26 October 2006

Car Booty in Coventry

A few days after we arrived in the UK, we were introduced to the favourite weekend pastime of most Malaysian families here in Coventry (and non-Malaysian families too, if I dare say). The famous car boot sales.

Going to a car boot sale is always an exciting experience – find something you fancy, the bargaining, etc. You will be surprise at some of the stuff you find at these sales. As they say, “someone else’s junk, another man’s treasure.” Our favourite is CJ's Car Boot Sale - Coventry at Stoneleight Park. Here is the address: B4113, Stoneleigh, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV8 2LZ.

Last week was a disappointment as it was held in a open air field (usually they hold it in a covered place). The place was muddy and with a chilly wind blowing in our faces. Also we reminded ourselves not to bring the kids along. Rahil was in a bad mood. Also this time there were fewer sellers as compared to the week before.

As I mentioned before, Malaysians (mostly students) love to visit the car boot sales and it becomes something like a small get-together – you will bump into at least 6 different families at each sale. Their houses are stocked with stuff they bought at great bargain prices - “Got that mini Hi-Fi at £5!” “The entire Royal Dalton bone china dinnerware set for £6”.

We too got some great bargains. For example, a portable Sony Trinitron TV for £4. A brand new Ikea clock for 80p, unused Cristal d’arques 6 glass set (with the box and stickers) for just 50p among others.

However, we learnt a few lessons along the way. What we thought was a great deal for an entire dinner set turned out to be a disappointment when we found out that several of the plates and bowls had chipped edges. Also found out that a Lucent phone (£3) isn’t compatible with our line. It is always a gamble but we never come back without buying something. However, we are more careful now. We are learning a lot from the car boot professionals here on how to bargain, how to check the items, what brands to look out for and so on.

Looking forward to the next Sunday car boot sale. The weather forecast is sunny but we never know.


21 October 2006

Raya in UK

We celebrated Hari Raya Aidilfitri yesterday - one day earlier than in Malaysia. We drove over to Foleshill where several Malaysian families are residing, including our very good friends - En. Wahab and his wife Kak Lin.

Oh! Yeah! We bought a second-hand Ford Escort recently. Has made such a welcome change to our life. We are much more mobile now, less dependent on other people.

As we drove over to the place, we found out that a road on the route which we normally take was closed. Had to go back to our house and get the map of Coventry and find another way there. Got lost along the way but we finally got there - about 20 minutes more than it would normally take.

It's nice to see that the unique Malaysian culture of open houses are also practised here. Got to know some more Malaysians here. Afer 3 house and some very good food, we started on our journey to Birmingham. One of our friends had invited us to attend their daughter's birthday cum hari raya party. After some excellent road directions from En. Wahab, we were on our way.

As we were getting ready to leave, I heard a lady calling my name loudly - "Adam! Adam!"

Discovered that it was Wan who had come to UK all the way from Belgium to celebrate her Raya here. It was by pure chance that her friend's house was on the same lane with En. Wahab's.

Altogether, it took us about 30 mintues to get to Birmingham, going through the M6. I Was a bit anxious as it was my first time driving there and was really relieved when we finally reached their house without any mishaps. Was plesantly surprised to find my former colleague and his wife there too. The World is getting smaller indeed.



19 October 2006

From KLIA to Coventry

We left KLIA on the 28th at around 2 am in the morning. Lot of wet eyes as we took the elevator down to the departure hall.

We choose Emirates instead of MAS based on friends' recommendations. And we were quite happy with the service -better than MAS, I would say. The online flight entertainment was great with several movies on demand. It was a bit tough with the two kids and all the stuff but we did OK.

Stopped in Dubai for a few hours. Went around the duty free shops but didn't buy anything even though it was quite tempting. We didn't need to remind ourselves that we needed every sen we had (or should I say, penny), when we reached UK.

Finally landed at Birmingham airport. We were the last out of the plane and last in the line. Was a bit pissed off when we found out that a wheel from the new stroller was missing. Filed a complaint. Reminds me, it's been more than a week since they took it away. They were supposed to send us a replacement by then.

