17 July 2006

Hard Gay World

Forget Mawi, there is a new guy taking the World by storm. Actually, no one outside Malaysia knows who Mawi is anyway.

Hard Gay, Japanese comedian Razor Ramon’s (pronounced as Lazor) alter-ego, is fast becoming a Worldwide phenomenon. He even has his own Wikipedia page.

With his trademark tight black leather outfit and hip thrusting antics, he sets out with a new mission everytime.

The first time I heard of him was on a Malaysian blog (I can't remember which). It was a clip of him visiting Yahoo's Tokyo office where he tries to appear in a Yahoo commercial- without sucess. Watch it here in case you haven't seen it before. Hilarious. He's crazy.

Here's another clip where he tries to help promote a new ramen store.

BTW, his real name is Masaki Sumitani and ....Surprise! He's not really homosexual.

Say! Say! Say! Say!


16 July 2006

Unusual meme

I usually stay away from memes but this one in Azlynne's blog was quite interesting because it is unusual.

Here's the deal. If you comment here:
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a color that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. I'll pick a song that reminds me of you.
And how does this propagate?
Well, u drop me a comment, I'll respond with those 8 points, and in "payment" YOU post this same deal on YOUR blog.

Here's what she wrote about me/my blog (unedited):
Adam> heehehe well glad u overcame yr hatred for memes for this most unusual one! :-) It is, after all, a great challenge for me... but let's see how this goes...
1. RANDOM: You helped me educate myself a bit more on the "i love you" vs "satanic" sign on a recent post
2. CHALLENGE: this is a bit of a cheat cos it was featured prominently by Dariush: i challenge u to post just a wee bt more often that u have in the past. *grin!*
3. COLOR: blue. like the logo that appears on the tab when i load your blog page :-) used to say "OK" (or was it OK LAH?) and now is juat "A")
Ans: It was "ao".
4. LIKE: i like the simplicity of your posts. i feel you're writing for yourself, as opposed to posturing for what you think "people out there" want to read.
5. MEMORY: Stumbling across yr blog while checking out the MyCen blog directory.
6. ANIMAL: tough one, seeing as i don't usually associate people with animals, heeehhee!
7. QUESTION: what on earth is that picture u use as your blogger avatar?
Ans: That's a pic of me taken while snorkelling off Pulau Kapas in Terrangannu.
8. SONG: gotta be Hotel California by the Eagles.. but the live version from teh Hell Freezes Over album (i *assume* that's the album u got cheap-cheap? that's the only live version i know, and i'm amazed u haven't heard that version before).
(if these responses are weird, it's not *just* the meme or just me... it's me plus vodka plus Milli Vanilli, heehehehe!!)
Saturday, July 15, 2006 8:00:08 PM

Here's my reply to Lynne:

1. Random: Like you, a couple of years ago, I was jobless for about a year. Did some part time jobs and wrote for an IT magazine.

2. Challenge: Come up with a new layout for your blog. Time to move away from the generic Blogger template.

3. Color: White, because it's the predominant colour of your blog.

4. Like: Your honest posts about being a Melayu but not feeling like one because I guess that's something similar to what I face too - a non-bumi married to a Melayu lady.

5. Memory: I went over to your blog after you left a comment (can't remember when), liked your posts and added you to my blogroll.

6. Animal: Had me thinking for a while because I can't recall you writing about any animal. At first I was thinking of "Bat" because you like Meat Loaf but then I thought the Lion, your zodiac sign. Brave and proud.

7. Question: I was wondering why you wrote "later Chicago Illinois?" under 'About me'

8. Song: It has got to be Meat Loaf's "Two out of Three Ain’t Bad.” I remember you mention somewhere that it is your favourite song. Not my fav but I love it too.

Welcome anyone else interested to continue this madness.


15 July 2006

Eye for an eye

I finally watched the movie Munich on DVD. Directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Eric Bana (Hulk, Troy) as the lead character, the film was released late last year but I don't think it will be shown on Malaysian screens.

Reviews tell us that the movie is "Inspired by true events" and it opens with the Munich Massacre during the 1972 Olympics in Germany when members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage by the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September. The film follows a covert Mossad squad, which are ordered to track and kill a list of 11 Black September members thought to be responsible for Munich (and hence the title of the film).

Without giving much away, one scene that I found to be really interesting was the converstation between "Avner", the leader of the team and a PLO member. It's interesting because here Spielberg tries to give a Palestinian viewpoint - about someone fighting for his right to a home. See what happens to the guy later.

The movie is based on the book Vengeance: The True Story of an Israeli Counter-Terrorist Team by George Jonas. Some say that it is not realistic. But I discovered that there was an - "Operation Wrath of God".

