11 October 2005

Simply Not Enough

I love reading about new electronic gadgets. Quite a number I have my eyes on, for sometime now... a digital camera, a laptop, a new handphone and some other stuff for myself. Materialistic? I guess so but I would like to get other people things too.

I would also like to buy my wife a nice big diamond ring because that tiny one that I put on her finger on our wedding looks so small when I see the stones on other ladies' fingers. I would like to give something back to my father too after all he has done for me. And for our close friends.

However, something or the other keeps coming up and I never have enough money in the end. I could also run up a debt on the credit cards but that won't really solve the problem. Actually I could take out the little savings I have but that’s for unforeseen circumstances in the future - say for example, unemployment.

I remember what my economics lecturer taught us in University - "human wants are unlimited."

It's true. When you just started that job and took the LRT to work everyday and had to push into the crowded feeder bus and nearly vomited from the body odour, you looked forward to the day you could afford to buy a car - any car.

When you finally got that Perodua Kancil, you were happy for a while but got pissed off when guys in bigger cars bullied you on the road and acted as if you didn't exist.

Then you upgraded to a Proton Wira. Wow! It was like a dream come true but later you started casting your eyes on that curvaceous Toyota/ Honda in your parking lot. When you do get the Japanese car, I guess a Merc or Beemer is next. And it never ends.

Someone was complaining that only a few non-Bumiputra's are working with the Government (BTW, I am one of those few guys). This was from a guy working in a nice MNC with a handsome salary and perks. I would be happy to trade places with you anytime.

It's not that bad actually. I do earn more than a several other employees of our organization. Some of the clerks earn less than RM2000 and I wonder how they are going to raise those 5 kids.

I am really looking forward to our one month's bonus and was really happy when I learnt that we would be getting a pay rise too (not much but any rise is welcome). God bless the PM. I am supposed to have some money coming in but the stupid organisation (a so-called strategic alliance with ours) is delaying the payment.

However when money comes in, something or the other turns up.

I have our 3rd wedding anniversary and Rahil's 2nd birthday coming up this month, closely followed by my wife's birthday in November. Of course I have to spend some money. Then ther's the renewal of our maid's visa to take care of. We also have to give her some money when she leaves for Indonesia for a short break. Then finally, there's my sister's wedding in February next year in Melbourne.

Do I really need those gadgets? Actually, I guess not. There are a million other more important stuff to tend to - like my PhD (as my wife always remind me) and a future addition to our family.

I could certainly do with some extra cash in hand.

09 October 2005

One After Another

What’s happening to the Earth?

After the Asian Tsunami came floods in India, China and several other parts of Asia.

Then Hurricane Katrina (nearly 1200 people dead) in August followed by Hurricane Rita hits the US coast leaving thousands dead and devastation on its track.

Last week, mudslides in Guatemala kills hundreds, said to be the worst single tragedy in central America. It was the result of Tropical Storm Stan, which also hit El Salvador and south Mexico.

Read here..

Just across the globe, terrible earthquake hits Pakistan Administered Kashmir and also parts of Afghanistan and India killing over 18,000 20,000 people.

Read here..



And now Hurricane Wilma is moving at 7mph (11km/h) towards Mexico's Yucatan peninsula as I write this post at 12:11pm Malaysian Time on 20th of October.

Buka Puasa

This is the first time during this fasting month of Ramadhan that I had Sahuur (light meal taken shortly before the break of dawn) alone.

I reached my house around 3 am yesterday. Caught a few winks before I was woken up by my alarm. I had a drink of Nestum, a piece of cake, some dates and a pizza, which my wife had packed for me in KL.

I may have to break fast alone today and that is not a happy thought.

Breaking the fast is definitly much more fun when you are with your loved ones. Can't wait for the week to end and I get back to KL again.

04 October 2005

20 Years Ago

I was tagged some time back by Shinshin and I finally got down to writing it down today.

20 Years Ago:
I was an awkward kid, trying to settle down and fit in. Missing my friends and life in London. Became a full-fledged vegetarian and my parents gave up trying to convince me that meat was essential for good health. My favourite pastimes were drawing and painting. Even got some prizes.

Went through a period of hardship and grew up immediately. Learnt that life can be full of ups and downs - changing at the blink of an eye. Learnt many painful lessons in life. Started wearing glasses soon.

10 Years Ago:
Completed my Bachelor of Science in Forestry Degree from Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry in Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India. I became and adult there, among the pine trees on the foothills of the Himalayas.

Not sure whether I was a nerd – wore a glass (soon replaced with contacts) was part of the University Quiz team and even started a Environment society. However, we were into a lot of adventurous stuff – how many of you have ever gone trekking in the mountains, slept in flea ridden rest houses (not hotels), gone up on a glider. I learnt swimming not in any swimming pool but in one of the streams there. Drank like crazy. Heart broken too. Some of the best times of my life.

Carried on with my Master of Science in Forestry at the same University.

5 Years Ago:
Obtained my MBA from the University of Malaya. Met my future wife for the first time. The first time I saw her – baggy jeans and black T-shirt, always late to class. Became great friends and later …..

Don’t paint at all now though I do sketch sometimes. More into writing and web designing.

Entered the corporate world soon afterwards. A big change from life in the jungles of India. The guy who gave me the job, my boss, was my MBA colleague who happened to be the MD of a huge group of companies. God bless him.

