10 February 2004

GEN 2 and Malaysians

Following the launch of the new GEN 2, there was some intense discussion going on in SuaraMalaysia.com. Some of the criticisms are valid but if you ask me, we cannot ignore the fact that PROTON has indeed contributed a lot to the Malaysian economy. Besides providing employment to over 10 thousand employees, it has given rise to a number of industries supporting and which has grown side by side with the national car. This includes the tyre, sport rims, exhaust and other industries. Granted it has a long way to go before competing with the likes of Ford or Toyota but we have to remember that they had a long head start before Proton. What we can do is provide constructive criticism and I guess the company realises that it has to be competitive in all respects if they want to retain customers.
Regarding support by the Government, even the Indian and South Korean Auto companies receive help from their respective Governments. However, it is amazing how the Koreans have been able to produce cheaper and better cars with great designs. They even have been to penetrate the tough US market. This is something that Proton must study.
Not paying enough attention to their web site is a big mistake. They should have left the old one online before putting up the new one in its incomplete form. Anyway I still believe that the Gen 2 is a small step but indeed in the right direction.

New Pics of Rahil

She is getting prettier by the day. She is now 3 months old and weighs 7KG. We were quite worried that she might be overweight but the doctor said she had excellent growth. Last week we were quite tense when she developed loose motion but the doctor said that it is quite common in growing babies as they put everything within their reach into their mouth. We try to keep the place quite clean but she keeps putting her hand, her toys, even her blanket into her mouth. She was put on a low lactose milk diet and medication for her loose motion and gas. She doesn't like the gas medicine much and she will turn her head here and there and sometimes we end up putting the medicine in her nose. I tried the medicine myself and it TASTES horrible. No wonder the poor baby acts like that. She's Ok with the other medicine but she tenses up when she sees us coming with a dropper and a bottle. Here are some of the latest pictures of Rahil. Ain't she cute:

Pretty in Pink

What is Baba upto?

06 February 2004

Proton Launches New Model

<+new info and edited on the 8th>
Just got this news from my friend in Proton. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today launched the new Proton car, the 1.6 litre GEN.2 (previously known as the Wira replacement model). The car is fitted with the first locally made Campro engine - a 1597 cc 4-cylinder DOHC 16-valve unit which gives out 82 kW/110 bhp of power. It was designed jointely with Lotus and is available in two models, a manual shift version priced at RM52,888 and a automatic shift version priced at RM55,888, exclusive of insurance. They are manufactured in the new facility in Tanjung Malim, Perak. I think that it looks a bit like the Citroen Xsara. Not sure when they are going to be available though - maybe 1 to 3 months. Can't wait to try it out.
In case you didn't know, the Proton site has a new look but it is still under construction. A ittle more about the new GEN . 2, I thought the front looked familiar then I realised that it looks a lot like the Toyota Vios but with more aggressive headlights. It is available in five metallic colours. It’s a good buy considering that comparable 1.6 litre models are much costlier. For example, the new price for the 1.6 Toyota Altis is around RM107,000 and RM 96,000 for the Nissan Sentra 1.6XE (A). The nearest competitor is the Kia Spectra at RM80K to RM85K. You can read the test drive report of the GEN.2 at http://www.autoworld.com.my/. I don’t know why it was called the Wira replacement model as I learnt that it is NOT going to replace the Wira. Maybe they need more time to get rid of the old stock and it has become the cash cow for Proton.

