07 January 2007

Hari Raya Aidiladha Gathering

The Malaysian Coventry Society organised a Hari Raya Aidiladha gathering at the Muslim Resource Centre (MRC) today. It was scheduled to start at 9 am but we were late preparing the kids and only got there at 10am. Actually we were fortunate because the guests were only starting to arrive.

It was nice to meet up with the other Malaysians (mostly students) here in Coventry. As usual there were the speeches. We were also introduced to the new committee members. There was a speech by an Ustaz from the Malaysian Students Department. I felt that it was a bit long drawn. Probably because my BM is not really good and maybe because I was really hungry. Hey! I didn't have my breakfast. I was impressed by the fact that he came all the way from London to be with us.

Anyway, the food was great and we enjoyed ourselves.



  1. Hello! Happy New Year to you too and Kak Tita and the kids!! Like your new layout too (is it new?)... Isn't that a picture of Notts Jubilee Campus? I miss Nottingham, heck I miss UK!! :)

  2. Thanks Naz. Yes it's a brand new layout. And you are also right about the pic. I took the pic of the ducks there too.