Changed a couple of jobs after that, including a short stint in the Asia–Pacific office of Consumer’s International. Even went through an unemployed phase. However, as they say: Every cloud has a silver lining. Got a E-commerce professional certificate from Informatics in KL.

Started my own business, which never took off.

3 Years Ago:

Started working in Kedah. Hard to fit in but I did. Love my job even though the pay is ....ummm....just enough – I guess its better than no job at all. At least there are no stupid bosses to know-tow too.

I had converted to Islam a year before at Islamic Outreach ABIM in Ampang Hilir, Kuala Lumpur.

Got married to the most wonderful girl. Literally changed me – for the better (not that I was bad). The things we had to go through to make it happen and all the wonderful people who helped us- will remain in our heart and minds forever.

Soon after, gave me the most beautiful present – my daughter Rahil.

1 Year Ago:
Still traveling between Kedah and Kuala Lumpur.

Got the ‘Sijil Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang’ Award.

Life goes on as usual.

Ramadhan Mubarak everyone.

03 October 2005

A Prayer for Bali

Let us pray for all the people who lost their lives in Bali due to the actions of some misguided souls.

When I thought it couldn't happen again and was even thinking of going to Bali, some stupid guys set off bombs and killing themselves and at least 16 innocent people in the process, most of them indonesians.

Who are these people doing the devil's work? What do they hope to gain from it?

There is no justification in the whole wide world for what they did.

28 September 2005

Everyone is wearing a Tissot

Among my colleagues, I have become the guy they should consult before buying any electronic product. Not sure whether I can call myself an opinion leader but I guess I am. Now, it seems that I am also becoming their fashion accessories consultant. That's so wrong because I am definitely not gay nor a metrosexual. I am just a normal old-fashioned type of guy.

Last year my wife gave me a Tissot PR 50 watch as our anniversary present - the gents version of the one she has. "Matching! Matching!" in her words. Reminds me that our anniversary is coming up soon – in fact it falls next month.

Anyway, one of my friends was looking for a new watch to replace his old one and asked my opinion regarding various brands in the market. Of course, I recommended Tissot.


1. It's a Swiss watch.
2. It's a brand with a long and proud heritage. The brand celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2003. The company was founded in Le Locle, Switzerland in 1853 and is now part of the Swatch group, the biggest watch company in the World.
3. It's one of the classy yet among the most affordable brands.

If you have seen Mr and Mrs Smith, the Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt adventure flick, you might not have realised it but both of them are wearing Tissot T-Touch watches.

Actually, this is not the first time Jolie has worked with the Swiss brand. She also wore the Tissot’s T-Touch in the movie: Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life.

My dream watch, the T-Touch offers 8 separate functions including an Altimeter, Chronograph, Compass, Alarm, Thermometer, Barometer as well as Date and Time. You may say, "So what? Even my Casio has all of those features?" Ah! That is where the similarity with the Tissot T-Touch ends. Pressing on the crown and then touching the touch-sensitive screen activates the functions.

Anyway, coming back to my story. One fine day, I noticed that my friend had bought a new watch - one exactly like mine. Yes, it’s a Tissot watch. According to him, "it was the best looking affordable model in the watch shop".

Yah right! What happened to all the Seikos, Citizens, Swatches, CKs, etc, etc.? However, unlike, ladies who would die if they were caught wearing the same clothes or fashion accessories, guys don't have that problem. So I have no problem with my friend wearing the same watch. Show's that we have similar good taste.

NOTE: I was not paid by Tissot to write this post.

26 September 2005

Long Live Blogger and my blog

Someone told me that it was about time that I got myself a proper domain name for my blog and move away from Blogspot and Blogger. According to him, getting a dot com or dot net or dot whatever for your blog and hosting it somewhere, means that you take blogging seriously, in other words, have taken "the big step forward."

To illustrate his point, he pointed out that all famous Malaysian bloggers including Kenny, Minishorts, Peter Tan, had unique domain names for their blogs.

However, I beg to disagree.

First of all, I do take blogging seriously.

I already own a few domain names and I don't think getting one for my blog is a good idea. You have to pay for the domain names and the hosting, annually, biannually or whatever annually depending on your choice. Unlike some people, I am surving on a paltry government employee salary.

On the other hand, hosting on Blogger is totally free and comes with great features. It is also owned by Google, which I don't think is going to go out of business soon. As Google grows, so will Blogger. For example, we can now add Google adsense ads to our blog straightaway.

I also don't have the time or the patience to mess around with Wordpress or Movable Type or some other blog software. I am not an IT guy and don't like to trouble people to help me with the template codes, blah, blah or deal with some customer service guy in the hosting company who treats you like an idiot because you don't know how the codes work.

I prefer the Blogger templates, ready made, which I can tweak a little from time to time.

If I have any problem, I am sure I can contact any of the guys in Blogger to help me out. It's a proven fact: they helped famous Singapore blogger Wendy put her blog up after it was hacked??? And as you may realise, it is hosted with Blogger too.

Not all famous Malaysian bloggers have a dot com or dot net or dot whatever. Actually, I think Lucia pointed that out sometimes back. I can name several famous Malaysian blogs hosted on Blogger:
Afdlin Shauki, Yasmin Ahmad, Sultan Muzaffar and of course Lim Kiat Siang

And talking about unique domain names, I assure you guys that there is only one blog with the url http://ok-lah.blogspot.com in the Whole World Wide Web.


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