We were met at the airport by En. Wahab and another guy (we needed 2 cars for all the luggage we had). We stayed at his place in Coventry until we got our own house. We are really grateful to them. Can't imagine how we would have managed without their help.

Thanks a lot guys.

18 October 2006

In Coventry

A quick update for now.

I am in now in Coventry, UK - the city which is known as the birthplace of the British motor industry. Coventry is also famous for a legend - that of Lady Godiva. According to this story, Lady Godiva rode naked through the streets in order to relieve the suffering of the people of Coventry from her husband's oppressive taxation.

I found it interesting to learn that the term 'Peeping Tom' also originated from this story. It comes from the name of a tailor called Tom, who was the only one in the city who saw the Lady naked.

More updates later.

Related Links:
- Official Coventry Guide
- Lady Godiva

24 September 2006

Selamat Berpuasa

The month of Ramadan is one of the most significant on the Islamic calender and it starts today. Muslims from all around the World will be fasting (food, drinks and sexual relations) from dawn till sunset for a period of one month. Today Malaysians will be breaking fast at around 7:10 pm (Magrib), which means that we have about 2 hours and 40 mintues to go.

We will be flying off from the KLIA for the UK on the 28th of this month.

I will be taking a short break from the blogging world until I get connected over there.

Selamat Menyambut Ramadan Al Mubarak dan Selamat Berpuasa


22 September 2006

Kids and medicines - a lesson

Always keep the medicines away from the reach of your kids.

I have heard and read this warning several times but I guess I wasn't listening. We learnt it the hard way.

Yesterday, we were out most of the day cleaning out my wife's office. Everything was OK when we came back. As I pepared Rahil for bed, she asked me whether she could have some more "squares" - her name for Nutrilite Kid's Vitamin C. Noticed that we had left the bottle on the top of the table by mistake. I refused as she already taken her normal dose (1 tablet a day).

Today morning woke up to find Rahil crying and complaining of a stomch ache. I woke up and took her to the bathroom. On the potty, she started vomiting.

Cleaned her up. I made her some milk and put her to bed after she had finished drinking.

About half an hour letter, she threw up everything on her bed. The whole room was stinking of spolied milk. Rahil really looked pitiful but the brave girl didn't even cry.

Cleaned her up again and I made a quick solution of sugar and salt to prevent dehydration. Something I learnt in India long ago.

At first I thought that it might be a case of food poisoning but I remembered the conversation I had with her last night.

On questioning, Rahil confirmed that she had eaten it a couple of times. On checking the bottle, discovered that the once full bottle was a quarter empty.

Rushed her to our doctor. The doctor said that it was a case of Vitamin C overdose. I never knew that one could overdose on Vitamin C. Fortunately, Vitamin C is water soluble and the excess would go out with the urine. However, as it is a type of acid, it can cause some problems with the stomach inner lining.

The doctor said that it was not serious and prescribed some medicine. Recomended that we give Rahil some milk culture (Vitagen or Yakult).

Rahil vomited once more on the way back but she's much better now. In fact she's sleeping peacefully in the room as I type this right now.


17 September 2006

Greetings from the East Coast

Salaam Pantai Timur
Finally made that long overdue trip to Kota Bahru, Kelantan. My dad is taking our second car (my wife's) and we (Me, my wife with Rahil and Imaan in tow) drove all the way. It was my first time driving there.

For those who don't know, there are two ways to get to Kelantan from Kuala Lumpur. The first is the shorter hilly route via Gua Musang and the other is the long coastal route though the East coast highway and Terengganu.

We choose the later, mainly because my wife wanted to see her old school in Terengganu.

To cut a long story short (again) the trip took us nearly 11 hours with three short breaks on the way. Passed by some really scenic places but it was really tiring. My wife took over from me at Jerteh, Terengganu.

We also stopped by the sea at Dungun, Terengganu where my wife's old boarding school is located. Though she promised a friend to spit at the gates, she didn't do it. Some of my wife's old friends have very strong feelings about their old school and they are mostly negative. One guy even said that he would burn down the school if he had the opportunity. Don't ask me why. A lot of bitter memories is all I can say.

Anyway, finally reached my parents house at around 10 pm. They were overjoyed to see the kids (and me too).



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