Choosing a good web hosting company can be one of the most important choices. With all the offers out there, it can get real confusing. I have found out from experience that the costliest is not necessarily the best. The choice depends on the system requirements of the platform you choose, whether you prefer to host on a Linux or Windows based server, your bandwidth and of course how much you are willing to spend.
You may want to take a look at the "Top 10 Web Hosting Providers - Best Web Hosts 2008" on the webhosting rating site. They have some really useful articles as well. For example, check out their "Tips For Choosing A Domain". A must read before you go ahead and buy a domain name. I definitely agree with them when they say "Choosing a domain may not be as simple as perceived.." Finding a name for a new site I was planning on proved to be quite frustrating when I found out that most of the names I had in mind were taken. After reading the article, I decided that the name was too long and finally found a short varient to the name I had in mind.
Really informative post. of coarse i want to earn money.Thanks for discussing about webhosting rating site.I like the suggestions.i always looking for this type of site.Just want to say, thank you.
Everyone wants to earn money .... and if is it from blog.. wow that is too cool for me.
yep i also do agree with you that... earning depends on company. and thanks for informing us about web hosting :D. nice posting ... bless you man.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really need a new host to get my blog off of blogger. I appreciate the post... very informative!
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