06 January 2007

Advice for small business owners

It is estimated that over 98% businesses in Europe, N. America, and Japan are small businesses. However they are not that small when you consider that they employ more than 50% of local populations and produce nearly 50% of the countries GNPs and create more than 2/3 of new jobs. This is according to Cullen and Parboteeah, 2005 in their book Multinational Management: A Strategic Approach.

Anyway, I just came across this really interesting site, which provides free advice for small business owners.

One of the posts was regarding the prediction of Home-based Business Trends in 2007. According to the list compiled by Homestead.com, E-Learning will be one the biggest trends.
With advances in new web application tools such as podcasts and video blogs, development costs will decrease.

Small business owners and entrepreneurs in the US might find the post on the impact of tax law changes on their business, particularly useful.

This is a sponsored post.


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