27 July 2007

Becca's Buzz reviewed

BeccaGirl (as she calls herself) blogs at "BeccA's Buzz". There are a few questions I would like to ask her. Like why she added another blogspot in the url and why the 'A' in the title is capitalized. Her 'profile' doesn't tell me much about herself. I guess she prefers to remain anon like a lot of other bloggers.

It's a personal blogspot blog. I like the fact that she has customized the template a bit, including a banner with pictures of herself. The Google search looks a bit odd. It might look better if it''s the same colour as the background (grey) and shorten the site name

I was going through her old posts and she has been blogging for quite sometime now (since Aug. 2005). Like me, she has definitely been blogging a lot more now and I can guess the reason. ;-) Her blog's PR is still 0 and maybe joining some link exchanges might help. I hope this review does.

26 July 2007

Aluminium kitchen cabinets

I was going through Carguygarage.com, which as the name suggests specializes in everything that has to do with a garage from cabinets and workbenches to garage floor paint and storage systems. Looking at their range of cabinets that usually go in garages, I was thinking that they would look great in the kitchen too.

The diamond plate cabinets that are made of aluminum would really be ideal as kitchen cabinets as they will not rust or corrode. It is a matter of choice and I like the way they look - gives them a stylish modern look. However, you can have them powder coated to any color of your choice if you want.

25 July 2007

Guest in house

My daughter is now having her summer break. She won't be going back to her playgroup when the holidays are over and instead will be moving to the nursery at the same school. However, not being at school means that she has a lot of extra energy. The first day she was jumping around everywhere and I had quite a hard time controlling her. She's not that bad as compared to some other kids I have seen though.

Fortunately she has something or should I say someone to occupy her. My wife's Italian colleague Roby flew in from Kenya last week and will be staying with us till the 1st of August. Now Rahil follows her everywhere. I try my best to stop her from going into the guest room and disturbing Roby but she will slip off when I am not watching.


24 July 2007

Quality furniture site

As I have mentioned several times on this blog, I have been an Ikea fan for quite sometime. However, I can feel that my taste is slowly changing. Maybe watching too many Colin and Justin interior decoration shows on TV is having it's effect. The company produces very functional furniture that you put up yourself but somehow lacks the sophistication.

If I were a successful business man, I am not quite sure whether I would go for plywood or fibreboard furniture that I have to put together, for my office.

On the other hand, this handsome computer desk is something that I would definitely consider. It comes from the online furniture store 'Furniture From Home', which carries a range of high quality bedroom, Living Room and Home Office Furniture among others.

Their website is quite nice and it's easy for customers to shop by room, style, or color using the advanced search on the site.

Asian Wild Rose reviewed

A few of the guys on my review list have asked me to hurry up with their reviews. No! Not really. A few asked politely whether their blogs have been reviewed. I must confess that I have neglected it for a while but I hope to go through the whole list before the end of this month. Unless of course some new bloggers request a review as well.

Next on my list is Tracy, a blogger from Calgary, Alberta who has a blog called "Asian Wild Rose".

It has a generic looking Word Press template with a simple but nice unique banner. I am not quite sure whether the lady pictured is her. The 'about us' page mentions "we" so there might be more than one blogger.

Lot of funny posts about everything Asian (read Chinese) in Canada and Abroad. Really enjoyed going through the blog though I would have loved more pictures. It has a great number of links on the side bar but nothing wrong with that. The blogger says
Asian men are sexy and strong and I’m glad they like ME and only ME! :)

A simple way to self-publish

Are you an aspiring author but have no idea how to go about publishing your book?

You may very well be the next JK Rowling but unfortunately convincing the various, well established publishing houses otherwise may prove to be the biggest hurdle. Even if you do convince them, they might take away most of the control over the book while giving you a paltry sum as a royalty.

You may want to consider a new way of publishing a book, by Self Publishing with AuthorHouse. This leading self-publishing company was established in 1997 and have since then has helped over 25,000 authors to self publish their book.

The best part is that you as a author retain all rights and control decisions regarding the publishing and ultimate marketing of their book. After it is published you won't even have to worry about the marketing of the book as it will available for order at more than 25,000 retail outlets worldwide, online at Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, well as their own online book store.

23 July 2007

Rowling set to start another series

For those traumatised by the end of the extremely popular Harry Potter series, don't worry!

The latest rumour on the grapevine is that Rowling is working on yet another series of books - following the adventures of Ron and Hermione as they grow up and get married. There might be a TV series on the line as well.



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