19 February 2010


My daughter is learning rhymes at school and came up with one a few days ago. She's been pestering me to put it up on my blog.

I foresee that she's going to have her own blog soon.

Anyway here's her poem called honey

I like Honey too
Like Winnie the Poo
and that's what I am going to do.

I asked her "do what?"

"Eat honey!" she replied.

And she wanted it in Pink. She's really happy now.

04 February 2010

Foxes in the backyard

Saw two foxes in the back yard of my sis-in-law's house in Greenwich. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen them myself. Here are these healthy looking foxes in one of the busiest cities in the World.

foxes 100_1253

foxes 100_1257

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The female fox actually looked straight into my eyes and didn't look scared at all.

They did some naughty stuff as well.

foxes 100_1259And finally they went away


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