05 February 2004

Biggest Eyesore in KL

I have wanted to write about this for a long long time but somehow it always slips my mind. Have you ever wondered what's the biggest eyesore in whole of KL. I am sure everyone has his/her choice but my vote would have to go to the ugly, uncompleted project called Plaza Rakyat. In case you didn't know its right next to the Pudu Raya bus station. Its been like that (in an incomplete state) for so many years. Besides being an eyesore, its a potential disaster site. The irony is that even though the whole complex is incompete, hundreds pass through it every day at the Plaza Rakyat Star LRT station.
There are several incomplete buildings scattered throughout the Klang Vally, most of which were started by companies which went kaput during the Asian Crisis and others now under some legal investigation or the other. I read letters from anxious people in newspapers now and then. In one case, it was reported that a crane left on top of an unused on an incomplete building collapsed. Fotunately it didn't hurt anyone. The authorities should do something considering that these structures pose a danger to the public - not only because they might collapse anytime but because these places serve as haunts for misfits in society - criminals and drug addicts. Or do we have to wait until something bad to happen before we take action.

03 February 2004

Id Holidays and the Return of the Kings

Just got back from KL early this morning and it's time to update my blog. And I want to clarify my answer to ShinShin about my wife - "Besides "she is nice when she is nice", I should add the following words "And she is always nice." ;-) You have to watch your words very carefully if you have a wife reading it, especially one who is as sharp as mine.
Anyway, the past few days were quite eventful. I had to sit for an exam (after so many years). It was quite OK even though I got some answers wrong. I hope I get an A. On Sunday, Aidil Adha started off with prayers at the mosque and of course heavy meals after that. It was kind of slow after that. Some family members came over in the evening and we had more food to accompany them. Groan!
Yesterday, we (me and my wife) finally got to see LOTR 3 – the Return of the King. Ho Hum! Yes I know. However, that’s what happens when you have a baby at home. We left Rahil in the safe hands of her grandparents and went off to see the movie at the only theatre in town still showing it –TGV at Sunway Pyramid. This was the first time after we had the baby. We were shocked when we saw the queue. It was so damn long. We came a good one hour early to catch the 3 pm show but we were only able to get the seats in the front row. Well! What can I say about the movie? It was worth it even though I had to stretch out on my seat and had a slight pain in my neck in the end. The battle scenes were amazing. The cinematic representation was a bit different from JRR Tolkien's version but I guess its OK considering that the movie would have stretched to more than five hours if they had put in everything in the book. My wife was a bit puzzled about the ending. She was asking me an endless barrage of questions about where the elves, Gandalf, Bilbo and Frodo were sailing off to and why. I tried to answer as best as I could but I guess you have to read the book to understand the whole background of the epic. Some of my friends brought up some interesting observations and questions, like for example, why did the eagles only come in the end. Why did the elves have to wait until the last moment to forge Aragon's sword. Also, if Aragorn had brought the ghost warriors earlier and sent them to defeat Sauron’s army, they could have saved a lot of time, energy and lives. Maybe they were against the policy of pre-emptive strikes, unlike some countries now. There are lots more and I will put them down later. I guess that what happens when you have people who think too much, sit down and discuss a movie.

