23 July 2008

Lighting can transform your house

A few days back, a family friend dropped by our house and we ultimately got down to talking about the house rentals and how they are going up in Coventry and I guess all over the UK for that matter even though house prices have dropped.

We then got down to talking about the condition of the houses we live in. They have just moved in to a newly refurbished house and how happy they were with the condition of the new house. The only thing they didn't like were the home lighting. Their landlord just left it up to them to fix their own. They were admiring our light fittings which we had bought from Ikea and they were surprised how cheap they were.

Talking about lighting, do check out Farreys.com, an international wholesale hardware company which is based in Florida. I was amazed at the choice of indoor and outdoor light fixtures on their site which are available in a wide range of styles. These products come from some of the top manufacturers specialised in lighting but at really low prices.

Lighting fixtures can completely transform the look and feel of each room in your house. For example, If you have a big rooms, you might consider having chandeliers fitted. Somehow, the right chandeliers of your choice ranging from contemporary to modern can give a distinct look to a room. Unfortunately, the rooms in our house are too small to pull off such a look sucessfully.

20 July 2008

Dinner at the Saxon Mill

Our friend Jens is going back to Switzerland and we decided to have some drink with him before he leaves. Luiz suggested The Saxon Mill in Warwick. It is actually an old mill over the river that has been converted into a pub / restaurant.

Some really nice views over the river. We took our kids along and they enjoyed it even though it got a bit bit chilly later in the evening. Later on we went in to order the food. It was really nice and comfy inside and the food was not bad either. However, my son was not happy at all and I had to take him out. He was fascinated by the water rushing away.

Here are some pics:

The Saxon Mill 005

The Saxon Mill 006

The Saxon Mill 011

The Saxon Mill 012

The Saxon Mill 014

The Saxon Mill 015

15 July 2008

France trip update

In my last post "Preparing for trip to France" I had written that we were planning to drive my old Ford car to La Rochelle in France. However, the fact that I am not fully confident with my car, made us change our plans. We will now be flying to La Rochelle directly.

I would have gone ahead had it been only the two of us but we will have two small kids in tow and I simply don't want to risk it. Just imagine being stranded on a highway in France with two kids in the back seat.

Of course it's much more convenient now. We reach our destination in a few hours. However, that also means that we won't be able to take as much stuff along with us. We will be there in France for nearly two weeks and we hope to see some of the surrounding sights and we definitely would have to rent a car. It would be interesting because it would be the first time in my life to drive a left hand drive vehicle. In fact it would be my first time to drive on the wrong side of the road (the right side, according to some of you).

In the meantime I am practising some of the common French phrases. I had never known that French was so tough. The problem is that the words are pronounced totally different from how they are written. It's good that I have some French speaking friends to correct me. Hopefully the few phrases would be good enough to get by.

13 July 2008

White Lilies

These are white lilies in my garden - my wife's favourite flowers. I bought them at a car boot sale and they only started flowering yesterday.



This is my Green Thumb Sunday post for this week.

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12 July 2008

Datuk Nicol David

A few years back I wrote a blog post "Datuk Nicol", calling for reigning world woman's squash champion Nicol David to be awarded a Datukship. However, I never thought that it would become a reality considering her age, etc. etc.

Well today, I learnt that she was awarded the Darjah Setia Pangkuan Negeri (DSPN) award which carries the title Datuk, by the Penang state government. Only 25 years old, she is the state's youngest Datuk.

Photo from "Nicol David Online".

Congratulations Nicol. You deserve it.

09 July 2008

Trip to London

Some pics of our recent trip to London:

Harrods at Knightsbridge

There was a Harrods sale going on and the crowd was unbelievable - mostly ladies and a lot of tourists. There were some people outside protesting against fur being sold in the store. Forgot to take pics.


Walking towards Knightsbridge

Natural history museum

Saw some dinosaur skeletons. Didn't have enough time to go round.


Leicester square. My son fell asleep. The Odeon theatre is in the background.

Statue of Shakespeare at Leicester square.

"There is no darkness but ignorance"
Quote from William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.

Crowds near Piccadilly Circus.

06 July 2008

Strawberry season

It's strawberry season again. The fruits are 100% organic and they taste delicious. However, it's not the first time I am tasting the 'Fruits of my labour'.



My Green Thumb Sunday post this week. Join Green Thumb Sunday

Do visit As the Garden Grows for more information.


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