06 January 2007

Compostable bottles

It's quite amazing, the interesting stuff we come across at the strangest of places.

A few days back, I found this empty mineral water bottle in our car, where my wife had left it. As I was about to throw it away, noticed the words:
The UK's first compostable bottle.

That got me curious and I sat down and read what it was all about. It turns out that Belu natural mineral water bottles are made from corn and hence can be composted. According to their website, "Belu donates all it's profits to fund clean water projects in the UK and around the world".

That's pretty amazing.

Some funny stuff on the bottle:
"The penguins approve".
"Store in a clean, dry, rabbit free place".

This post was NOT sponsored by Belu.



  1. bottle made of corn? hmm... interesting. never knew corn can be use to make bottles.

    when it says that 'this bottle is compostable' does it means it will compost back to corn?

  2. It's nothing new. It just decomposes in the soil, I guess.
