10 January 2007

UK phone comparision site

One of the first things we did when we first arrived here in the UK was get a pay-as-you-go line. We already had mobile phones and all we had to do was buy the SIM card. It was necessary to buy a phone because we didn't have phone line nor did we have an internet connection. It was our only means of communication with other people.

Unfortunately we were not aware about the different call rates and sad to say, we later found out that the network (not named here) we selected, was one of the costliest. At that time we were using like £30 in a month. That roughly translates to around a pound a day.

We only found out later that there were several cheaper alternatives and that we could even get a brand new handphone with a line by paying as low as £15 per month.

Just found this site which allows us to Compare Mobile Phones in the UK. It compares over 20,000 deals from all leading UK mobile phone retailers ever day. So if you are living in the UK, I would recommend you to go over to mobile360.co.uk to find the cheapest deals on all the latest mobiles and buy online.

Never knew that mobile service providers were giving away free gifts including the Nitendo Wii when you buy a contract phone. Check out the deals here.

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Melayu Boleh

The Bahasa Malaysia phrase Melayu Boleh can be loosely translated into 'Malays can'. Unfortunately searching for the term on various search engines would inevitably lead to porn sites.

Mohd. Suhaimy, a netpreneur and founder of the Wangcyber forum came up with a challenge - anybody who reaches the highest ranking possible on Yahoo and Google search engines results for the phrase melayu boleh using legal SEO methods, will win a prize of RM100. Runner-up and second runner-up will get RM60 and RM40 respectively. It's not much but I am taking up the challenge as well.

BTW, learnt about this challenge from the Eches Blog.

You can also help me in this project to overthrow porn sites, by linking to this particular post. Inform me and I will link back to your post too.


Never forget a birthday

I am sure that at one time or the other you must have forgotten the birthday of a friend or family member. I have.

Well Card-List.com is a company with a great idea. You sign up and enter in the birthdays of your friends/loved ones. You then buy some cards online.

Here where the interesting part comes in. Their database will track the date of birth of your loved one and a week before the individual’s birthday, you will receive a birthday card and an stamped and addressed envelope (to the individual) in your mail early enough for you to sign and send it off.

Yeah! It's up to you to send it on to the birthday boy/girl.

Companies can also use this service to let employees and customers know that you care about them.

I am not really sure about the pricing but they have mentioned that the cards are as low as $4. I didn't sign in so I am not sure whether the prices depend on the location of the recipient. For example, my sister lives in Australia. Will it cost more to send a card to her as opposed to someone living in New York. They have not mentioned that it is limited to residents in the US. So I assume that it guys in Malaysia and in the UK can sign up too.

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Review Businesses in UK

Just wanted to introduce a new UK site.

Some guys who wants revolutionise the way people find local UK businesses online have come up with a site, which they plan to launch early march.

For your information, there are currently 1.5 million business listings in London alone.

Their goal is to create a new web site where everyone can share their views on the businesses they love and hate. Whether its a restaurant, local barber, plumber, halal butcher shop or street market - anything really.

Go over to the Localreview.co.uk and sign up to review as many of your favourite shop and services. You may even win a prize.


G-Man Marketing tips

"What does SEO mean?" asked a lady friend who has just entered the exciting (and some say addictive) world of blogging.

Well, I tried to answer as best as I could but I could see from her blank expression that she has a long way to go.

In case you are one of those who did not know, SEO stands for Search engine optimization. It is a part of search engine marketing, which seeks to improve the ranking of sites on search engine results thus increasing the number of visitors to your site. This is big business today and there are a number of consultants out there who charge a lot to "optimise" your site.

SEO involve a number of strategies and techniques, including changes to a site's code (referred to as "on page factors") and getting links from other sites (referred to as "off page factors"). Over the year, I have learnt quite a bit. For example, if you type ah ok lah in Google and click the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button, it will take you straight to my blog. Not really sure how many people actually search for those key words but at least my close friends know how to find me on the Blogosphere.

I also have a respective page rank (pr) of 5. However, I have been stuck here and my efforts to breach this barrier and climb to a pr of 6 has been without success.

Trying to learn the SEO secrets lead me to Look What G-Man Found. The G-Man is a software developer who has written over 200 software installations in his career. His site discusses SEO and other interesting topics.

One of the categories of interest on the site is the Marketing category.
When I last checked, there were 10 posts in the archives of this category. I found two posts particularly interesting. The first one titles Simple, Repeatable Method Generates Traffic To Your Website is his latest article and according to him, a simple method to get hundreds or even thousands of free clicks to your website is to give a testimonial. If you want to read more go here.

The other post is titled If Content is King, Then You’ve Just Been Crowned! He introduces a software, which helps you write articles - on almost any topic, including topics you "know absolutely nothing about".

The implications are enormous. Almost anyone can write an article on almost any topic. And Professors are going to have a tougher time evaluating students. In the end, it gives a real meaning to the saying "Work smart".

Anyway, check out the site for other great articles from the G-Man.

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09 January 2007

Hosting packages compared

If you are looking for hosting, one of the biggest dilemmas you will face is the question whether to go for a shared or a dedicated 3rd party web hosting. I found that most people do not even know the difference. Often they look at the price and straightway go for a shared web hosting package.

So what is the difference?

To put it simply, in a shared web hosting account (sometimes called virtual hosting), your site shares a server with other web sites. On the other hand, in case of a dedicated web hosting, your site has its own server and own IP address.
Most small to medium-sized sites go for shared hosting because of the lower prices, it’s main advantage.

However, Dedicated Hosting offers more features and benefits, even though they usually cost more. First of all, you're the only site on the server and you have your own IP address. If you have a Large and/or busy site, bandwidth may be the main consideration and you may find that the server is not able to cope with the traffic and even crashing it. Also, if you operate an e-commerce site, you may need to run some special software packages, which may not be suitable in a shared type of hosting. A dedicated hosting is the only answer in that case. Most shared hosting packages don’t allow you to run your own scripts.

Another disadvantage of a shared hosting is that of sharing the IP address with other sites. If your hosting company is not very selective, you may end up sharing your IP address with spam, adult and hate sites. Some search engine may respond by banning the entire IP address from their index, and your site along with the rest.

Some hosting companies allow you to retain full system administration responsibility for the operating system and applications.


Introduction to Goji Berries

One of the most nutrient rich fruits found in nature are Goji Berries. Also known as Wolfberry, it has traditionally been used in Chinese medicine to cure several ailments and as a health food. The dried fruits are usually marketed in the West under the name "Tibetan goji berry".

Present studies has shown the berries to be highly rich in antioxidants, in fact higher than any other comparable food source. Studies in China have shown that eating Goji Berries and drinking the Juice has potential benefits against cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, vision-related diseases and as an anticancer agent among others.

It is claimed that a Chinese man named Li Qing Yuen, who was said to have consumed wolfberries daily, lived to 252 years of age (1678-1930).

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