was "Thinking outside the box!" However, when I was asked to elaborate what I meant by that, I suddenly realised that I couldn't explain.

What do we mean when we say, "thinking outside the box" and what box are we referring to?

Anyway, to me, critical thinking refers to opening up our minds to several possible solutions to a problem and reflecting during the whole process. It also means avoiding all possible bias that may cloud the thought process. It's really hard to put aside all the bias that we may have inside our heads and this in turn makes it hard for us to think objectively.

For example, in an election, can we vote for someone - totally ignoring the skin colour, religion, race, etc. and only looking at their track record and all available information on the candidates.

Made me think that if we place ourselves in that situation would we be able to think objectively and justly as well.

So what do you understand by critical thinking?

10 November 2008

High achiever wife

Last night I bundled up the kids and picked up my wife from Pool Meadow bus station in Coventry City Centre. She was coming back from a conference in London. This was her first ever since she started her PhD two years ago and I was delighted when I learnt that she received a "Promising paper" award at the conference. It's such a big deal because some of the top marketing gurus from all around the World were at the conference as well.

I am really happy for her and am wondering whether I can achieve something like that in the near future as well. Unlike me, my wife is a perfectionist. She refused to go to a conference until she was sure it was near perfect and she's still not happy with it. I am more of a relaxed last minute person and during my first year, presented my half baked paper at a doctoral conference. We are like Yin and Yang. However, I think we both need to come to a balance - with myself taking it more seriously and she - relaxing a bit.

Do any of you have a high achieving partner?

07 November 2008

President Barak Obama

As we all know Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and white mother from Kansas, will be sworn in as the 44th US president on January 20, 2009.

Is it possible that the UK might have a black, mixed race or even an Asian as the Prime Minister.

How about Malaysia? Will we ever see a Chinese or Indian Prime Minister?

I guess that might take a little more time.

BTW, I am sure you have heard or read about his Indonesian connection but do you know the Malaysian connection.

Well Obama's Half-sister Maya Soetoro-Ng is married to Konrad Ng, a Canadian of Malaysian Chinese descent. His parents are from Kudat and Sandakan,Sabah, Malaysia.

Anyway, the two best things that ever happened to Obama were probably the controversy that his Pastor started (read Obama's Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11) and when John McCain announced Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Regarding the pastor, many who were NOT going to vote for Obama because they thought he was a Muslim, suddenly thought: "Wait a minute! He's got a Pastor, which means he goes to Church and therefore, he's not a Muslim".

As for Sarah Palin, read Palin 'Said Africa Was A Country'.

Watch Obama in Chicago:

03 November 2008

Robot at the Arena Park

Went to the Arena Park Shopping centre near our house to buy a new pair of school shoes for my daughter as well as her gym stuff.

We arrived just in time to see this Robot dancing.

robot_arena _park01

My daughter was quite scared and when the robot turned around, bent and gave out a loud robotic "fart" sound, she was not very impressed.

"Naughty Robot" she said.

Robot coming towards us

30 October 2008

Daughter turns 5

My daughter turned 5 yesterday.

I am a big girl now"
She wanted to wear her Halloween costume and of course you can't refuse the birthday girl.



Attacking the cake

Quick grab it while Baba's not looking.


21 October 2008

6th Anniversary

It's amazing but apparently we have been married or 6 years now. It only feels like it was yesterday we were studying for our economics paper at Starbucks in Bangsar.

How time flies.

We didn't do anything special today. We didn't even give each other any presents. We were happy that we are there for each other.

And I am sitting here and thinking that's not right. It was just like any other day and we spent the morning discussing problems regarding our research. In fact it has been ages since we had a nice time to ourselves.

If any one talks about the "carefree student life" he is obviously not aware what a student with kids, without a scholarship and doing a PhD, goes through. However, we are looking at the promises of a better future and hope is all we have. I am sure all the sacrifices are worth it.

Here's looking forward to many more anniversaries to come.


20 October 2008

Accounting jobs

It is really interesting but the old stereotype of the accountant hasn't changed much. They are usually portrayed by a strange introverted guy (often balding and fat) with thick glasses clutching a briefcase.

This couldn't be further from the truth. Many of my accountant friends are among the most hip and happening people around. Many are holding management positions and on their way up. This underlines how important the accounting profession is. Most people assume that an accountant is only responsible for bookkeeping in the company. This is but one of the role that an accountant plays in a modern company. Good accountants helps with tax issues of the company, makes sure that money is properly budgeted and also take care of corporate governance issues.

Anyway if you are looking for an accounting job look for a job site which updates regularly. Also check the number of jobs listed. I usually look for a site that groups the jobs by title, city and company type. It is good if there is also a search option if you are looking for something more specific. Clicking on a job link should take you to the respective site in which they are carried.

Good luck if you are an accountant looking for a job.


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