03 April 2007

Manipur, a forgotten hotspot

Read this interesting article in the Economist online, titled "A safe house for dangerous men", about Manipur, a small state in the North-East corner of India.

This article is part of a "Correspondent’s Diary", but I am not sure who the correspondent is.

Wracked by insurgency and a AIDS hot spot, Manipur certainly doesn't sound like it is the "Jewel of India".


Using dogs to detect molds

Was quite shocked when we noticed mold on the wall in between the bed and just below our bedroom window. Fortunately it is not that serious and I just wiped it with a old rag using a cleaning fluid.

Not many people realize the ill effects of mold on our health. Molds produce tiny spores to reproduce and exposure to it can result in allergic reactions, asthma, and other respiratory complaints. In our case, the mold was in the initial stages and probably caused by water leaking. The more serious mold problem are those where it is hidden inside walls and not visible to the eye.

While searching for more information on mold and Mold Removal, came across the site of this company in New Jersey.

It was quite interesting because this New Jersey Mold Company uses mold detection dogs to find hidden mold inside walls. Unique and quite cost effective it seems.

Fuelmyblog photo competiton

For those who are not aware, Fuelmyblog is organising a photo competition titled "View from my window".

The first prize will be a Digital camera (not sure which brand or model).

Hurry up and send your entries as the competition ends on the 20th of April 2007.


1k dollars tuesday

Today, there was an announcement by PayPerPost.com, one of the largest and most popular blog advertising companies, that left me (and I am sure - a lot of other posties) really excited. They call it the 1K Tuesday.

1K of course stand for $1000 and ppp will be releasing at least one $1000 opportunity every Tuesday between 12 am and 12pm with no segmentation guaranteed. For non-posties and other people who are not aware, the company rolled out segmentation some time back. According to this new system, advertisers can choose the type of blogs that can carry their ads. The higher paying opportunities would usually be reserved for blogs with higher Google page ranks (pr) or lower Alexa ranking (the lower the better). The $1000 opportunities are usually reserved for blogs with Google page rank 7 and above. Those of us with lower Google PRs could only watch with envy as these blogs remained out of our reach.

So you can now understand why I am really really excited about this announcement. If I am lucky, I shall be richer by $1000 tomorrow and all I would have to do is write a post here on my blog.

This promotion start tomorrow and will run till the end of April.

Note: Posties refer to member of PayPerPost.com.

Furnace End car boot

Last Sunday we were introduced to the Furnace End car boot sale, which is believed to be one of the biggest in the entire UK. It was the first time we had been there and we were left awestruck when we first got there - it is huge.

When people talk about car boot, the first thing that come to mind are used unwanted items. However, half of the pitches are of traders - selling first hand stuff at way down prices.

Getting in is slightly costlier as compared to CJs at Stoneleigh. 40p for adults and 20p for kids above 7 years.

We didn't buy much and we covered only about half of the place in nearly 3 hours.

Here's the list of stuff we bought that day:
1. Matsui HiFi system - £2
2. Kitchen tissue holder - 20p
3. 2 Duvets (double) (new) - £10
4. 3 jigsaw puzzles - £1.25
5. New Junior Encyclopedia set (16 copies) - £2
6. 2 pillow covers (new) - £2
7. 2 Bed sheets (double) (new) - £6

Grand total: £23.45

Rahil had fun on the plane ride and even though she was scared at first, she wanted to go on it for a second time round afterwards.

Was a bit worried about the HiFi as it was too cheap, I mean it was good to be true. Only £2. The first thing I did when we got home was plug it in and put it on. I was surprised to find that there was already a CD in "Simply the Best - Love Songs." It worked perfectly OK. One of the best bargains ever.

Article on compund interest

When I was in school, I had a friend who really hated maths. I can remember him telling us that he was going to burn his maths books once he finished school and never going to touch one again. According to him: "After all, it's not like we are going to use it anywhere." At that time I agree with him and thought that we were wasting our time learning trigonometry, algebra, statistics and other stuff that needed calculations.

We were wrong and even though we don't realize it, we use them everyday in or daily life. A good example is compound interest. I really found this article on compound interest and its implications in investments really interesting.

"The purpose of investing money is to earn interest on capital." Understanding how compound interest works could help us choose the best deals on loans as well as in making the right investment decisions.

01 April 2007

What chocolate moment do you have

Going through the blogosphere, I come across unique and creative blogs. Well,
Comfort Fantasies is the blog of a chocoholic (the blogger admits it) and the blogger has an interesting way of categorisings the various posts - as dark, white or milk chocolate day/ moment, depending on the mood.

I can make out that Dark chocolate = sad
White chocolate = happy
Milk chocolate = neither sad nor happy. In the blogger's own words: "Isn't dark, yet it isn't a happy moment in time either."

Interesting way of categorising the post, don't you agree.


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