18 March 2007

T-shirt contest update

I have a contest running on my auto lah blog, which ends on the 25th of this month. However, I am really disappointed with the response. Only 1 entry so far.

On discussing with my wife about the poor response, we came up with some possible reasons why the contest has not attracted that many entries.

1. Number of visitors to my auto blog is quite low.
2. The prizes (2 T-shirts) are not attractive enough.
3. Very few people have actually driven the Dodge Nitro.
4. Asking people to link back to my blog with keywords may have turned off some people.

As a result, I am putting the link back to my blog as optional.
You also don't need to have driven the Dodge Nitro to write about it. Just tell us what you like about the design or the specs.

There are 8 more days to go, so feel free to join in.

Memories of KL

Was just going through Tracy Tan's Blog "Wahseh!". Her posts about life in Kuala Lumpur and looking at the pictures brought back fond memories.

Ever since we arrived in the UK, our social life has suffered a great deal - what with the kids, my wife's research work plus the fact that we are living on a budget. After 8 the only places open here are the nightclubs and a few expensive restaurants. Makes us really miss KL with it's 24 hour mamak outlets.

17 March 2007

About Narcissus

You learn a lot of interesting thing while surfing the net.

Yesterday, I bought some daffodils to plant in our front garden. However, the tag said Narcissus and these were white, scented and smaller variety unlike the more common large trumpet yellow ones and I had some doubt.

A look at this site confirmed that these were indeed daffodils too. Both belong to the genus Narcissus. Daffodil is the common English name now used for all plants under this genus.

The variety I planted is called Bridal Crown.

The site had some interesting trivia. The daffodil is the emblem of Wales and Prince Charles is paid one daffodil annually as rent for the unattended lands of Scilly.

The name comes from Greek mythology from the guy who fell in love with his own image. Yeah! It sounds so stupid but looking around, it doesn't seem so stupid after all.

Best humour videos

Almost every day I will receive at least one e-mail from my friends and family, with a link to a funny video or a copy of the video itself.

Video hosting sites similar to YouTube have mushroomed all over the net. However, for every great clip there will be hundreds of clips that are not interesting or funny at all. In fact they are downright boring.

Found the perfect solution. CoolVideoClips.com searches the web for the funniest, best, and most amazing video clips. It save us time and energy (and of course money if you are on a dial up). And we don't have to waste time watching all the boring clips.

The site had an interesting clip of how celebrities look with and without their makeup. An example:

Check out the site and tell me what you think.

Is AZ Dana Wacky

AZ Dana (not sure whether it's her real name) is another blogger I recently got to know. She blogs at Azdana.com and claims to be wacky in real life (I believe you, I believe you) and she wanted to translate it into this blog of hers.

She has been blogging for a relatively short time but her blog is way better than some who have been blogging for years. I like the neat tidy look of her blog which is not wacky at all. Wanted to know more about this blogger but clicking on the about link doesn't give me a clue. You probably want to put something there AzDana. Here list of links are empty too and I hope that I will be the first one she puts up. he he

Tell me what you think when you try the Butter tea.

Listen to the Apprentice winners

The Apprentice is one of my most favourite reality TV shows ever since it started. Currently season 6 is running on NBC. The part I love the most is when Donald Trump says the dreaded words: " You are fired!"

It is one show that I always recommended to my MBA students back in Malaysia. gives them a taste of what the real Corporate World is all about and what you need in order to succeed in that brutal World.

Now, you have the chance to hear straight from the show's former winners, Randal Pinkett, Sean Yazbeck, and Kendra Todd. This is part of the Trump University Speaker Series. Take this opportunity to listen to their experiences - from their professional lives and The Apprentice show and learn how you can apply them to your own career.


16 March 2007

Do you like classic rock

Classic rock is my kind of music. Unfortunately not many of my friends are into this genre of music. I was lucky that my wife loves the same kind of music I do.

I do listen to the new songs on the radio but if you asked me to name any new singer or band that I really liked, I couldn't come up with any. I simply don't feel a connection.

Give me Led Zeppelin any day. Listening to Nazareth's Love hurts can send shivers down my spine.

It was a great moment when I was finally able to watch the legendary band Deep Purple live, when they last visited Malaysia. It was amazing to see these guys (some of whom are grandfathers) still rocking.

Going through the blogosphere, I find that I am not alone. There are a lot of classic rock lovers out there. Olivia from Canada is one of them. She blogs at "The Funky Olive". Learned that they actually play classic rock in her office. I really envy her. In my last place of work, I was the only guy who liked classic rock music. One guys actually told me that listening to it was giving him a headache.

Anyway, read what happens when a temp comes in to their office and tries to switch the music to "sappy easy listening bla bla" music here.

Related posts:
- Farhan singing the blues on AF4
- Led Zeppelin and the evil one



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