Anyway, today I read about Israeli Interior Minister Roni Bar-On's announcement on radio that "Nasrallah decided his own fate" and "We will settle our accounts with him when the time comes." FYI, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah is the head of the Hizbollah.

Mahatma Gandhi once said "An eye for an eye, makes the whole World blind," but I guess, no one is listening.

Get the Munich DVD (Widescreen Edition) here.

Related Link:
An eye for an eye


13 July 2006


Yesterday, Tuesday the 11th of July, while driving to work, I heard the news on the radio - about a series of train bombings killing hundreds of people in Mumbai (upto 200 on the 13th).

All I could think of at that time was... "not again!".

In 2003, more than 55 people died in twin bomb blasts. In 1993, around 250 people died and nearly 1,000 were injured in a series of bomb explosions in the same city.

Emailed a few of my friends working there but haven't received a reply from any one as yet. Not sure whether they travelled by train to their places of work.

My prayers goes out for those who perished in those blasts and their families.

Islamic militant groups fighting Indian rule in Kashmir are the main suspects. However, two of the more famous, viz., Lashkar-e-Toiba and Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, have denied any involvement in the blasts.

Whoever it was, hope those bastards go to hell straightaway.

Related Links:
- A day of Terror in India: Mumbai and Srinagar Blasts
- Mumbai bombers 'will never win'


12 July 2006

Miss my other half

WARNING: Emo post ahead

My wife just smsed me from Amsterdam airport. She's drinking latte at some cafe at the airport there waiting for her connecting flight to UK.

I only get to see her and the kids on weekends (people refer to us as weekend husbands here in my organisation). This weekend I will be alone with my two babies while my wife attends a conference in London.


She also plans to get the tenancy agreement for a house there - a UK visa requirement.

Miss you darling. Good luck with your presentation.


11 July 2006

I have an International Driving Permit

It's not often that we hear people praising Government departments but this is one such post.

Recently learnt that there is such a thing as an International Driving Permit (IDP) issued by the JPJ (Road Transport Department).

As we would be leaving for UK soon, I thought it would be a good idea to have one. Remembered that I have a friend (who can’t be named) at the JPJ office in Alor Star. Promptly called him up.

Learnt that he had been involved in some kind of accident during the recent Sukma games and was on leave. However, he mentioned that he would call up some of his colleagues there.

He called me back after a few minutes and told me that I needed to bring along afew things:
1. 2 copies of passport size photograph
2. Passport
3. Original driving license
4. RM150/

So I took half-day off from work today and drove to the JPJ office in Alor Star.

It was funny because on the way some officers of the JPJ stopped me at a roadblock. My license was expiring 3 days later and the officer asked me when I planned to have it renewed. “I am on my way to your office right now,” I Told him.

Dropped by a photo studio and had my pictures taken. Took a few minutes and I had 4 copies plus a CD of my photograph (RM11/). Thank God for technology.

I roughly knew where their office was but had to ask a few people before I finally got there. Once there, I called up my friend who directed me to go inside and meet up his colleague.

They were really efficient and friendly (unlike some Government offices I have been too). Took them nearly half and hour to renew my driving license for 2 years (RM60/) and prepare my IDP (valid for 1 year).

It is nice to have friends at the right places. Thanks a lot.

Something unrelated or maybe it is.

On the way back, I don’t know why, I had this strange warm happy feeling. Maybe due to the fact that I was cruising down a nearly empty North-South highway with green paddy fields on both sides with Dire Straits playing on my cassette player. A feeling that can’t be described.


10 July 2006

Original CDs dirt cheap

Always keep your eyes open because you can sometimes come across real bargains at unexpected places. Take my recent experience at Mega Mall, Kuala Lumpur.

Day before yesterday, was doing some last minute shopping at Carrefour before my wife leaves for a conference in UK.

After we finished paying for the stuff, I suddenly noticed a sign at a music shop right in front of the cashiers, advertising original CDs on sale for only RM9.90 (approx. UD$2.70). That's literally dirt cheap.

I was amazed at the choices on display. Some were real collector's items. My wife who shares my taste in music was also excited. Some teenagers did browse around but they left without buying anything and I realise why - most of the CDs were classic rock including heavy metal groups, Iron Maiden, Megadeath, etc. The kids now-a-days simply do not appreciate rock music.

I was a bit sceptical about the quality of the CDs even though they had the Goverment authorised "original" hologram stickers. However, after testing them at the shop, found that the quality was OK.

In the end we grabbed 5 CDs - Eagles, Deep Purple, Europe, Santana and Bob Marley. I can't recall the titles right now.

It was amazing to listen to a totally different version (live concert recording) of Hotel California by the Eagles.

Rock music lovers, grab them while stock still lasts. (I don't think it will run out that soon.)



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