13 January 2007

New gadgets and consumer electronics site

I love reading about new electronic products and hi-tech stuff even if I can't afford to buy any of them. While searching for cell phone reviews, I came across this great new site.

Testfreaks.com is still under development and will be launched in spring 2007. They plan to bring you reviews of the hottest gadgets and consumer electronics from around the world. These will include professional sources as well as consumers and bloggers like me.

In the meantime, you can go and check out their blog and buying guides for digital cameras, tvs and cell phones.

Noticed a great offer on the site. Help them collect the best sources for reviews and they will be giving out $100 every month. Check out the site for more details.

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12 January 2007

Lousy pizza service

Last evening both my wife and I were feeling too lazy to cook and decided to order pizza. So I ordered Meal Deal 3 from our favourite (not any more) pizza place - Caspian Pizza at 112 Fargosford Street, Coventry.

My wife likes their Doner Kebab and I, their vegetarian hot pizza.

The delivery guy arrived after about half an hour and my wife paid the money £9.90. The deal comprises of 1 Doner kebab, 1 regular pizza, 1 garlic pizza bread with cheese, 1 large fries and a 1.5L bottle of Coke. However, in this case, the bottle of Coke was missing. The delivery guy feigned ignorance and went off after taking the money.

Called up the shop and they informed me that they would have the bottle to us ASAP...

We are still waiting.

My wife complained that the pita bread that comes with the kebab was like plastics. No quality control at all.

They have lost a good customer. Never going to order anything from Caspian pizza any more.


Myspace stalker

I was listening in to the conversation of some of my younger relatives and it seems like almost everyone of them has a MySpace account. If you haven't heard about it, it only means you are: 1. Not Internet savvy, 2. Too old, 3. Too dumb or 4. All of the above.

MySpace is a social networking website and is currently the world's fourth most popular English-language website. According to a source, about 230,000 new people are registering every day on MySpace.

My own MySpace page is here.

Anyway, while browsing Myspace, you may sometimes feel the need to follow a conversation between two people using the comment feature. For example, they are "talking" about someone you know (or about you) and you wanted to what they were saying. Or maybe you were feeling bored and just wanted to kill the time by reading the comments.

The only way to find out would be to go back and forth between the two myspace profiles and reading the comments in the correct order. Yeah! I know. It's a pain.

There is a solution. Become a Myspace Stalker. All you have to do is go over to Myconvo.com, put the names of the two people having the conversation in spaces provided (For example, my name is ahoklah). You then press the "Show me the Conversation!" button and ta da, you have it.

However, it doesn't work if one of the guys has set his/her profile to private.

Sponsored post.

Go try it out.


11 January 2007

Civil engineering recruiters

My cousin who a civil engineer presently working for a firm in India is not really satisfied with his job and looking for better opportunities.

He already registered with a few employment agencies but I recommend that he check out Civil Search International, which is specialised in recruiting for Civil Engineering firms.

The company is composed of a team of 14 highly professional recruiters with a combined Civil Engineering recruiting experience of over 60 years. This includes the President who has 20 years of Civil Engineering recruiting experience. The consultant with the firm with a PE designation has over 30 years of Executive Management experience. The Sales Director has over 10 years of Civil Engineering recruiting experience and their Principal has 7 years of Executive Management experience with a Fortune 500 Technology Company.

According to their web release, on an average their recruiters make over 25,000 telephone calls per month, through a database of prospects, which they feel is one of the most comprehensive list of Civil Engineering PE’s and EIT’s. The company stresses that they makes every effort to customize the search to fit individual needs.

They currently represent over 50 leading Civil Engineering firms, including international leaders and top regional firms. Most of these firms offer excellent salaries/benefits and are working on some of the best projects. So if you are a civil engineer or in a related field, you should definitely check their site out.


Rain and wind

Going to pick up my daughter from her school in a few minutes. Enough time for one quickie post.

It was raining and really windy when I sent her in the morning. Took us 20 minutes to get to her school.

The wind was blowing against me and I had to struggle a bit to push the stroller with my son in it. To keep my daughter from straying, we have an elastic leash attached to each other. So I only hold her hand when I have to cross the road.

Thank God! The rain has stopped but I can see the trees swaying in the strong wind.

Looking for binoculars

What do you use a binocular for?

The first thing that comes to mind are usually nature related activities such as bird watching. However, there are other several other uses. For site seeing, at theaters and concerts, for astronomy as well as for sports.

Just found the perfect site to look for binoculars. Eagle Optics has a great selection of binoculars.

I was so surprised to learn that there are binoculars specially designed for viewing insects, plants, and any other wildlife you can watch from very close range. The brand I am talking about is the Pentax Papilio 6.5x21 Binoculars (means butterfly in Latin).

You should definitely check out their Hot Deals with unmatched price offers on several products.

For your information, Eagle Optics gives 90 days free financing on all orders over $200.

So now you know where to go if you are looking for a binocular.

Sponsored post.


Walking my girl to school

My wife was at the University the whole day for invigilating some exams.

Had to walk my daughter to school today - the first time I had to do that. Previously, I used to drop her off by our car. In a previous post, I had mentioned that the school was a walk away. I never realised it was a 15 minutes walk with me pushing a stroller and my daughter in tow. Thank God! we invested in a good stroller.

It was bright and sunny today but there was a chilly wind blowing around. By the time we got to the school, I couldn't feel my ears. Getting back was faster - 10 minutes. Had to go and pick her up again but my daughter enjoyed the walk. Well! I got some exercise too.

Walking her to school and back again tomorrow as my wife has classes. I just hope it doesn't rain.


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