04 May 2005

Dr. M in the News

Tun Dr. Mahathir raised a very interesting question at the launching ceremony of the UK based, Islamic Relief Worldwide.

He asked, "Why is it all right to receive contributions from non-Muslims but wrong to contribute to non-Muslims?"

I remember one story, which my mother-in-law related to me sometime back. This lady (a family friend) came to her and enquired whether she knew of some organizations to which they could donate money (charity). So my mother-in-law told them about one school in Sunway who taught special children. The next question the lady friend asked was whether the school was run by Muslims because she wanted to donate money only to organizations run by Muslims.

It was sad when educated people start talking like that. It’s ironic because the school takes in children of all races and religion.

I have come across several people who want to help but only people of their own ethnic group or religion. Fortunately, there are many others who are not.


FYI, another new version of Firefox has come out. Remember to remove the previous version before you add the newer one.

03 May 2005

Proposal and Penang

Being rejected is hard and I not talking about love relationships here. One guy thinks that my proposal is not that interesting or that important. However, I feel otherwise and I am still trying to go ahead with it. So I tried to get through to a lady who may have a better opinion about my project but haven’t received any reply as yet. Here’s praying that I get the funding or our plans could go down the drain.

Anyway, I have to drive down to Penang sometime later this month. Have to meet up with some people and see how they are doing. I have only been there once and have no idea where to go first. Have to get Penangite Rajoo’s help to draw up a schedule. Don’t know whether I will have a chance to meet up with some of the bloggers out there.

I just realized one thing. Malaysia is among the few countries (maybe the one and only) where places can have more than one officially recognized name. Take for example, Pulau Pinang (in Malay) and Penang (the common English version). Melaka and Melacca. Alor Setar and Alor Star, Kota Bahru and Kota Baru. Can you name others?

02 May 2005

Taxes n Bollywood

I hope all of you paid your taxes on time. Well I was among those who waited until the last minute (well almost). My tidak apa attitude is getting worse.

On Friday morning, I photostated all the necessary documents and drove down to the LHDN (The Inland Revenue Malaysia)office at Kelana Jaya. My mother-in-law told me that it was somewhere near the MAS academy. I had no idea where it was but when I saw a traffic jam near the academy, I knew I was going in the right direction. I found the place to be in utter chaos. There were hundreds of people moving around and queuing up for god knows what. I asked around a bit and learnt that as I had already filled up my forms, all I had to do was just drop them off with the ladies sitting at a table outside.

When my turn came up, the lady went through the completed forms. She was a bit annoyed with the fact that I had used pencil to fill up the forms and asked me to redo it using a pen. I apologized and redid it using my pen. I then found that I had to have copies of the forms. Fortunately I had already made the copies but they were in my car. So off I went – took the lift again to the 3rd floor, walk to the stairs, go down to the parking lot on the first floor, get the copies and then back again. I finally got my documents chopped and it took me altogether 45 minutes.

In the evening, I picked up my sisters Di and Jules and Jules’ boyfriend, Fred. I am not much of a theatre person but my sister Di had bought us tickets for the musical ‘My Bollywood Summer’ and we agreed to accompany her. Starring singer Nurul in the lead, the musical was staged at Panggung Bandaraya, Sultan Abdul Samad Building, Jalan Raja, Kuala Lumpur.

Written and directed by stage personality Sabera Shaik, the storyline is fairly simple. Aishah (singer Nurul) a young Malay girl dreams of making it big in Bollywood and actually goes all the way to Mumbai to make her dreams a reality.

We were a bit late (waiting for my sisters to get ready) and the play had already started by the time we got there. It was quite embarrassing and I made a note to myself – never be fashionably late at such events.

Nurul’s a good singer and she performed the songs quite well. However, I can’t say the same for her dancing. She went about her dance routines quite mechanically. Maybe it was due to the fact that there were many other professional dancers in the cast who out classed her.

A few characters in the drama stole the limelight away from the lead actors. Chedd Yusoff who played Nadesh, the goonda and Pavan as Deepak the gay director. I have known Pavan since his Help Institute days and he was really hilarious in his role. Sham Sunder also did a great job as Sunil, the ‘dirty’ director with a casting couch.

Overall, it was an enjoyable show. It was quite fun but got a bit draggy near the end. Maybe because it was too late and we were too tired (the show ended around 11 pm). I had fun annoying my wife with a thick Indian accented english until the novelty wore off.

26 April 2005

Qutab Minar

I was going through my old post when I realized that I missed out some of the wonderful sights we had seen in Delhi during our India trip.

After our conference, we had 2 extra days and decided to do some sight seeing and shopping of course.