26 January 2004

Winds of Change in Kelate

Just got back from Kelantan. We took the Air Asia flight to Kota Bharu from KLIA and it was Rahil's first trip on a plane. She was really great and didn't let out a peep. There were two other babies on the plane and they were crying their hearts out. Fortunately, my dad had warned me beforehand. As the plane goes up and down there are changes in the air pressure, which can prove to be quite painful on the sensitive ears of babies and sometimes even for us adults. Sucking something helps and so we took a milk bottle along. While making the milk we were a bit late and we nearly missed the flight. We were among the last passengers on the plane (fortunately there was another couple with their kid or it would have been really embarrassing). My parents were really happy to see Rahil. She was cranky for a while (I guess babies get stressed when they are taken to an unfamiliar environment). However, she soon settled down and was happily smiling to everyone and making funny noices.
Kelantan and Kota Bharu in particular have changed a lot. The first thing you will notice when you get to Kota Bharu (by flight) is the brand new sparkling airport. It really changes the image of Kelantan as a backward state. Many might complain that it’s a waste of money in a place that is known as the poorest state but as they say, the first impression is the last. There are more cars on the road and traffic jams are quite common now. They even have a brand new shopping complex - Billion and a 5-Star Hotel - the Renaissance hotel. I also noticed a lot of big houses coming up. A family friend told us that most of them were being built by successful businessman and government servants coming back from the big city – KL, to retire in their home state. One of things I used to hate about Kota Bharu was the water. Just imagine brushing your teeth in the morning and then realize that you had been washing your mouth with foul smelling, teh tarik colored water. Now, they finally have clean water coming out of the tap. The state government’s effort to promote the use of tudung – head scarves - among muslim women seems to be working. I noticed that many ladies (family friends) who used to go with their hair uncovered were now wearing the tudung.
Of course there were still some ugly images too Kampung - village - women going to work as part time maids, or selling pisang goreng - fried banana fritters - while their useless husbands lived off them. Kids wandering aimlessly or blasting off on bikes without helmets. More single and neglected mothers. And worst of all, the widespread belief in Bomohs - witch doctors - and other practices that I consider “shirik", even among the educated elite. My father noted that in many cases, people would rather take a family member who was ill, to a bomoh than to the hospital. They would consider going to a doctor as the last resort when everything else failed. Women would spend their hard earned money to buy some charm so that their husband would not fall for some younger girl. Stories of black magic were so common. All this happens in a place that claims to be the most Islamic state in Malaysia. That was really sad. I guess that some of these problems would be a lot more harder to change than getting women to wear the tudung which is more visible.

Anyway, life goes on and I was nice to be with my parents and most of all my mum's tasty cooking.

21 January 2004

New Proton Cars

Just got some interesting news from a friend who works in Proton. Well I guess its not a secret anymore. They are going to release 3 new cars - a Wira replacement model, a Satria replacement model and a Tiara replacement model - all fitted with the Campro engine. My friend was gushing about the designs but I am more concerned about the quality. I heard some rumours about a large number of defects in the first batch of cars (am not sure about it) and my friend is keeping mum. Another area which Proton needs to improve is their service quality. I had some prety bad experiences. When I bought my new car - the engine conked out after just one week. I called up the Proton Edar's 24 hour assist and have to admit that their response rate was quite impressive and their team was there in about 30 minutes. It turned out that the alternator was "Rosak". How can a brand new car have a rosak alternator. I was really mad when they put in another alternator which didn't look brand new at all. They said that it was all they had. So when the it was time for my first free service (only the service is free, you still have to pay for the engine oil, etc. etc.), I told them about it. But they said it was new and did nothing about it. I didn't even go for my 2nd free service and instead went to my old trusted mechanic who gave me a better price than their "free service" and I got an free umbrella too. What about that. There was another case where my sister-in-law's interior car light went off just one week after she bought the car. She was noticably annoyed because it was her very first car- a Satira 1.5 auto bought with her own money. The guys in Proton Edar just shrugged and said "Sorry! Not covered under warrenty".
There are a lot of stories about their inefficient service and would take pages and pages. The only problem is that we don't have a choice and we still keep buying Proton cars. In fact, on weekends my in law's house looks like a mini Proton showroom with 2 Proton Wira's ( my wife's and her dad's), an Iswara (brother-in-law) and 2 Satria's (sis-in law and their cousin sis). Looking at it, people might think we are so brand loyal - Proton fans but if we had a choice and a little more money .....
Anyway, I will be taking a short break from the blogging World. Going off to KL today and then its off to Kota Bahru to visit my parents with my wife and Rahil. It will be Rahil's first trip on a plane and I am a bit worried but a lot of people lold me it will be OK. My dad advised me to bring a milk bottle and feed her in the plane. It seems that babies ears are a bit sensitive to the changing air pressure on the plane and sucking something helps. Anyway, Rahil is now about 3 months old and is growing at such a fast rate. She baby talks and smiles a lot. Of course I can't understand what she's trying to tell me. I will put up some pictures of her when I get back.

Gong Xi Fa Chai


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