11 September 2007

Kopi Luwak

In case you didn't know, the logo of Sun's Java programming language is a steaming coffee cup. In the US, Java is a slang for coffee. Java is also the name of an Island in indonesia, where it's capital city, Jakarta is situated and they do produce a lot of coffee there.

Of the coffee produced there, the most famous happens to the "Kopi Luwak" known as Civet coffee in English. It is the most expensive coffee in the world, selling for between $120 and $600 per pound.

So, what's so special about this coffee?

Well, it is extracted from the coffee berries that have been eaten by the the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). The excreted partially-digested beans are then harvested and processed for sale. Read how it gets it's unique taste in New Research Explains Structure, Taste of Kopi Luwak Coffee.

10 September 2007

Want to go for a beach holiday

Even though we are technically on an Island, it's been nearly a year since I went to a beach or seaside. I don't know why but I have always been attracted to the ocean and one of my most memorable vacations was to Redang Island off the east coast of Malaysia with a few friends. Since then, I have visited several other Islands in Malaysia and neighbouring Thailand including Pangkor, Langkawi, Penang and Phuket. These islands are among the ideal Beach Holidays listed on Dialaflight.com. This UK based company is one of the leading independent travel company offering flights, hotels and travel ideas worldwide.

I was really excited reading about the various beach resort holidays listed on the site. They have loads of useful travel information. Dialaflight.com is also a great place to look for cheap flights and holiday offers.

If you are thinking of exotic beach holidays, do visit the site.

Neo-Nazis arrested in Israel

Gang member giving the Nazi salute (ynetnews.com)

In what has got to be one of the most amazing stories to come out of Israel is one about an Israeli neo-Nazi gang that had carried out attacks on religious Jews, gays and drug addicts.

These youths had "Nazi tattoos and allegedly celebrated Adolf Hitler’s birthday". Quite unbelievable considering that they would have been killed if Hitler was alive. They belonged to immigrants from Russia who had been allowed to become Israeli citizens under its law of return.

Read the full story in the Time site: Arrest of Israeli neo-Nazi gang shocks Jewish State and on the Associated press site: Police: Israeli Neo-Nazi Ring Busted and on ynetnews.com: Olmert on neo-Nazi gang: We failed as society

06 September 2007

Mei's wire jewelry addiction

Mei is a mother of two boys, from Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. She blogs at "Wire Bliss: Handcrafted Wire Wrapped Jewelry".

I remember when she used to have a generic Blogger template but has now changed to a 3 column template. It definitely looks more unique. However the ads that come just before the posts were a bit too distracting. There are ads inside the post as well and having too many ads may turn off some visitors.

Her handcrafted wire jewelry are amazing. Mei calls it her addiction and they really are works of art.

Besides the end products, short tutorials showing how she made the jewelery would definitely attract more visitors to her site.

If you love jewelery, you will love Mei's blog.

02 September 2007

My herbal garden

When I was starting my garden, I decided that I will have plants that not only look good but lot of edible ones as well.

I have drawn up a list of medicinal and aromatic plants that I want to have in my garden. So far, I have spearmint (Mentha spicata), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), parsley (Petroselinum crispum), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and basil (Ocimum basilicum).


My tomatoes are doing really well and it looks like I won't be buying any for quite sometime.
cherry tomatoes01

It looks like 'green fingers' does run in the family.

BTW, this is my Green Thumb Sunday post.
Join Green Thumb Sunday

Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.

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Searching for a company profile or contact information on the web can be really frustrating sometimes. Search engines can throw up thousands of unrelated results and and we have skim through hundreds of links before we finally find what we are looking for.

If you are looking to find business partners, new suppliers or sales opportunities etc., visit Masterseek, a new global Business-to-Business (B2B) search engine that provides quick and free access to information from more than 45 million companies in 75 countries.

You can search for company profiles, contact information, and descriptions of products and services from the listed industries as well.

01 September 2007

A random review

Was just going through a blog called Random Encounters of We. It has two contributors: RandomEncounters and Random2 (the lady and the gentleman in the picture?), though I didn't come across a single posts written by Random2. I know a lot of bloggers prefer to remain anonymous but a "about us" or "about this blog" page would be nice.

It has some really interesting posts. Like mine, the blog has no specific niche and covers a number of topics. As RandomEncounters mentions, "Random is my Niche". She does have another blog with a specific niche called Random Games. It lists loads of interesting games.

One thing I didn't like about the blog was the design. I guess it is a matter of taste and everyone is different but I wish they would change the background colour from Green to something less harsh to the eye.

Having said that, I was quite impressed by the fact that they have a Google page rank of 4. That's really excellent for a blog that was only started in November last year. Would love to know their secret.


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