It would have been very difficult had it not for our friend, En. Sani. We met him by chance in Mumbai airport as we were waiting for our plane. He works in Delhi and stays in a flat alone. He invited us to stay over in his place and arranged for us to do the shopping and sightseeing. He picked us up from our hotel and we moved into his apartment just at the outskirts of New Delhi.

So we hired a taxi to take us around for the whole day. Our first stop was a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Qutab Minar. This ancient architectural wonder is the tallest stone tower in India (height of 72.5m = 239ft). It has 5 distinct storeys, each marked by a balcony. The first three storeys are made of red sandstone, while the top 4th and 5th of marble and sandstone.


Qutb-u’d-Din Aibak, the first Muslim ruler of Delhi, laid the foundation of the Qutab Minar in AD 1199 to celebrate the defeat of the Rajput kings. It was later completed by his successors.

We learnt that until a few years ago, visitors were allowed to go up and a lot of people committed suicide by jumping for the upper floors. When we were there, some repairs were going on.

To the northeast of the Minar, is the Quwwat-ul-Islam (Might of Islam) Masjid (Mosque). It was built by Qutbu'd-Din Aibak in AD 1198 and is the oldest Mosque in India. Only the ruins and the façade and some old tombs remain now.


An interesting observation is that none of the columns were the same. I found out later that this is because they used materials from the ruins of Hindu and Jain temples and is evident by the use of stone blocks intricately carved with Hindu motifs including that of horses, cows and human figures, placed on top of one another to make columns. The use of animal and human images is not something you would expect in any mosque. They say that it was once covered with plaster, but the plaster was eroded with the years exposing the original carvings.




Another amazing sight was the black iron pillar in the center of the complex. This pillar is 7.2 meters tall and is called the “pillar of law”. It bears a Sanskrit inscription in the Brahmi script of 4th century AD and mentions that it was in honour to the Hindu god Vishnu and to commemorate the King Chandragupta Vikramaditya II, who ruled from 375 to 413 AD. Another king brought it here later somewhere in the 11th century. The Muslim rulers left it untouched.


What is so amazing about this iron pillar is that it has not at all rusted even after nearly 2000 years and modern day scientists still don’t know why. Have to talk to Fred, my sister’s fiancé who is specialized in corrosion engineering.

While walking out we noticed another incomplete tower called Ala'i Minar, which stands to the north of the Kutub-Minar.

We were silent as we left the complex. It was an amazing experience.

P.S. Just by coincidence, Y.B. Datuk Mustapa bin Mohamed, Minister in the Prime Minister Department was there too. We were introduced to him by one guy in his group who heard us speaking in Malay. It's a small World.

25 April 2005

Lets Go Dangdut

Early this month, the PAS Youth raised up some objections about a particular scheduled concert. However, the event in question Konsert Fenomena Dangdut Inul Daratista has been given the green light by the relevant authorities and will go on as scheduled on May 1 at Stadium Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur.

This will be Indonesian dangdut queen Inul Daratista’s first ever appreance in Malaysia. Known for her (in)famous goyang gerudi dance routine, this lady has generated a lot of controversy even in her home country.

Dangdut is a genre of popular music originating from Indonesia. It is a mixture of Arabian, Indian and Malay folk music and originated in the 1970s. Indian tablas and flutes are featured prominently in dangdut. However, in Malaysia, this music has short of lost its popularity. Mention Dangdut and I found that many of my friends would make a face and go "UUUUUUUGH!" or an even bigger "EEEEEUUUUWW!"

I have a confession to make. Now I know a lot of people are going to disapprove, just like my wife when I first told her. She told me that the lyrics are full of sentences having naughty double meanings and she also goes "UUUUUUUGH!"! I like dangdut music and even bought a CD of Amelina, Malaysia’s own dangdut queen. I don’t where she’s disappeared to now.

Anyway, some years back during our MBA days in University Malaya and when we were still friends. On learning that I liked dangdut, one of our common friends, Bear asked me whether I would like to go to visit a dangdut club. He was curious too as he had never been to one. We went to one called Klab Malam Mawar Biru at Jalan Ipoh. BTW, the name means 'Blue Rose Night Club' in Malay. I later learnt that this place was quite famous because I noticed that it was featured in a few Malay TV dramas.

There was no cover charge for the guys but the girls were pretty mad with the fact that they had to pay a cover charge (for a change). After we got ourselves settled down nicely and had ordered the drinks, a lady came up to us and enquired whether we would like a Guest Relation Officer (GROs) to accompany us. We politely declined. They had a live band and I had fun with my friends. They were dancing away like mad. However, being not much of a dancer I got all my moves wrong. I don't have any professional training.

There were a several naughty old man dancing the night away, their drivers patiently waiting for them outside. In fact we were the only ones with a Perodua among the BMWs, Mercs, Jags among others.

