20 July 2007

Hardy and family comes visiting

Our dearest friends, Hardy and Zaza and their cute son came visiting yesterday evening. This is the second time they are visiting the UK from Holland. However, this time they are here for a longer duration. Check out their blog 'Bringing up an AIdan and handling Holland'.

Fathers and sons

19 July 2007

European rail info site

When I was a kid in London, I had a very close friend called Marco. They were from Portugal and his mum used to work with my dad. We lost touch after we all left the UK for our respective home countries. I have always wanted to go to Portugal and find out what ever happened to him.

I suddenly remembered him as I was going through the Railshopper.com website and came across the Portugal Rail Pass Tickets. This site is ideal for searching for Europe rail passes, tickets and schedules.

I hate to be blunt but the site looks quite boring. The site needs more brightening up and more images might do the job. For example, night life pictures of Lisbon in the above mentioned Portugal page instead of that ugly looking train image.

I also suggest that they get rid of their amateurish looking logo and get one properly designed. Having said that, the site does have loads of useful info and visitors would probably come back for that.

Blog overhaul required

Next on my list of blogs to review is Anylees' Wonderful. I don't want to be rude but I cringed when I opened the blog. The reason - it is the generic Blogger template that I hate the most. Nothing against the designer or against the blogger but light green dots is not just my thing. I am not really fond of that red colored font either as it makes it hard to read the posts. My suggestion to Anylee is to get a brand new template with a nice header.

Most of the posts are short and few are quite interesting. As I have always pointed out, longer original posts tend to get more comments. Some pictures to go with the blog would be a good idea. Yeah! This is true for my own blogs too. I keep telling myself that I should have an image to go with each post but so far ....

Personalised gift site for kids

Some people feel that we need to give gifts to children only as a reward for something positive they did. According to them, this would teach them values and doing the right thing. However, I disagree as you can also give them gifts for no particular reason just to say "I love you!" Your child would definitely appreciate that.

Anyway, if you are looking for personalised gifts, there are a number of site where you can provide that personal touch. Personalised childrens' gifts ranging from lunch bags to clocks.

About Elizabeth

Time for another blog review. This time it's Elizabeth's turn. She blogs at Table for five, a personal blog. By personal I mean that it doesn't have a specific theme and she blogs about almost anything (like this blog). I am not sure about other guys but I feel that these blogs are more interesting.

Why is the blog called Table for five? I am not sure but I think it represents her family - Elizabeth, her husband and the 3 kids. The only thing I didn't like about her blog layout / theme was the yellow background for the titles - on the posts as well as the sidebar. Makes it quite hard to read them. A darker colour would have been better.

Nothing much else I can complain about. The blog has great content. I love her "about" page, where she has listed 100 things about herself. Quite unique.

Design your own golf shoes

Are you fond of golf? I used to be a member of a golf club once but I was never that crazy enough to make my wife a golf widow. I would usually hit a few balls on the driving range and that was it. Went down to the green only a few times and yes, it's really addictive.

Anyway, even if you are not fond of golf, design MyJoys Coolest Pair on the Planet and you stand a chance to win a $1000 gift certificate. The winner will be the unique golf shoe design with the highest rank at the end of the contest.

All you have to do is go on over to the Golfballs.com site, design your customized pair of golf shoes and then post your pair of shoes on your blog/site. Then invite people to vote for your design.

Here's my design. I call it Pro Eccentrix. Should bring some color to the green.
FootJoy Golf Shoes
$1000 for the coolest pair!

The Coca-Cola with Orange

Just noticed an ad for the new limited edition Coca-Cola with orange. According to the ad, it is available in 3 sizes, namely, 6 pack of 330ml cans, 500ml and 2 litre bottles. Later learnt that this particular limited edition is for release in the UK only. The drink contains 1% orange fruit from concentrate.

I couldn't find it in the Tesco Metro outlet near my house.

Wonder how it tastes like.


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