03 July 2007

Betshopboy reviewed

If you read a lot of blogs like I do, you will notice that a lot of bloggers have an online alter ego and I guess I am no exception. I recently got to know Singaporean blogger Cheewee Ng who goes by the online name "BetShopBoy". He blogs at "I Thought, Therefore I Blog".

His blog is using the no frill, purely functional DownRight Blogger Theme v3.0 created by Thur Broeders. I like simple templates like that. He could have personalised it a bit though.

Most of the posts are technical but not too much. Found a lot of them to be interesting and useful - like "Personalize Your Blog Posts - Add a Signature", for example. Noticed a few spelling and grammatical errors but it happens to me too.

Another great blog with great original content.

Get those termites before they get you

My in-laws had been using one of their bed rooms as a store for quite sometime. One day they decide that they needed that extra room and started clearing it. When they opened up the built in closet, they found out that a huge colony of termites had decided to make it their home. They had completely destroyed the inside of the closet as well as the contents. My wife's leather jacket was half eaten as well most of the old clothes inside.

They had to spend a bit to get rid of the pests and repair the damage. Fortunately, it was not that bad.

I guess the signs of termites were there even though we had ignored it. For example, there were mud-looking material on the wooden surfaces as well as holes. To find out how to get rid of termite, refer to the 'Termites guide'.

However, I just wish they would get rid of that awful red background. Makes it really hard to read the information. Really informative and contains everything you needed to know about termite infestation and their control.

Doctors or killers

I was shocked when I learnt today that two of the suspected arrested by police over the latest terror attacks in the UK are doctors.

While Dr Mohammed Asha, 26, worked as a junior doctor at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, another doctor, Dr Bilal Abdulla, worked as a locum at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley.

Wonder what they were thinking when they took the Hippocratic Oath.
Never to do deliberate harm to anyone for anyone else's interest.

Or maybe they took the hypocrite oath.

02 July 2007

With geek friends and java forums

A lot of guys are really surprised when I reveal the fact that I don't have an IT background and most will exclaim "But how come you know a lot of the technical stuff?"

I guess it's all about interest and this interest was what lead me to specialize in web related technology and e-commerce. However, I have to admit, I am less inclined toward the programming details and more onto the managerial side of this field. The only IT related training I had was when I did a short certificate course in Informatics in Malaysia. We even had to do Java programming and to be honest I was quite lost. Was really thankful I had some friends who were experts in Java programming.

Talking about Java - I was having coffee with some of my IT friends and they were discussing Hibernate - an open source solution for the Java language. From what I could gather, it is used in developing databases. Suddenly they asked me my opinion. I didn't want to bluff and honestly told them I have no idea what they were all talking about. Like usual, some of them were quite shocked to learn that I do not have an IT background.

Anyway, if you are into Java programming, join the Java forums. Registration is quite fast and it's totally free. Besides discussion on various Java topics, the forum also carries info regarding books as well as job listings. I am not sure but they claim to be the largest Java community.

Getting it on with Steven

Just finished going through Steve's blog "Get your blog on!". Steve is a former model and Chippendale dancer.

Regarding the look of the site, as I have mentioned several times, I am not really fond of black backgrounds. Nothing wrong with that. It's just a matter of preference. However, some of the colors he uses (for example, red and purple) for highlighting some sentences or words might not really follow the web design guidelines. Some people may find it hard to read them.

Having said that, even if you have a great looking site, people won't come back if your content is lousy. That is one thing this blog is not. Steve's posts are humorous and interesting. You can judge this even without going through the posts,from the fact that it's Google Page Rank is 3 even though it is only four months old. I know of several people who have been blogging for more than a year and still stuck at 0.

01 July 2007

Making learning fun with Pokemon

Mention maths or science and most kids will start complaining. I may be wrong but I guess one of the reasons is that teachers don't try to make these subjects fun to learn.

The Pokemon Learning League on the other hand, takes a fun approach to education. Based on the popular kid's cartoon show - Pokemon, this educational website is targeted at 8-12 year olds. It was designed by experienced educators and comprises of standards-based, interactive animated lessons in Science, Math, Language Arts and Life Skills topics in a unique interactive way for children in grades 3-6.

Right now they are offered on a subscription basis in both homes and schools. The great news is that you can sign up with the website for month's free trial.

FYI, Pokémon Learning League is a division of Pokémon USA, Inc. It won the 2007 Association of Educational Publishers award for Best Science web site. More features and content will be added to the site every week.

It's a dog's life

Was going through "Tip Tail", a blog about four dogs. Never thought that a blog about dogs would be interesting but as I found out, blogger Cynthia has a way with words. Kept me occupied.

It's not every time I say this, but I couldn't find any thing to criticise on the blog. I guess the only thing I can say about the blog is that images of Lucy and Angel are missing.

Maybe what the blog needs is more advertising and links to bring in more dog lovers. Hopefully it will get a higher PR in the future.

I like the top banner and the way that the blogger has personalized the referral buttons in keeping with the blog's orange colour theme. For example take a look at her "You comment, I follow" and the PerPerPost Direct button.

One of the requirements of my doing a blog review was a a link to either this blog or to my SEO expert blog, however I couldn't find any. Have gone ahead with the blog review anyway.


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