I was surprised when afterwards, my friends swore never to go back again. I think its due to the bad rep that dangdut has in Malaysia. It is associated with the Indonesians and is now looked down by most of the people here. However, I think they had a great time. ;-)

There was this one time we went to a Karaoke and one of the girls put on some dangdut songs and what do you know all of them were singing along.????

I learnt that this form of music is slowly gaining in popularity among the younger crowd in Indonesia. MTV Asia even has a program dedicated to dangdut.

You can also read Lonely Planet’s guide.

Dangdut anyone?

Now Playing: (Not dangdut)
Don't Cry :: Guns N' Roses.

24 April 2005

Deadlines n Music

I missed my deadline. It was yesterday and I called up the people up there to "PLEASE!" extend it for another 2 more days. After I had cooked up sent them the reasons - conference in KL followed by fever, I was able to get the extension.

I locked my door and got down to work. Before that, I clicked the RealPlayer and hit play.

My wife is the kind of person who needs aboslute silence and no disturbance while studying or concentrating. I am exactly the opposite, I perfer to play some music or even leave the TV on, while I work.

Have almost completed my work and passed on some to my great friends. Hopefully, I will have the results by this evening.

Most of the songs on my playlist are english songs, but I do have some Korean, Indonesian, Malay, Hindi and songs in some other languages too. Suddenly this song caught my ear. I looked at the track - "Apo Kono Eh Jang" by Ally Noor & Mastura. It's kind of traditional sounding and I have no idea what the lyrics mean. But it is kind of catchy.

Anyway, here are the lyrics if you are interested.

( P: )
Jang oh Jang
Mano pulak poi eh budak bertuah ni
Sonyap yo...
Siaplah jang oi...
Kobau tu tak boghi makan lai

( L: )
Batu kikir jambatan bosi
Gulai udang sebelango
Cubo omak fikir dalam hati
Ayo ni bujang sudah lamo aih

( P: )
Apo kono eh jang kau monong ajo
Orang ke bulan ekau di mano
Muko berpoluh apo teghaso
Carian ubek penawa duko

( P: )
Poilah mandi hari dah tinggi
Jangan temonung menoman tanggo
Ke sawah kito menuai padi
Apo dikonang pekaro yang sudah

( P: )
Si milah kau gilokan
Orang dah masuk meminang
Mano den lotak muko
Kondak kau jang diambik orang
Biar omak cari an lain
Ompuk orang jangan diidam

( P: )
Ha... tu lah, dulu lai den koba kan
Kojo jang... kojo.
Ni.. ke kobun maleh
Ke sawah liat pulak tu

( L: )
Ah.. Omak ni..
Sekolah tinggi tinggi takkan ke sawah do
Buek malu yo...

( P: )
Nak kan anak orang tak payah beduit
Apolah nak jadi kau ni jang oi hai...

( L: )
Abih macano mak
Badan seh ni nak domam yo ghaso eh

( P: )
Dah den koba an dulu kumpo kan duit
Pinanglah copek ini kau tangguh an
Ke sawah kota mengumpo belanjo
Bekonan den si milah buek menantu

( P: )
Apo lai kau sosakan
Menghaung tak ado guno
Milah kawin minggu dopan
Melopong kau jang putih mato
Jangan lai dikonang konang
Asik dikonang merano badan

( L: )
Bekocak air di boting
Limau manih betaruk mudo
Bio becacak koghih dan lombing
Putih kuning den tarik juo

( P: )
Kau nak apo an milah tu pulak
Jangan jang, malu omak
Kito yang susah nanti

( L: )
Seh tak kiro
Seh nak an jugo milah tu mak
Apo nak jadi, jadilah

( P: )
Dah di haruk setan ko budak ni
Dunio pun tak nampak layi...

( L: )
Ke jelobak ke jelobu
Tuai padi tigo tangkai
Kato ombung den...
Kato ongah den...
Kato ocu den
Podih nyo hati menanggung malu
Tak mati badan menghasai... Aih

( P: )
Apo kono eh jang...

Can anyone tell me what they mean in english.

23 April 2005

Earth Day

Yesterday (April 22) was Earth Day.
It started out in the US where the first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. Now, 35 years later, it is celebrated all around the Globe. However, I didn't even see a single mention in the local newspapers (as far as I know).

I would like to congratulate TV3’s Mr Green, journalist Karam Singh Walia for being one of the winners of this year's Maulidur Rasul award. Read the Star report

Several members of the parliament claimed that they had to turn to him "to solve environmental problems in their constituencies". Read the Bernama report.

Born and raised in Teluk Intan, Perak, Karam joined TV3 in 1995 as an environmental journalist and as they say, the rest is history.
Some notable coverages:
- Cameron Highlands in October 2000
- Bukit Gasing,Petaling Jaya in 2002

I can't remember the rest..

Really admire this guy.


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